Friday, July 31, 2009

Dear NEO family,

What an absolutely wonderful week this has been weather wise! Whenever we have rain and temperatures in the 80’s during the last week of July, we feel blessed in Oklahoma. I hope the week has also brought showers of blessing to your life, your family and your church.

Some have asked about pictures of that beautiful girl born in Dallas on July 19. I just happen to have a few pictures of Elliana Nicole Mitchell that I can share:

At one of the workshops I attended at General Assembly, Merritt Nielson spoke of the need for small group gatherings (Sunday School, home groups, etc) that compliment the large congregational assemblies. In the smaller groups people make friends (otherwise they make tracks…out the door); in the smaller group, people’s input is valued; the smaller group- Sunday School in most of our churches – is the church organized to carry out the Great Commission in tangible and practical ways.

Whatever you call these small gatherings, they need to…
Provide opportunity to study God’s word
Encourage life change
Cultivate relationships
Promote participation
Reproduce leaders
Provide care
Multiply and divide

District Boards meeting this month: Your input needed. Our District Sunday School/Discipleship Board, our District Nazarene Youth International Council and our District Nazarene Missions International Council will all be meeting in the next three weeks. How can these District teams resource ministry in your church? How can they serve as catalysts for growth at the local level? We welcome your input.

I want to celebrate… (from Pastor's monthly reports)

Stephen Hundley, Cleveland...we had a great Baptismal Service, this month. Having Spirit-filled services every week. Praise God!

David Stevens, Vinita… “There are no little people, no little places.” Francis Schaefer. There are so many wonderful things about serving as Pastor in the smaller group. We really enjoy the closeness and fellowship of Vinita Nazarene. During July we had the usual Sundays with low attendance because of vacations. On those Sundays there is a strong sense of closeness and fellowship. We also had a couple of Sundays with higher than average attendance, and so our average increased over last year. We have every indication that the growth trend will continue with new people attending, and everyone saying they love this church.

Alan McBroom, Davenport...8 kids going to Kids Kamp and having an eternal impact on their lives! Vacation is good! We served dozens of people this month with our clothes ministry, the “Clothes Closet.

Jim Wilson, Barnsdall…Many of those suffering physical ailments in the church are making full recoveries.

Jim Wilson, Pawhuska…Attendance has been up, a new order of service is helping us connect in worship, and Pastor Jim received an encouraging review.

Jim Thornton, Tulsa Hills…Dedicated two more children.

Dwain Young, Horton Chapel… Horton Chapel provided a Sponsor for Children's Camp and we sent and paid the way for eight girls to attend. Next week, August 5,6 and 7 we will be having VBS.

John Whitsett, Tulsa Central… Harold McKellips is feeling remarkably better in the wake of getting the injection in his back! And---although numbers have been down with people on vacation, we’ve had really good services marked by a sense of God’s presence. The Sunday of our VBS program had a number of guests present.

J.J. James, Claremore…On July 19th we dedicated our new Family Center and Parking Lot. We are all glad to be at the end of this project and look forward to using these tools to reach out to others in our community.

Casey Hollingsworth, Miami New Life…The church overwhelmingly voted to accept the building committee’s 3 phase building plan. This has helped to create much excitement and unity around a central purpose in our church. We can’t wait to get things going!

Angela Bentley, Bristow… a great hunger for God, a burden for the lost, and persevering spirits in our people, even in the midst of many trials. The Holy Spirit has been present in mighty ways in our services with the entire family gathering at the altar for anointed times of prayer. We are anticipating great things from God in our future. God miraculously provided funds for 11 teens to go to camp. Only one of these teens had ever been to camp before. He continues to do amazing things in our youth. Our commitment to reaching the lost and ministering to the “least of these” provided us an opportunity to minister to a segment of people we might not have interacted with before through the tragic death of a young man connected to our youth outreach. We are hearing reports in the community that we are becoming known as the church where people can go when they have nowhere else to turn. Praise the Lord!

H. Gordon Smith, III, Dewey…The Wilson family joined our church this month, and have been ongoing faithful attenders, and it is great to have them committed to our church. I would especially like to celebrate a man who 2 months ago was so far from the Lord, and his marriage, family, and life was falling apart. He re-committed his life to the Lord this last month, and he is on fire for the Lord, and his marriage is being restored! The transformation has been tremendous! Praise the Lord!

Don Cowan, Sapulpa… New Children’s program – Boomerang Kids; Decisions for salvation made at Kidz Kamp; New families coming to the church .

Wayde Normandin, Chelsea… This past month we had four teenage young ladies make a commitment to God, themselves, their friends and their future mate to a lifetime of purity including sexual abstinence until the day they enter a biblical marriage relationship.

