Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dear NEO Nazarene family,

The District training day last Saturday was a HUGE success!!! Our thanks to Tim Odom, SS/Discipleship Chairman, Rodney Durr, Adult Ministries Director, Jonathan Odom, NYI President and Ken Wheeler, Children’s Ministries Leader and their gifted teams for an outstanding day. I have heard positive comment after positive comment from the children, youth and adult workers who attended. It is wonderful to exceed expectations!

Next year’s training event is scheduled for Saturday, April 24. Give us your suggestions for how we can make it beneficial for you and your church.

Gloria and I took some pictures at the Training Event and at recent church visits. I hope you enjoy them:

Family Church, April 19, 2009

Pryor Church, April 26, 2009

District Training Day, Broken Arrow, April 25, 2009

Pastor Jake Reese has resigned from the Pryor Church and will be moving to Kansas City in June. Pray for Jake, Christy and their beautiful girls as they move and for the Pryor Church as they search for a new lead pastor.

Report of Jerry Wilburg, District Work and Witness Coordinator, regarding recent trip to Ukraine:
During our work and witness trip we were pleased to be working at the Church of Vinnitsa, Ukraine. We worked hard, slept little, and ate great Ukrainian food. Each day we would start out with a sharing time, our team along with the guys from the Nikiforovski rehab center working with us and the girls from the Cellishe Rehab center who were there helping with meal preparations. We would share a testimony and then they would share one of theirs.

What we heard and saw was an amazing outpouring of God's grace and power to redeem us from Habits of Chemical dependency and the crimes it brings. Time and time again, we were just blown away by the work that God is doing in a group of people who we might consider to be "new" Christians. They have been empowered by the Missions team on location (Cliff Wright and Bob Skinner) and turned loose to do a mighty work. They are going back to the prisons, by-ways, slums, sewers, and whereever to find those victims of this ugly problem. And God is showing them His awesome power to set these people who are desperately searching for a God shaped hole to be filled in their lives but looking in the wrong places. Everyone was deeply touched by the experience

Pastor Roma wanted to send a note of thanks to all the churches of our district, since all have contributed to sending this District led team out to their location. This is the letter:

Dear Jerry and brothers and sisters in Christ!
Vinnitsa Church of the Nazarene greets you with love in Christ.We would like to express our sincere gratitude to you. This April we were honored to host a Work and Witness Team from Oklahoma state. It was a big blessing to us. These people have shown us a genuine example of Christian life in their love, gentleness, devotion and labor.We thank our Lord Jesus Christ that we can be part of such a wonderful big family, as Church of the Nazarene is. We are grateful to you that you keep us in your prayers and support us financially.We believe that our fruitful fellowship will continue. We love you and pray for you all.May God bless you.
Sincerely yours,
Pastor R.Lebedev and Vinnitsa Church of the Nazarene, Ukraine.

Pastor Don Nichols reports on the recent Native American Camp Meeting in Tahlequah:
What a Great Camp Meeting we have been enjoying. We have partnered with four churches in our community to Host Native American Camp Meeting. I have experienced what the early pioneers of our church must have experienced in Camp Meeting. God Is Real!!!

Southern Nazarene University's Extravaganza for students is fast approaching (May 22-25). Early ONLINE registrations are due May 1st. After May 1st there are late fees. All information can be accessed at There are some changes to Extravaganza, so you should go there and check it out. For example, this year’s Extravaganza is offering housing in the SNU dorms (first come, first served). Also, there are lots of other new things to make it a really fun weekend. We plan to compete as Northeast Oklahoma NYI in as many sports as students are interested in. So far, we have students committing to Senior High Girls Basketball, Senior High Boy’s Basketball and Senior High Girl’s Volleyball. If pastors or youthworkers know of any other students who will be attending Extravaganza and who are planning to play a sport, please let me, or District NYI President, Jonathan Odom, know as soon as possible. This will help us to secure coaches and prepare for a great time!

