Friday, March 26, 2010

Dear NEO family,

Greetings in the majestic name of Jesus! We are only a few days from Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week, the most important seven days in the church calendar year. It begins with the commemoration of Jesus riding into Jerusalem to a cheering crowd and being crucified five days later. I know that our pastors and lay leaders are working hard to plan services and sermons that help us tell again the wonderful story of Jesus and His love. Let’s invite our friends and pray, expecting God to again break into our services with His forgiveness, hope and power.

I love how our churches are keeping the main thing the main thing. I was at Tulsa Family last Sunday (Pastor Brady Wisehart moved here from Ohio – the snow doesn’t faze him!). Family Church is using the Salvation Candle. They light the candle when someone becomes a new follower of Christ through the ministry of the church in the previous 7 days. It was great to see Brady light the candle and hear the story of someone who was saved this past week.

Connection Church and Pastor Brad Farnsworth are intent on sharing the good news with people in their sphere of influence. Brad asked the members to turn in names of people they are praying for and inviting for Easter. Over 150 names have been turned in! Let’s join them in prayer that the Connection Church people will have an opportunity to give invitaitons and those they ask will be open to the Holy Spirit.

Chandler will begin Spiritual Renewal Services with John Juneman this Sunday. Pastor Keith Cole says, “Sunday Morning will be evangelistic in nature. We are praying to have guests of our church family that been cultivated through “Each One, Win One” present at the opening service. We will have a fellowship dinner following the service. A prayer cell has been ministering in prayer on Sunday nights just for these meetings and praying for individuals who need Jesus.” Services will continue nightly through Wednesday, March 31. A half-hour before each evening service a prayer room will be open. And following each evening service we will have a chat room for people to gather with our evangelist for an extended communication and fellowship.

Thanks to those who participated in the free delivery of Crisis Care Kits. 60 boxes (360 Crisis Care Kits) from NEO are on their way to Haiti. Troy Farmer reports, “I met the shipment on its way to Florida in Durant on Tuesday morning (3-9-10) and loaded 60 boxes of CCk's plus 2 boxes of supplies on the truck. I hope we will have enough CCk's to make a trip to the warehouse in PA after District Assembly.”

SNU students partner with NCM to work on Haiti project in Port-au-Prince
Students and sponsors from Southern Nazarene University (SNU) have partnered with Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM) to work and serve those who suffered devastation from the January 12 earthquake in Haiti. A trip to Port-au-Prince has been set for May 14 -23.The SNU students who are participating in the Haiti project went through an interviewing process and have been chosen, along with student alternates. SNU pre-med and nursing students will be able to partner with Heart to Heart International and go out on rounds with them during the day while serving in Port-au-Prince. The cost for SNU students and participants is $1,200. In addition, the group is working hard to raise $18,000 for project costs. During the visit, team members will stay on property owned by the Church of the Nazarene which is located on the outskirts of Port-au-Prince.For more information about the work NCM is doing in Haiti, visit

It is a joy to be a partner in the mission of God with you! You are loved!

Dave McKellips

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dear NEO family,

What a joy it was this past weekend to gather with the NEO family for Spiritual Renewal Weekend. Susie was fabulous and it was truly a time of encountering God and His life-changing and life-renewing power. I rejoice in all of the great reports I am receiving about the weekend. God is good!

While we are sharing good news, let me pass on some things our pastors are celebrating:

David Stevens, Vinita… Our services have been blessed. New attend-ers are growing and learning how to walk with the Lord daily.

Jim Wilson, Pawhuska… A renewed focus for Pastor and the Board with renewed energy for Pawhuska in 2010. New small group formats.

Gordon Smith, Dewey…(1) Evangelism training is going well – many people are learning to step out of our comfort zone and witness their faith. (2) We had a great youth fundraiser dinner for a future Youth Missions trip in July! (3) Although I am sad to see him go, I also want to celebrate that Don Engie has taken a church in Norwood, MO as Sr. Pastor. I am so proud of him!

Don Cowan, Sapulpa… The contemporary worship service on Sunday mornings; the fellowship we have at our weekly bowling league; the start of a Men’s basketball league; beginning of new Life Application Groups on Sunday evenings.

Cole Weston, Okmulgee… Broken Arrow’s amazing commitment to servanthood--they make me want to be even more devoted to our Lord; a great retreat and a much needed time away to gain focus on my ministry; wonderful people in my church who worked hard in my absence.

Angela Bentley, Bristow… Our Sunday School and Discipleship ministries are exploding. We are striving to live out our mission statement to “Love God and Serve Others” and God is richly blessing our labors and adding to our numbers weekly. The Spirit is present and active in our services and there is a wonderful sense of love, unity, and community among the people. We have decided as a united body to move forward and begin the process to build a new church on our property! God is so good.

Jim Johnson, Barnsdall… God is blessing the Barnsdall Church of the Nazarene. Physical improvements have been made in the form of a new roof and the installation of a guttering system. Also, a wheel chair accessible ramp is currently under construction. Our Wednesday night service is proving to be a powerful instrument in proclaiming God's glory. The services have been well attended and we meet with a sweet spirit and comradery, laughter and praise. Glory to his name!

Alan McBroom, Davenport
… Our Wed. night service, “Food for the body and soul” has been a great Bible study and fellowship time.

Gerald Burch, Coweta… We are having some new families attend, some on a regular basis, we are seeing a good potential for growth, numerically and spiritually for our congregation. God has blessed us so that we are financially stable; which is a wonderful blessing during this financially stressed period we are experiencing in today’s economy worldwide. Someone has expressed an interest to come and work with our Youth, this would be an answer to prayer, especially with the increase we have seen in this area, and the diversity of age with in this area of ministry that we have been experiencing. We are looking forward to some great things a head as God continues to provide.