NEO TOP LEADERS (in attendance gain over last year's averages)
Sunday School/Discipleship
Tulsa Family +251
Fe y Esperanza (new start) +25
Sapulpa +17
Sand Springs +13
Bristow +12
Hominy +7
Skiatook +7
Davenport +1
Tulsa Hills +1

BA Connection (new start) +96
Fe y Esperanza (new start) +30
Bristow +16
Wagoner +6
Pawhuska +5
Tulsa Central +5
Cleveland +3
Miami New Life +3
Vinita +3
Collinsville +2
Sapulpa +2
Tulsa Living Hope +2

Grace and peace,

Dave McKellips

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Dear NEO family,

Last evening I had the privilege to attend Kids Kamp II. I was refreshed immediately after arriving at the camp with a second baptism (ask the campers for details). I enjoyed watching our kids do Bible Quizzing, ate dinner and took a walk to “Inspiration Point”. But the hi-light of any camp for me is the worship service.

It was interesting how last night’s worship touched me. As the speaker challenged us to find ourselves in God’s story and to offer ourselves and our future in surrender to God, I encountered God in a fresh way and offered myself anew to him. It brought me back to many camp experiences, especially a youth camp at Roaring River State Park in 1969, where my encounter with God was life changing.

Let’s pray that encounters with God by our children and youth at camps the past two weeks will continue to bear fruit. And let’s renew our own commitments, offering ourselves and our futures to God. Last night Monty Nichols led the kids in singing the following song. Why don’t you pray it right now?

Lifesong ------Casting Crowns
Empty Hands held high
Such Small sacrifice
If not joined with my life
I sing in vain tonight

May the words I say
And the things I do
Make my lifesong sing
Bring a smile to you

Chorus:Let my lifesong sing to You
Let my lifesong sing to You
I want to sign your name
to the end of this day
Knowing that my heart was true
Let my lifesong sing to You

LORD, I give my life
A Living sacrifice
To reach a world in need
To be your hands and feet
So may the words I say
And the things I do
Make my lifesong sing
Bring a smile to You

We are a part of a great team! Youth and Kids Kamps remind us of the joys of being a part of a district team. We need each other. We are better together.

This morning two checks came in the mail from churches that were not able to pay all of their budgets in 2008-09. I opened the envelopes with thanksgiving for churches who work so diligently to pay their fair share of our team budget. It is a joy to serve alongside you.

New grandbaby. Gloria and I are the proud grandparents of little Elliana Nicole Mitchell; 6 lbs., 4 oz.; 18 1/2 inches long. All is well...everyone is fine even though she came two days prior to a scheduled C Section. Keri was in labor all day and they delivered her via a c section around 7 pm Sunday evening (19th). Keri, Damien and Elliana went home on Thursday and Gloria is there helping. Thanks for your prayers and support. Let me know if you want to see pictures.

Church News: Brady Wisehart has arrived to be lead pastor at Tulsa Family. The Okmulgee Board has interviewed Cole Weston and are recommending him to the congregation for a vote on August 16. Pryor is interviewing Dan Hazelton this coming Wednesday. Tulsa Southwest has asked Nick Vernier to serve as Interim Pastor, anticipating around a six month interim.

Praying that my lifesong will bring a smile to His face!
Dave McKellips

Friday, July 17, 2009

Dear NEO Nazarene family,

I had the privilege to be a part of our youth camp, “Enigma”, from Monday through Wednesday this week. We had 355 students and sponsors representing 21 different churches at the camp. Your students are awesome! What a joy to interact and worship with them. Let’s pray that the spiritual breakthroughs of camp will bear lasting fruit in the lives of our youth and in our churches.

The camp sponsors are heros in my book. Many of them take a week of vacation to work at camp. They are involved with the kids 24 hours a day and show amazing energy, patience and love. Help us say "thank you" to all of our sponsors when they get home from youth and kidz camps!

Kidz Kamp I and II are next week. We have over 300 enrolled as campers or workers. Steve Miller has created a website for the camp The user name is "parent" and the password is "neonaz" (without the quotes). We are going to keep a daily update going with comments from Kamp Director, Linda Holland, and pictures of our activities.

Linda Holland writes, “Please pray for Kidz Kamp. My prayer is that everyone from the youngest camper to the oldest worker will Meet the LifeSavior---some to give their heart for the first time, some to give their heart back to Jesus and some to draw closer in their daily walk with him. Please pray for Dave Mowry (our speaker) and Monty Nichols (who will do our music). Pray that God will let us be a reflection of Him this week.”

Living Hope Church, June 21, 2009

General Conventions in Orlando, June 21 - 25

This Sunday, July 19, 6:00pm Claremore Church will celebrate the dedication of their new Family Center and Parking Lot.

Kay Hilton, the District NMI Publicity Chairperson, fell and broke her arm a week ago. The bones were separating instead of growing together, so they surgically implanted a plate in her arm. Please pray for complete healing of the arm.

After almost nine years of youth ministry at Sapulpa, Rev. Kay Vernier has left Sapulpa and is exploring new options.

Rev. Jim Kent has resigned from the pastorate at Tulsa Southwest. Pray for Jim and Kim. They have worked hard on their marriage, but some major problems persist.

Dr. David Frisbie has announced his resignation from the staff of Family Church. David's last Sunday will be July 19

Carl Brown’s brother, Kenneth, died on Friday, July 10 in Hyden, Kentucky.