Thanks very much,
Kay Vernier
Extravaganza Puttin’-It-Together-Person
Sapulpa Church
Email –

Or Jonathan Odom
District NYI President
Broken Arrow First
Email –

God's best to each of you!
Dave McKellips

Friday, April 24, 2009

Dear NEO Nazarene family,

I was at Nazarene Publishing House this week for our Annual Board of Directors meeting. NPH is committed to becoming the leading provider of innovative biblical solutions for the changing church. I was impressed to hear of the innovations being made in Word Action Curriculum and Lillenas Music to deliver products in a way that appeals to a contemporary audience. I brought home a few new products that you may want to check out from the Resource Room: Christianity 101 and Articles of Faith are two new small group series; the kingdom experiment is a new product of The House studio, “publishing the conversation”.

Speaking of Lillenas Publishing Company, did you realize Lillenas is a winner again this year at the 2009 Gospel Music Association's (GMA) Annual Dove Awards. This is the 40th year the GMA has held its annual Dove Awards competition.Lillenas received a Dove Award for its Youth/Children's Musical, "An Island Christmas." The musical was created by Wayne Haun, Shelby Haun, and Joel Lindsey.Lillenas also was named a co-recipient of a Dove Award for best Southern Gospel Recorded Song. "Reason Enough" appears on the Dream On album, which was produced by Ernie Haase and Signature Sound. The words and music were written by Ernie Haase, Joel Lindsay, and Wayne Haun. It was co-produced with the Gaither Musical Group. Wayne Haun, Lillenas' exclusive songwriter, won 12 Dove Awards this year. Tim Curtis, director of Lillenas Publishing Company, said, "We are thrilled to be a winner at the Dove Awards again this year. Lillenas is blessed to have talented people creating tremendous music, and it is an honor for our company and these people to be recognized."

Sunday is Southern Nazarene Sunday. I was on the campus last Monday and give thanks for the dedicated faculty, staff and administration who are shaping minds and hearts at SNU.

Jeremiah Matthew Lawrence was born on 4-19-09 at 4:40AM. He is 19" tall and was 7lb 5oz at birth. Mother and baby are doing fine. Parents are Gaylen and Corrie Lawrence. They live in Houston, TX. area. This makes grandchild # 3 for David and Carol Stevens. Grandmother Stevens is in Houston to help out for several days. God is good all the time!

Looking forward to a great training day tomorrow at Broken Arrow with over 110 preregistered.

Sunday is the last day of our statistical year. I appreciate the effort of our pastors, church treasurers and departmental leaders to get the report completed by May 4.

Grace and peace,
Dave McKellips

Friday, April 17, 2009

Dear NEO family,

These have been exciting and busy days. I have heard and read many wonderful reports of your Easter celebrations. Aren’t we grateful for the cross and the price paid for our redemption! And aren’t we thankful for the victory over death that is ours through Jesus Christ our Lord!

Our HUGE TRAINING DAY on the District is less than a week away - April 25 at Broken Arrow Church. Wouldn't it be great to have 100 children's workers, 30 youth workers and 100 adult workers and 20 church treasurers from across NEO experiencing the fresh ideas, encouragment and inspiration that this day is planned to provide? Wouldn't it be awesome if you were there? The advance registration fee is only $6 and includes lunch. Register with

Our Work and Witness group in Ukraine sends this report: Just a quick update to let you know how things are going here. First of all, everyone is safe and the work is progressing well. The building won't be finished while we're here, but we're working on the construction of a 4-story area that will be the extension to the church. The facility will be used to house the women from the Celishe women's rehab center and provide an additional room (basement) for a prayer room. We participated with them tonight in a Good Friday church service (this is an Orthodox church area, so Easter is celebrated a week after ours). Sunday is Easter Sunday and we'll participate with them for their Easter service. The ladies from the Celishe center are preparing our meals and the guys from the rehab center here in Vinnitsa are helping us with the construction. We've heard testimonies from several individuals, each one is very powerful, some of those we will bring back on video. In short, the trip is very successful at helping us learn what is going on in the Ukraine church.

Let me give a word of encouragement to all of you who present Missionary lessons to your church. You never know how God is going to use your lesson. I heard Dr. Ben Carson, renowned Pediatric Neurosurgeon, speak last week at the Peer Learning Network of Southern Nazarene University. Dr. Carson was asked why he wanted to be a doctor growing up? He answered that as a kid, he listened to missionary stories. Missionary doctors seemed to be the most noble people on earth -offering life and hope back to people – and a dream was born in his heart while living in a poverty and crime filled inner city.

Troy Farmer writes: Would you remind churches that I will be picking up Crisis Care Kits at the District Assembly. I will deliver them to the warehouse in PA in July.

