Saturday, August 23, 2008

Dear NEO family,

There are always pastors and laypersons on our District in need of your prayers. I don't often try to forward these requests on to the whole district, but today I am asking you to join in prayer for our Hispanic Coordinator and his wife, Otoniel and Gloria Dannemann. Gloria was detained in Argentina as she tried to leave the country a few weeks ago. The legal procedures have dragged on and the matter is now being referred to a provincial court. This has already been very costly financially and I am not sure the impact his is having on Gloria's job with the Jenks school system. As you can imagine, it is also very taxing emotionally on Gloria and Oto. Also, last Sunday Oto's father, a distinguished Nazarene educator and leader in Guatemala, died. Oto just returned from the funeral and is grieving the loss of his father. Join me in prayer for protection, deliverance, provision and comfort for this wonderful couple.

Each blog I send has a link to pictures from churches or events in NEO. If there are pictures from the shutterfly albums that you want to save, you should be able to go to the album and click on the picture you want. After it is enlarged, right click on the picture, scroll up to "save picture as" and save it to the file you choose on your computer. Let me know if you have any problems with this. We will be deleting some of the old pictures files in September, so save anything you need this week.

Below are pictures from our visit to Dewey last Sunday, August 17:

Youth leaders may want to check out the following: Tulsa, March 27-28, 2009 “Here Comes Trouble”

Tharon Daniels is retiring this month as DS of the Northwest Oklahoma District. He will certainly be missed by not only his District, but by all who serve in Oklahoma. Recently Tharon sent the following article to his district:

The Starbucks Experience
I have been reading a book called The Starbucks Experience: 5 principles for Turning Ordinary into Extraordinary. It is not a book about church growth, but it’s a business book with some simple principles that could apply to the church. In the first chapter, which is a discussion of Starbuck’s first basic principle, “Make it your own,” they emphasize “Five Ways of Being”. Their leaders allow a lot of freedom to their employees, as long as they stick to these five ways of being. These will apply to any business and especially to any church:
• Be welcoming: offer everyone a sense of belonging.
• Be genuine: at Starbucks, being genuine means to connect, discover and respond.
• Be considerate: For Starbucks that means looking out for the environment and for their suppliers, most of whom come from third world countries. Whose needs can you and your church consider?
• Be knowledgeable: When Starbucks leaders ask their partners to “be knowledgeable,” they are encouraging employees to “love what they do and share it with others”
• Be involved: being involved means active participation in the church, in your community and in the world.
There are four other major principles in the book: Everything matters; surprise and delight; embrace resistance; and leave your mark. Those are great principles for any pastor and any church.
By the way, Barbara and I were traveling through Albuquerque, NM a couple weeks ago and stopped at a Starbucks. We ordered our coffees, Barbara got hers but they forgot mine and I had to wait a couple of minutes while they fixed me another drink . . . to make sure that I was satisfied with my experience and to apologize for the oversight, they gave me a coupon for a free coffee drink the next time I am in a store. Instead of feeling slighted, I felt honored.
Blessings, Tharon.

Thanks for being committed to making your church the best it can be ... being a High-Impact Church! You are loved!

Dave McKellips

Friday, August 15, 2008

Dear NEO Nazarenes,

My cup is full and running over as I write to you this Friday afternoon. I have been privileged this past week to witness God’s activity in our midst:

1. Last Saturday evening I attended one of the youth revival services at Bristow. The music and testimony were powerful; it was great to see some churches coming together in mission; but what really touched me and challenged me was the “heart of a great pastor” I saw on display. Pastor Angie Bentley spoke earnestly and tenderly to the young people on her “responsibility list”, most who come from unchurched homes. She told them how she prays for them by name every day and she pictured a special future for them with Christ. I left challenged to be a better pastor, and extremely thankful for the privilege of being a partner in ministry with Angie and so many other great pastors we have in NEO.

2. On Sunday morning I went to a “preview service” at Connection Church. You would have been proud of this new church! They were SO ready for company. Their guest services team, children’s ministry team and worship teams all did a fantastic job. Pastor Brad Farnsworth spoke with clarity and conviction. Lots of visitors were present, and best of all, God’s presence was sensed.

As I sat in this service, I was not only proud of Brad and Laura and the wonderful launch team, but I was proud to be a part of a district family that is committed to mission and NewStart Churches! Thanks, NEO! Thanks Pastor Rickey and Family Church!Use the link below for pictures from Connection Church on August 10.

We have been praying with Brad for financial provision as they launch this church with radio spots and mailings. On Monday, Brad texted me and told me of a large gift that came in the mail. Isn’t God good!