You are loved!
Dave McKellips

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Dear NEO family,

It was a privilege to represent you at the General Assembly and Conventions in Orlando. What a treat it was to rejoice with our extended family over the continuing work of God around the world. Our votes in Orlando continue to make us more of an international church with a General Superintendent elected from Africa, a General NMI President from Jamaica and approval of a Global Manual. If you haven’t done so, I encourage you to go to and watch some of the inspiring services and read daily reports on the action of your church.

NEO was honored at the Sunday School/ Discipleship Ministries Leadership Luncheon with the 2005- 2009 SDMI Quadrennial Growth Award! Way to go NEO!

Rev. Brady Wisehart has accepted the call to pastor Tulsa Family Church. Brady, Carrie and their daughter, Kayden, will be moving to NEO in two weeks with their first Sunday on August 2. We welcome the Wiseharts to the NEO team!

July is camp month in NEO. Kid’s Kamps are held the week of July 19. The youth head to Windermere next Monday for “Enigma”. NYI President, Jonathan Odom, tells me that we already have 325 people registered for camp! Isn’t that exciting! Let’s pray that God will manifest himself in a powerful way and those young people’s lives and destinies will be changed. Church camp was used by God to greatly impact my life. Do it again, Lord!

Speaking of our youth, I love to see the way they get involved to impact our world. Brittany Brown, the young lady from Tulsa Family Church who shared at the Great Commission Rally gave me information this week on the next event planned to raise money for Water Wells in Kenya. I will print the information below, but if you need posters, contact the District Office.

2009 II KENYA Do It

Friday July 31st, 7 PM, $2 Entry Fee
5205 S. Aspen in Broken Arrow, (918)455-8094,

Featuring Music By: Collin & Scott Band, City Static, The Dancing Bear & More!

There will be: food, fundraising games, karaoke, old time pictures, throw eggs at people!


…and if any one gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth he will certainly not lose his reward; whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst…

The service for Dr. L. Paul Gresham, father of President Loren Gresham, will be Friday, July 10, at 11:00 a.m. at Bethany First Church of the Nazarene. There is no scheduled visitation. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests contributions to the Daniel K. Gresham English Scholarship fund at SNU. Let us continue to lift the Greshams in prayer during this time of loss.

SNU Tulsa. Here are the upcoming groups starting at Southern Nazarene University in Tulsa and their targeted start dates:

Master's of Science in Management--August 6th
Master of Business Administration--August 6th
Bachelor's of Science in Family Studies and Gerontology--August 18th
Bachelor's of Science in Organizational Leadership--September 14th
Master's of Science in Nursing Education--September 28th
Master's of Science in Nursing Leadership--September 28th
Master's of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy--October 19th

"I am Celebrating..." We monthly ask our pastors to share what they are celebrating. Many were celebrating being in Orlando... but we did hear from a few:

Dr. David Frisbie, Tulsa Family…When the dust settles, it looks like we will take in about 70 new members from January through June of this year. Most of these are brand new to church-going; they aren't simply Nazarenes leaving some other church. GOD IS GOOD. We'll get a new building and a new pastor and we'll be ready for God to do some new things!

John Whitsett, Central…A very positive conclusion to our 40 Days of Love emphasis. Great material!!! Highly recommend it to any church that is wanting something that can help them launch new small groups.

Jim Wilson, Pawhuska… Pastor Jim and family had a great vacation while Pawhuska enjoyed the ministries of Rev. Dean Ferguson and Elizabeth George.

Jim Wilson, Barnsdall… Barnsdall enjoyed the ministries of Ed Buguire and Elizabeth Johnson in Pastor Jim's Absence.

David Stevens, Vinita… Thank God for the wonderful services at the NMI Convention and General Assembly. It was a time of revival for my wife and me. We returned weary, but determined to pray and work even harder to “Make Christ-Like disciples” in our mission field of Vinita, OK. I also want to thank the District NMI Convention for allowing me to serve as delegate. I will be reporting in the near future about sessions I attended. On the home front we are excited about our Wednesday Night VBS classes. We want to say thank you to Dee and Scheneista Proctor for the new kitchen remodel and appliances.

Alan McBroom, Davenport… Praises: We had 21 kids to attend our VBS last Wed-Fri evenings. The leadership team really stepped up to the bat by preparing for a funeral after Friday’s VBS that would occur Saturday morning!


Sunday School/Discipleship
Broken Arrow First +22
Fe y Esperanza +20
Wagoner +15
Bristow +14
Chandler +14
Drumright +11
Sand Springs +10
Hominy +9
Horton Chapel +9
Skiatook +8

AM Worship
BA Connection +96
Glenpool SoCo +70
Collinsville +36
Horton Chapel +21
Fe y Esperanza +20
Sand Springs +17
Bristow +16
Claremore +13
Fuente de Vida +10
Broken Arrow First +8

It is a joy to serve alongside you in NEO!
You are loved!
Dave McKellips