Friday, August 8, 2008



Gordon Smith, Dewey: I want to celebrate…We had an absolutely fabulous Veggie Tales VBS! We had a number of visitors for the special service, and we had an extremely good time! It was a lot of work, but it well worth the effort! Our Jr. High / Pre-Teens got together for their “We Care” project and went and mowed the lawn for different couples who are unable to get out and mow their lawns. They did it, not as a fundraiser or for any added incentive other than to give freely as God has given to us! What a wonderful way for these young ones to grow in the Lord, and to show us service as well!

Jim Wilson, Pawhuska: I want to celebrate...There is a lot to celebrate this month here in Pawhuska. We had VBS last week with about 50 kids per night and 90 kids, parents, and helpers on our Thursday night finale. Our average AM attendance has improved over last month and our renewed children’s program has seen a few new faces and the return of some kids that had been missing from our fellowship (we anticipate more of this as the new program catches on). Our women’s small group continues to forge ahead, and I hear a lot of excitement from the ladies attending. The men are also moving forward, we had a men’s barbeque on Saturday with 12 in attendance and we feasted on ribs, pork chops, and beans while we continued our study in the book 12 Hazards of Being a Man. We have been blessed with some inexpensive renovations to our facility this month as well; first we moved our sound equipment from the front corner of the sanctuary (an inconvenient and inefficient location) to the rear of the sanctuary at ¼ the cost that had been originally quoted to us (a savings of $900), and second we “inherited” 12 banquet tables from Pastor Geoff and the gang at Regency Park which allows us to more comfortably seat 20 more people in our small fellowship room (thank you Regency Park). This month marked Pastor Jim’s 1 year anniversary at Pawhuska, and the congregation honored him and his family with a “penny pounding” collecting a gift in change of about $70. More to come next month as we begin evangelism training and hold Revival services.

Jim Wilson, Barnsdall: I want to celebrate….It has been a quiet month in Barnsdall with many people on vacation, but we have had some powerful and moving moments of worship in the past month. Brother Dale has entered chemotherapy, and Praise God he is doing remarkably well.

Claude Guy Sand Springs: I want to celebrate…We had our VBS this month, and even though our numbers were down, four people came to Christ (3 kids and 1 adult). That is what VBS and outreach is all about - people coming to know Christ! We also completed a big phase of our church remodeling, its like being in a new church! We have freshly painted walls, new lighting, new carpet and new furniture (pews, pulpit, altar, etc.) in the sanctuary. It is exciting to see what God can do through those who are faithful to Him in their giving. Praise the Lord!!

John Whitsett, Tulsa Central: I want to celebrate…Great spirit in our services. On the last two Sundays in July, we had a testimony segment which we called “A Life Transformed” where individuals from the congregation (Nathan Palmer, Steve & Audrey Smith) shared their spiritual stories and how God has been at work in their lives. The impact, on both occasions, was absolutely electric! I sense the church is increasingly becoming a “safe place” where people can be candid about their humanness.

Angela Bentley, Bristow: I want to celebrate… Some of the young people we are ministering to on Wednesday nights are beginning to open up and be receptive to the gospel. They are beginning to ask questions and we sense a growing interest in why we love them like we do and what we have to offer them in Jesus!

Nathan Burns, Owasso Silver Creek: I want to celebrate… We have had 60 people attending our Summer Sunday Night Small Groups; finances have been steady, and attendance is up even during the Summer Months! We have Identified our Vision and it is: "Calling all generations to a dynamic life in Christ!"Our Mission is to: "Rise Up, Move Forward, and Reach Out!" Our Core Values are as follows: Worship, Prayer, Growth, Service, Community, and Sharing. Those values encompass what it means to have a dynamic life in Christ!

Don Cowan, Sapulpa: I want to celebrate… We had 18 kids and 8 workers attend Children’s camp. We have organized a mission-oriented Centennial celebration (“The Next 100”)

Alan McBroom, Davenport: I want to celebrate…We are gearing up for VBS next week and everyone is excited about what God will do. Seven of our children went to Kids Kamp, and all of them made a decision for Jesus of one type or another. Several have expressed an interest in baptism!

Don Nichols, Tahlequah: I want to celebrate… A tremendous Block Party with over 100 in attendance. One of the families at the block party has begun attending church.

Casey Hollingsworth, Miami New Life: I want to celebrate… Had over 50 kids attending our Vacation Bible School and 35 adults helping to make this a great VBS. Three were 20 children who attended KIDS camp and at 7 of them made first-time commitments or re-commitments to Christ. Returned from a mission trip to Nassau, Bahamas where 12 individuals from the church conducted a free medical clinic.

NEO Leaders

Church S.S.
Drumright +20
Claremore +17
Cushing +12
Sapulpa +12
Owasso +10
Hominy +2
Coweta +1

Church AM
Owasso +16
Claremore +10
Drumright +6
Tahlequah +3
Dewey +1

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