3. On Monday I spoke with Pastor Doug Gunsalus about their first sneak preview service at SoCo Community Church. Let me have Doug tell you about it:

We had a wonderful service! The Spirit was really there and we have had a lot of positive feedback. We were able to share vision and connect with people, not to mention worship for the very first time as South County Community Church! A sneak preview also serves to help us practice what we are going to do, and although we had a great service, we also saw some things that could use improvements and some things changed all together. However, because of the Spirit that was there, these things seemed minimal at best. Things like when and how we take the offering were overshadowed by an authentic worship experience that had people talking about the possibilities of SoCo after the service and the mission that we were on. What an awesome day! As I said, we had two families that showed up in response to our mailer. It was very nice to meet those who came just to check us out as well as guests of our launch team who were potential members. All in all, we had 73 people in attendance (54 adults, 19 kids) and we also had a wonderful offering! We are also ready to work on our follow up. I have am calling each visitor personally, there is a letter going out, and there is also an invitation going out to each household for our upcoming bar-b-q on sunday evening. Our children's department is also making contacts and thanking kids for coming and inviting them to the cookout as well.

Central Church and Sapulpa Church each sent over 70 workers to separate work days at SoCo this summer. They have been great sponsors for this ReStart and Pastor Whitsett, Pastor Cowan and their congregations are to be commended. Again, it is great to be a part of a District with churches that are committed to mission outside their walls. Use the link below to see pictures showing some of the remodeled SoCo facility:

4. On Tuesday one of our new seminary grads, Cole Weston, came by to visit. Cole has been busy in the Air Force reserves this summer, but is home in Broken Arrow for a few days and is looking for a ministry assignment. Isn’t it great to young people responding to God’s call!

5. On Wednesday, I had a wonderful call from Pastor Buddy Davis, leader of Celebrate Recovery at Family Church. Faith Church has graciously allowed Family Church to use their facilities three days a week for Celebrate Recovery. Family Church helps with expenses, but also has worked to care for the facilities. I had spoken with Buddy earlier in the week about work days they are planning at Faith Church in the coming weeks. We were not sure how they were going to pay for all of the projects on their list.

That brings us back to the Wednesday call. Buddy tearfully told me that he had spoken with Pastor Claude Guy and the Sand Springs Church Board had voted to give $20,000 to help with ministry needs. Pastor Guy said they "want to share in the blessings" of this exciting ministry. Not only that, but Faith has some money to commit to the repair and updating needs. Isn’t God good!

And isn’t it a joy to be a part of such a generous district family where churches look for an opportunity to bless and help other churches and ministries!Work days are scheduled at Faith Church; August 23 and Sept. 6, 9am – 4pm. Contact Buddy Davis, if you need more information or to volunteer.

6. On Wednesday evening I attended a revival service at Bartlesville First Church. Dr. Stephen Manley spoke and God used him to "tune my heart". Thanks Pastor Randy Schuneman and the Bartlesville church for making times of renewal and revival a priority.

Can you believe that they pay me to get to work with this District family and share in the blessings of God! God is good.

It certainly would make you wonder why I would consider leaving all this to run for President of the United States. But I probably need to be in the open with you about this grassroots campaign that is taking off.

Centennial Sunday School curriculum underscores core values
Since the earliest days of the Church of the Nazarene, children, youth, and adults have learned the scriptures and biblical truth in Sunday School and small groups. During the Centennial Celebration, Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International (SDMI) and Nazarene Youth International (NYI) continue that great heritage by providing four Bible-based, age-appropriate, and doctrinally sound sessions for all ages, highlighting the core values of the Church of the Nazarene:
We are Christian – September 14, 2008
We are Holiness – September 21, 2008
We are Missional – September 28, 2008
The Radical Optimism of Grace – Centennial Sunday, October 5, 2008
Curriculum for children is available in early childhood and elementary levels. Each of these lessons is accompanied by a downloadable PowerPoint presentation and activity sheet. “During this special Centennial Celebration, the children’s Sunday School lessons premier the Church of the Nazarene core values for children,” says Children’s Ministries Director Lynda Boardman. “We want the children at an age-appropriate level to understand who we are and what we believe.”In producing Centennial lessons for youth, NYI Director Gary Hartke says, “Young people have been a vital part of the Church of the Nazarene since our earliest days. The good news is that they still are and will be for years to come.” The youth Centennial lessons help young people understand our past, yet connect with our present and future. Lesson themes for children, youth, and adults follow the same schedule so that family members of all ages are studying the same truths each week. According to Adult Ministries Director Larry Morris, “Lessons for adults were written by Nazarene educator and author, Dr. Frank Moore, and include everything necessary to make the history, message, and mission of the Church of the Nazarene come alive for adults as they prepare for the Centennial Celebration.”These lessons are scheduled for local churches beginning September 14, now less than one month away. Pastors, Sunday School teachers, and small group leaders are urged to access them now. Sessions for all ages are free, complete with resource materials. They may be located in English on the CD in the pastor’s Centennial Celebration resource kit. Lessons in English, French, Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish for children, youth, and adults may be downloaded from and “Our Centennial Celebration provides the most significant opportunity we will ever have to reinforce our commitment to our core values,” says Jesse C. Middendorf, chair of the Board of General Superintendents. “This is vital to our future! Let's celebrate our identity as it is expressed in these values. They are a global expression of our most basic reasons for our existence as a church.”

