Thursday, September 18, 2008

Dear NEO family,

I was blessed to attend Family Church’s Celebrate Recovery last Saturday. This CR meets at Tulsa Faith. Recently, through the generous monetary gift of Sand Springs Church and two works days involving Family Church volunteers and Faith Pastor Jerry Holley, this church had a major “makeover”. The facilities look fantastic. The service was outstanding, helping people find help and hope through Jesus.

I loved the ovations for those who had been walking in victory for 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, six months and a year. I think the Lord of the church must be pleased when he sees the church doing as his Word instructs – encouraging one another and spurring one another on to love and good deeds. Keep up the good work Pastor Buddy and Alicia Davis and all of the CR team!

Celebrate Recovery Pictures

Gloria and I were privileged to share in an exciting service and groundbreaking ceremony at Claremore on Sunday. This church is impacting the community and busting at the seams. They just started a Celebrate Recovery two weeks ago. Great days are ahead for Pastor J.J. and Heather James and this great church of ministers.

Claremore Ground Breaking Pictures

WHAT: NYI Summer End Blowout
WHEN: Sunday September 21, 2008
WHERE: YMCA Owasso, Ok
TIME: 6:15 P.M. to whenever
COST: $15 includes pizza and drink and to do everything at the YMCA. The YMCA has a indoor pool, basketball court, volleyball court, workout room, and more.
Come and have some fun with us at the Y

Zone Clusters met at District Assembly. Pastors shared their churches’ Mission Action Plan on behalf of the churches and were prayed for. It is now time for follow up on progress and on-going prayer and support. The following Zone Clusters will meet on Sept. 29:
6:00pm Northeast Zone, Cowboy Junction Restaurant in Vinita
6:30pm Southwest Zone, Bristow Church
7:00pm Northwest Zone, Hominy Church

October is pastor appreciation month. Plan now to remember your
pastors and their families next month.

October 5 - Centennial Celebration
The International Church of the Nazarene will be celebrating its 100th year all around the world. Every church will participate in this global wide worshipevent. Each church across the continents will hear the same scriptures, the same message of God's holy love proclaimed, and partake in the sacrament of Holy Communion . Be in prayer now that the Lord will renew and empower the
Church of the Nazarene for a new century!

Elizabeth Johnson returns from chaplaincy volunteer work. She writes: Greetings. I just wanted to say a quick hello. I got back from my time with Red Cross last evening. This was for Hurricane Gustav work and preparation for Ike. I was in New Orleans and Baton Rouge. It was truly wonderful to see people so committed to helping others and being with them in such need. I felt so blessed to be part of this group even if it was for a limited time.

it, How Churches and Leaders Can Get it and Keep it, by Craig Groeschel

I was challenged by hearing Pastor Craig Groeschel last week at the SNU Pastor’s Training Day. I bought his book and was challenged even more as I read it this week. What is “it”? It is not a model, system, or result of programs. The best explanation, according to Craig, is what God does through a rare combination of these qualities found in his people:
Passion for his presence
A deep craving to reach the lost
Sincere integrity
Spirit-filled faith
Down-to-earth humility

I will probably flesh this out more in coming weeks, but let me share a summary of what Craig says contributes to a church having “it”:

Vision: You can see it clearly
· Without a vision, the people will never get it and keep it.
· It doesn’t show up on its own. It follows big vision.
· The vision must be memorable, portable, and motivational.
· You can’t over communicate vision!

Divine Focus: You know where it is not
· Those who do it all tend to lose.
· The clearer your vision becomes, the easier it is to guard what God calls you to do.
· Instead of saying “and”, maybe you need to say “or.”
· If you chase two rabbits, both will escape.
· To be great at a few things and experience it, you’ll have to say no to many things.
· When focus increases, options decrease
· Those who have it stick with what brings it.

Unmistakable Camaraderie: You enjoy it with others
· The people on teams that have it enjoy it together.
· As long as you’re afraid of intimacy and spiritual partnership, you likely won’t experience it.
· To have it, you have to share it with each other, It dies when it is alone.
· Leaders with it understand the big picture, have fun, get naked, celebrate the wins, and fight behind closed doors.

Innovative Minds: You’ll do anything for it
· God often guides by what he doesn’t provide.
· Increasing Passion + Limited Resources = Exponential Innovation.
· You have everything you need to do what God wants you to do.
· Innovative leaders do anything short of sin to reach the lost.
· “All it takes on one idea to solve an impossible problem” (Robert Schuller).

Willingness to Fall Short: You fail toward it
· Failure is not an option. It is a necessity.
· If you’re not failing, you’ve stopped dreaming. You’ll eventually stop learning. And you will stop growing. Those who have it fail often.
· Failure is often the tuition for success (adapted from Walter Brunell).
· Great leaders learn the art of failing forward.

Hearts Focused Outward: You and other to have it
· When we love deeply, love makes us do things we wouldn’t otherwise do.
· To have it, we have to care about those who are far from God. Many people don’t.
· When our churches look inward instead of outward, we’re basically saying to nonbelievers, “You can just go to hell.”
· Be careful not to blame yourself if someone rejects Christ. If you do, you might be tempted to take credit when someone accepts him.
· Love overcomes obstacles.

Kingdom-Mindedness: You share it
· The more possessive and competitive we are, the more divided we become.
· A kingdom-minded ministry is more about what God is doing everywhere than what God is doing in your own ministry.
· A kingdom-minded ministry is generous and hungry to partner with others to get more done for the glory of God.
· When you have it, you know that it doesn’t belong to you. It belongs to God. He gives it. Since it is his and not yours, you’re willing to share it.
· The more you try to keep it, the less of it you tend to have. The more you are wiling to give it away, the more of it God seems to give.

As we seek God wholeheartedly, I pray God will make this next century years of harvest!

You are loved,

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