6th ARMM (Association of Retired Ministers and Missionaries) Retreat, October 20 – 23, 2009 in Branson. I encourage local churches will be support these wonderful and deserving servants of Christ and the church. Go to for details on the retreat.



April 23, 2009 at 7:00pm at
Claremore and Central Churches of the Nazarene.

What is Town Hall for Hope?
It is your opportunity to sit down with people in your community for a nationwide town hall meeting led by Dave Ramsey. Thousands of venues across the country will host the event, broadcasting Dave's live presentation. In the opening half hour, Dave will offer straight talk about the economy, recession, foreclosures and more. He'll carefully explain where we've come from, where we are now, and what we should be doing with our money during this time. Then, Dave will spend an hour answering your questions live! Go to for more information.

Did you see Sam Bradford on the 700 Club this week? If not, check it out at this link:

I made it through March Madness and was so proud to have my bracket only be beaten by 201, 288 other people (tough on a guy who is competitive!). Several others do have significant events to celebrate:

  • Pastor Jim Thornton and Pastor Rodney Amos will be graduating with a Masters in Ministry from Southern Nazarene University on May 9.
  • Heather Bryant will receive her Master of Divinity from Nazarene Theological Seminary on May 10.
  • Duane Cox had knee replacement surgery this week. It went well and he is already home.
  • Caden Adams Lauhon was born last week weighing 8 pounds, 1 oz and was 20 inches long. Caden, Cassie (Mom), Chris (Dad) and grandparents, Bud and Linda are doing fine.
  • Don Cowan had a positive pastoral review at Sapulpa.

Our District Secretary, Jim Thornton, will be going to be with his Dad in New Mexico as he has a very serious surgery. I know Jim would appreciate your prayers.

It is great to be a part of the NEO team with you! Have a blessed weekend!

Dave McKellips

Friday, April 3, 2009

Dear NEO family,

Wasn’t last Saturday exciting! Rain, sleet, and 6 – 8 inches of snow following an 80 degree day; Kids Mission Day with almost 50 brave souls getting out despite the conditions; Nominating Committee and Coaches meeting; pastors facing questions about having services on Sunday! Want to try it all again tomorrow?

It is great to read about all the exciting plans being made for Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday in NEO churches. I pray that God will bless your efforts to reach out to your community during the next 9 days! I pray that you will have many seekers at your services and that they will be exposed to clear teaching on the meaning of Christ’s death and resurrection! And I pray they will sense the power that raised Christ from the dead in your lives and services!

HUGE DISTRICT TRAINING DAY, April 25 at Broken Arrow. Outstanding workshops planned for those who work with Children, Youth and Adults. In addition, there will also be a workshop with helps for Local Church Treasurers and another for Pastors as they prepare their Annual Report. We encourage churches to load up People Movers, Vans and Cars for a wonderful time of enrichment, encouragement and connection with others who are trying to make a difference in local church ministry. Lunch is included and the registration is only $6 if received by April 17.

The session for Treasurers will address the following:
1. Church Reporting Requirements: Basic Tax Forms
2. Receipting for Charitable Contributions
3. Accountable Expense Reimbursement Plans
4. The Pastor's Report and Fund Assignments
4. Understanding Housing Allowances
5. Reporting to the Church Board
6. Structuring Advantageous Ministerial Compensation Packages
7. Proper accounting procedures ; division of responsibilities; checks needed to prevent misuse of funds.

I hope you are planning to bring your youth group to Regional Extravaganza at SNU May 22-25! It is going to be an awesome weekend of fun competition, incredible worship experiences with special guest OneTimeBlind, and the chance to connect with others from the NEO District and South Central Region.

Many of you have had questions about the schedule since the timing of the event is going to be a bit different this year. Extrav will take place Friday night (22) – Monday morning (25). A schedule of the event will be posted on the website soon. You can access the Extravaganza webpage by going to or

Following is a list of NEO attendance leaders in March, 2009 verses April, 2008:

Sunday School/ Bible Study
Tulsa Family +108
Bristow +22
Wagoner +19
Tulsa First +16
Drumright +13
Hominy +11
Dewey +8
Horton Chapel +7
Skiatook +6
Chelsea +5

AM Worship
BA Connection +103
Claremore +26
Drumright +26
Wagoner +16
Bristow +13
Dewey +13
Skiatook +9
Bartlesville +9
Owasso Silver Creek +7
Chelsea +5

I WANT TO CELEBRATE. . . . . (from Pastor's monthly report)

Gordon Smith, Dewey…“Fireproof Your Marriage” series is still going really well, and we have had tremendous turnout for it. People are growing, marriages are being strengthened. Mike Ellis became a member of our church this month.