It is a joy to be a partner with you in grace and in ministry!
Dave McKellips

Friday, August 8, 2008



Gordon Smith, Dewey: I want to celebrate…We had an absolutely fabulous Veggie Tales VBS! We had a number of visitors for the special service, and we had an extremely good time! It was a lot of work, but it well worth the effort! Our Jr. High / Pre-Teens got together for their “We Care” project and went and mowed the lawn for different couples who are unable to get out and mow their lawns. They did it, not as a fundraiser or for any added incentive other than to give freely as God has given to us! What a wonderful way for these young ones to grow in the Lord, and to show us service as well!

Jim Wilson, Pawhuska: I want to celebrate...There is a lot to celebrate this month here in Pawhuska. We had VBS last week with about 50 kids per night and 90 kids, parents, and helpers on our Thursday night finale. Our average AM attendance has improved over last month and our renewed children’s program has seen a few new faces and the return of some kids that had been missing from our fellowship (we anticipate more of this as the new program catches on). Our women’s small group continues to forge ahead, and I hear a lot of excitement from the ladies attending. The men are also moving forward, we had a men’s barbeque on Saturday with 12 in attendance and we feasted on ribs, pork chops, and beans while we continued our study in the book 12 Hazards of Being a Man. We have been blessed with some inexpensive renovations to our facility this month as well; first we moved our sound equipment from the front corner of the sanctuary (an inconvenient and inefficient location) to the rear of the sanctuary at ¼ the cost that had been originally quoted to us (a savings of $900), and second we “inherited” 12 banquet tables from Pastor Geoff and the gang at Regency Park which allows us to more comfortably seat 20 more people in our small fellowship room (thank you Regency Park). This month marked Pastor Jim’s 1 year anniversary at Pawhuska, and the congregation honored him and his family with a “penny pounding” collecting a gift in change of about $70. More to come next month as we begin evangelism training and hold Revival services.

Jim Wilson, Barnsdall: I want to celebrate….It has been a quiet month in Barnsdall with many people on vacation, but we have had some powerful and moving moments of worship in the past month. Brother Dale has entered chemotherapy, and Praise God he is doing remarkably well.

Claude Guy Sand Springs: I want to celebrate…We had our VBS this month, and even though our numbers were down, four people came to Christ (3 kids and 1 adult). That is what VBS and outreach is all about - people coming to know Christ! We also completed a big phase of our church remodeling, its like being in a new church! We have freshly painted walls, new lighting, new carpet and new furniture (pews, pulpit, altar, etc.) in the sanctuary. It is exciting to see what God can do through those who are faithful to Him in their giving. Praise the Lord!!

John Whitsett, Tulsa Central: I want to celebrate…Great spirit in our services. On the last two Sundays in July, we had a testimony segment which we called “A Life Transformed” where individuals from the congregation (Nathan Palmer, Steve & Audrey Smith) shared their spiritual stories and how God has been at work in their lives. The impact, on both occasions, was absolutely electric! I sense the church is increasingly becoming a “safe place” where people can be candid about their humanness.

Angela Bentley, Bristow: I want to celebrate… Some of the young people we are ministering to on Wednesday nights are beginning to open up and be receptive to the gospel. They are beginning to ask questions and we sense a growing interest in why we love them like we do and what we have to offer them in Jesus!

Nathan Burns, Owasso Silver Creek: I want to celebrate… We have had 60 people attending our Summer Sunday Night Small Groups; finances have been steady, and attendance is up even during the Summer Months! We have Identified our Vision and it is: "Calling all generations to a dynamic life in Christ!"Our Mission is to: "Rise Up, Move Forward, and Reach Out!" Our Core Values are as follows: Worship, Prayer, Growth, Service, Community, and Sharing. Those values encompass what it means to have a dynamic life in Christ!

Don Cowan, Sapulpa: I want to celebrate… We had 18 kids and 8 workers attend Children’s camp. We have organized a mission-oriented Centennial celebration (“The Next 100”)

Alan McBroom, Davenport: I want to celebrate…We are gearing up for VBS next week and everyone is excited about what God will do. Seven of our children went to Kids Kamp, and all of them made a decision for Jesus of one type or another. Several have expressed an interest in baptism!

Don Nichols, Tahlequah: I want to celebrate… A tremendous Block Party with over 100 in attendance. One of the families at the block party has begun attending church.

Casey Hollingsworth, Miami New Life: I want to celebrate… Had over 50 kids attending our Vacation Bible School and 35 adults helping to make this a great VBS. Three were 20 children who attended KIDS camp and at 7 of them made first-time commitments or re-commitments to Christ. Returned from a mission trip to Nassau, Bahamas where 12 individuals from the church conducted a free medical clinic.

NEO Leaders

Church S.S.
Drumright +20
Claremore +17
Cushing +12
Sapulpa +12
Owasso +10
Hominy +2
Coweta +1

Church AM
Owasso +16
Claremore +10
Drumright +6
Tahlequah +3
Dewey +1