John Whitsett, Tulsa Central… Angie and I had a wonderful trip to Korea in conjunction with my studies at Asbury Seminary. It was unbelievably cold, but incredibly stretching and challenging. In spite of the exhaustion from busy days and a 15-hour time change, it was renewing to my spirit.

Below are our pace setters in attendance growth this past month:

NEO Leaders February 2010

Sunday School/Discipleship
Bristow +26
Dewey +25
Barnsdall +15
Wagoner +13
Hominy +11
Skiatook +8
Tulsa Southwest +6
Bartlesville +5
Horton Chapel +5
Sand Springs +2

AM Worship
Wagoner +11
Barnsdall +10
Hominy +8
Owasso Silver Creek +7
Cushing +6
Sand Springs +4
Coweta +7
Davenport +3
Bartlesville +2
Mannford +2

We rejoice in good news and cry with one another through loss. Three pastors in NEO have resigned recently:
Don Cowan, Lead Pastor in Sapulpa, will be moving to Fort Smith, Arkansas to be lead pastor there.
Darren Melton, Worship Pastor in Bartlesville will be taking a lead pastor job in Independence, Kansas
Ken Wheeler, Pastor to Families with Children at Broken Arrow First, will be taking a similar position at Denver First.
These three gentlemen have not only served their local churches well, but they have been tremendous team players and assets on the District. We will greatly miss them and their families.

NEO Kidz Kamp
Where: Sky Ranch at Cave Springs
When: July 23-25
Who: Finished 1st Grade through finished 6th Grade
Cost: Early Bird Special: $115 if sent by July 1st (snacks included)
More Information: Contact Linda Holland

The Dallas district is serving as co-sponsor with NCS for the 2nd Cowboy University Training event, April 23-25, 2010 in Red Oak, Texas. This 3-day event provides information and training relative to those interested in learning more about the Cowboy Church movement, and or starting cowboy churches as part of the Church of the Nazarene. Go to the following website for details:

The 2:8 House, our Nazarene Student Ministry at the University of Oklahoma is behind budget for the new year. The budget is set at just over $7000/month and they are receiving about $3500/month. On April 23, 2010 there will be a Tulsa area fundraising/thankyou dinner at the Silver Creek Church of the Nazarene in Owasso. Contact Nate Burns (918.633.6082) for more information.

It is great to be a part of the NEO Team! You are loved!

Dave McKellips

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Never the Same…
A Life Changing Encounter with Jesus Christ
NEO Spiritual Renewal Weekend
March 5 - 7, 2010

It is always a delight when Nazarenes and friends from across Northeast Oklahoma gather together to worship and pursue God. Our confidence is that when we draw near to God, He will draw near to us. Because of His presence, we will be encouraged, corrected, challenged, equipped and transformed. We are so thankful that you have chosen to “make space” for God to work in your life this weekend. Join us in prayer right now that this will be a time of absolute openness, absolute honesty and absolute obedience.

Service Times: Friday, 7pm * Saturday, 6pm * Sunday, 6pm

Leaders in Worship: Our evangelist is Rev. Susie Shellenberger. Susie is known nationally as editor of Brio and now Susie magazines, author, speaker for youth and women’s events and evangelist. She is an elder in the Church of the Nazarene. Our worship leaders all serve NEO Nazarene churches : Collin Campbell - Tulsa Family; Rev. Steve Davis - Sapulpa and Rev. Aaron Horton – Tulsa Central.

Kid’s Revival. Rooms open 15 minutes before each service. Sign your child in and pick up a number card. Pick up children immediately after service.
1st – 6th Graders Rm. 104, 105, 106 Josh Turner, speaking
3 yr. – K W-2 “Lil K’ with Rachel Bess
Babies – 2 yr. Nursery in Family Life Center

Youth Break-the-Fast Party: Friday after the service at Regency Park Church. Breaking fast of 30 hour famine at 11pm. Cost is only $5 and a small jar of jelly for Manna House.. Students are to be picked up by Midnight.

Primetimer’s Gathering: Come and enjoy good fellowship and food. Saturday, 4:30pm, Central Fellowship Hall; $5 at the door. RSVP requested but not required.

Offering: Our SRW budget is almost $7000 to cover evangelists, musicians, children’s and AV workers, publicity, utilities and janitorial cost. We know many are encountering financial difficulties and we are not trying to add to your overwhelming load. But for those who are able to help, we are not ashamed to ask for the generous financial support of every church and every individual. Thanks in advance for your support!

Thank you!!
Elders: Nathan Covington, Otoniel Dannemann, Jim Kent, Gary Reynolds, John Whitsett
Laypersons: Gwenan Childress, Joanna Majka, Jay Richburg, David Stroup
Ex Officio: Dave McKellips (District Superintendent), Angela Bentley (Sunday
School/Discipleship Ministries International Chairman), Debbie Martin
(Nazarene Missions International President), Ken Wheeler (Children's Ministry
Director), Jonathan Odom (Nazarene Youth International President)

A huge thanks to Kent Clagget for his help filming and editing the SRW promo videos; to Autumn Lew of Graphic Minion Studios for the design of our posters and inserts; to Central Church for hosting our services; to Angela Bentley, Nathan Covington, Joanna Majka, Dave McKellips, Larry Morris, Gary Reynolds, Susie Shellenberger and Ken Wheeler for writing daily devotionals; to our weekend evangelist, worship leaders, children and youth workers.