Jim Kent, Tulsa Southwest… receiving 9 new members by profession of faith.

Nathan Burns, Owasso Silver Creek…We have a family going through a difficult time. Our church has stepped up and poured out God's love in an amazing way.I am privileged to Pastor this great church.

David Stevens, Vinita… Several we were praying for were back in church March 28, including one member who has been home-bound for months! God is faithful to answer our prayers. Our teen group attended Acquire the Fire in Tulsa and more than one said, “It was a life-changing experience.” Our Wednesday night Caravan and Teen groups are going very well and we had 51 total attendance on Wednesday night March 4. Teen sponsors are also excited and are planning a Spin Lock-in. The board voted to call Ben Stevens as Youth Pastor.

Gerald “JJ” James, Claremore…. Construction on our Family Life Center and Parking Lot is moving along well. Our Celebrate Recovery Program has been accredited and is now a nationally recognized Celebrate Recovery. This week we are enjoying the ministry of Dr. Chic Shaver in our Spiritual Renewal Services.

John Whitsett, Tulsa Central… Really good services, even though Spring Break and snowstorms clobbered us numerically. We’re also starting to get some visitor flow as part of our invite3 emphasis.

Stephen Hundley, Cleveland…Our Community Dinners are ever growing with 86 and 96 the last to events. Also, our Sunday evening attendance has grown, since moving to a small group format. We have gone from around 25 in attendance to mid 40’s. Praise God!

Casey Hollingsworth, Miami New Life… Life Groups continue to be an amazing success. We’re almost averaging the same attendees at Life Groups as we have on our Sunday morning worship service. Hearing reports how God is using these small groups to develop connectedness with God and between life group attendees.

Wayde Normandin, Chelsea… our church has been focusing on several financial goals this year. We met another one of our financial goals this month by fully funding our emergency fund. We also collected $201.08 for the Alabaster offering. Some members thought this was one of the highest amounts for our church in recent memory. We also met our goal of missionary books read for the year.

Jim Wilson, Barnsdall
… Looking forward to celebrating Easter with the Pawhuska Church. No service last week due to inclement weather.

Jim Wilson, Pawhuska….We are preparing for a children's crusade in May, Biker Breakfast in May, and an additional Bible study has formed on Wednesday night.

Claude Guy, Sand Springs… No matter what our circumstances may be, loss of a loved one, decrease in health, crazy weather, trying economic times, uncertainty of the future - one thing we can be certain of is the power and strength of the One who holds our hand. The Spirit of Christ has filled our services and touched our hearts. By the grace of God, prayers have been answered, new ministries started and financial giving remains strong. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness and for His people who continue to be faithful to Him and the work of His Church.

Angela Bentley, Bristow… God’s goodness and faithfulness to us. We now have a new pianist and a new worship team is forming! Our services have been blessed by the presence of the Holy Spirit and there is a great sense of love and unity within our body. Many are involved in projects or programs aimed at fulfilling our purpose this Easter season – bringing others to Christ!

Alan McBroom, Davenport…We had a great inaugural kids initiative Wed, Mar. 25th called "Healthy Habits For Healthy Kids". We've set it up like a VBS programs with different stations the kids go to. We teach exercise, nutrition, and spiritually healthy habits in a fun way. My daughter Sabrina even wanted to have it again (which is a huge endorsement!) everyday. The kids were excited, the workers were excited, and we even got positive feedback from parents. For instance, all the kids, even the picky eaters, went home saying they tried and liked zucchini! Isn't this a program every Mom and Grandmother would be proud of?!

Don Cowan, Sapulpa… Crazy Love Spring Harvest, salvation of the lost, and Community Love projects. Continued presence of God in our worship services.

Jim Thornton, Tulsa Hills… Lots of new babies. (none of which are in the Thornton house!) I graduate with a Masters of Arts in Church Leadership next month!

Hope you have a blessed (and sunshine filled) weekend!
Dave McKellips