Friday, October 24, 2008

Dear NEO family,

I have had the chance to visit with many of our pastors the past few days. I am impressed with their competence, but even more so with their heart for God and passion for the mission of the church. Pastors, let me add my voice to others who are telling you “we appreciate you”!

Our Ministers and Mates retreat is next Tuesday through Thursday in Branson. Pray that it will be a time of meaningful fellowship and renewal.

Last Sunday I had the privilege of worshipping with the Barnsdall and Pawhuska congregations. Pastor Jim Wilson leads both of these churches. I was treated to good preaching (Jim), warmth and love (both congregations) and good food (Pawhuska). I also was a judge for a Cake decorating contest (my first…and hopefully my last!). See pictures at the following links: Barnsdall Pawhuska

NEO Nazarene Youth International News

I am very grateful for the leadership Doug Gunsalus has given our NYI for the past two years. Unfortunately, Doug has more on his plate than he can say grace over – husband, father of a six month old, starting a new church, taking classes to finish his BA. For several months, Doug has been considering the need to step down from his leadership of NYI and he sent me a letter of resignation two weeks ago. He has made this decision prayerfully and carefully, so we support Doug in his decision.
Kevin Williams, our Vice President, is very willing to help in any way but feels he does not have time to take away from work to devote to this demanding job.
I met last week with our NYI Executive Council, and with their support, I will be recommending Jonathan Odom, Youth Pastor at Broken Arrow First Church, to serve as President until our next NYI Convention. Our NYI Council will meet on Nov. 6 to vote on Jonathan and to plan for exciting events for the next seven months.

Due to recent unexpected changes in the government in South Africa, and the current financial situation in the United States, the Northeast Oklahoma District NYI Executive Council thought it was in the best interest of all students and sponsors, to cancel our June 2009 travel plans to that region. Our Northeast Oklahoma District NYI delegation to the Global NYI Convention will travel to Orlando, Fla. instead. All monies paid in for the trip will be returned. The NEO NYI Golf Tournament fundraiser to be held at the Golf Club of Oklahoma on Monday, Nov 3, 2008 is also cancelled. Thanks so much for supporting our NEO NYI. Pray for our Nazarene brothers and sisters in South Africa.

Fall Retreat ’08 is Nov. 14 – 16 at Cave Springs. In these times of economic concern, I am pleased that our Fall Retreat is still the same price it was seven years ago. Thanks NYI for keeping our costs low. Call Ryan Amey with any questions (520-0286).

Our 30 Hour Planned Famine will again begin the day before our District Spiritual Renewal Emphasis. A Lock-in with games, worship and food to break the fast are planned for after the service on January 23. Cost for everything will only be $5 per person.

Marriage and Family News

NPH is carrying materials related to the movie Fireproof that has been showing in theatres across America. Fireproof small group resources and the book The Love Dare can be found at can call or go online to place orders and some quantity discounts apply.

The OMI is bringing our “Relationship U” workshop to the University of Tulsa campus on Saturday, October 25th. The workshop will run from 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. with check-in beginning at 10:30 a.m. This workshop will include some of the key PREP concepts (Speaker/Listener, XYZ statements) and will also incorporate new info (the Relationship Action Model, 7 Principles of Smart Love) and is geared toward college students. As always, engaged participants will qualify for the discounted marriage license. We are asking you to think about any contacts you may have at TU or with students in general. Maybe some of you are alumni of TU, have children or friends attending, or just know of a cool coffee shop in your neighborhood where you could post the flier. If so, please pass along this information and let Amanda Carter ( or 405-473-3678) know if you need printed copies of the flier. And if you’re on MySpace, you can check out our Relationship U page at Registration information is available there or at

Have a blessed weekend!
Dave McKellips

1 comment:

Dr. David and Lisa Frisbie said...

We were blessed to be included in the writing and producing of the "FireProof" movie material. You can find downloadable articles by us and others at the main site:

We also have a new book releasing this fall in connection with the movie. It's called "The Soul-Mate Marriage" (Harvest House) and it releases in November. This book is a strong tie-in to the movie. We'd be grateful if you give it a look!

Dr. David & Lisa Frisbie