Friday, June 27, 2008

NEO Weekly Update, June 27, 2008

Dear NEO Nazarene family,

I have visited with many of you this week and rejoiced with you as you told me of the wonderful services you had this past week. As I was driving to Family church where I preached last Sunday, I was listening to a CD of Paul Baloche. One of the songs began with a man praying for their to be freedom to worship, whether one worshiped with tears, with dancing or with hands lifted high. The prayer acknowledged that our great need is for his presence to be manifest. How true that is. It doesn't matter how nice the facilities are or how well prepared the sermon is...if people don't connect with God in a personal way we go home discouraged. I rejoice in ways God is working in our churches. One pastor wrote me this week ...

Hey I just wanted to tell you we had an absolutely wonderful, Spirit filled service Sunday. There is a sense of unity, excitement and anticipation like I haven't seen since I came here and our numbers are higher than they have been in a long time. I pray God is honoring the sacrifice and commitment of myself and a few dedicated lay people and turning things around.

Several of us had the privilege of attending the Prayer Summit this week at SNU. What a joy to set aside our agenda and just come before God in worship and prayer! God certainly made himself known and lives were transformed. I left more excited about the daily privilege I have of spending time with God and more committed to see our buildings become what Jesus said they should be - houses of prayer. Pray for those of us in attendance that God will give us wisdom as we seek to gear down to hear the voice of God and as we seek for ways to incorporate the prayer emphasis in local and district events. For more information on recent prayer summits, go to:

David Diehl, executive pastor of the Colorado Springs First Church of the Nazarene and son of General Superintendent James H. and Dorothy Diehl, passed away at 9:20 A.M. (Mountain) Monday, June 23, in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

He is survived by his wife, Lori, and young daughters Lexi and Dani. Go to this link for more details:

Northeast Oklahoma participated in the South Central Regional Children’s Bible Quiz on June 21 at Beebe, Arkansas. It was a fun time and great fellowship with over 200 quizzers and around 600 people in attendance from Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas. The 15 Children competing from NEO were:

GOLD medal winners:
Zoe Rose, Central Church (All Star with 2 perfect rounds)
Emily Rose, Central Church
Nathan Phillips, Pryor
Quinten Willcox, Bartlesville
Carley Huffaker, Central Church
Lauren Gilley, Central Church
Chandler Heid, Central Church
Kaity Roach, Central Church

SILVER medal winners:
Maddie Pratt, Broken Arrow
Molly Wheeler, Broken Arrow
Emma Phillips, Pryor
Jerry Troyer, Pryor
Taylor Troyer, Pryor

BRONZE medal winners:
Michael Ford, Pryor
Summer Wilson, Pryor

Thanks to these churches, pastors, coaches, directors, and parents for helping our children study the Book of Genesis and attend our Second Annual Regional Quiz. Next year will be the World Quiz over the Book of Exodus in Orlando, Florida at the General Assembly.

Rachel Bess
NEO District Children’s Quiz Director

Have a blessed Lord's Day! You are loved!

Dave McKellips
NEO District Superintendent