Friday, November 7, 2008

Dear NEO family,

Greetings in the strong name of Jesus! These have certainly been historic days in the USA. I am thankful to be a part of a democratic nation where we can participate in the political process. I am thankful that in our nation people from any race, gender or background has opportunity to advance to positions of power and influence. The late Tim Russert often quoted his dad as saying, “What a country!”

We, as Christians, have participated in the political process and now we must continue to pray for and support our elected leaders. At times our faithfulness to God and Scripture may call us to respectfully speak in opposition to the policies of our leaders. Many Christians believe that non-violent civil disobedience may even be an appropriate Christian response in some circumstances. But our basic Scriptural call is to pray for our leaders. And as we pray for our leaders, let’s also pray for a revived church and for courageous clergy. As Charles Colson writes, “This is no time for Christians to go into bunkers. This is a time to repent, to pray more. It’s time for Christians to lead.

A friend of mine, Rev. Fred Wenger, sent out the following prayer the morning after our elections this week. I commend it to you.

Father, I thank you that I live in the United States of America. I thank you for the opportunity to vote and let my voice be heard. Now that my vote and the votes of millions of Americans have been counted, I thank you that we have a clear choice for President. Teach his supporters the grace of winning. Now Father, I pray that you will be with President-Elect Obama and his family. Let them seek and find your grace as they enter this new phase of life. Surround them with your protection.

I ask that you guide President-Elect Obama as he forms his government. Please guide him towards the most godly, capable and upright among us. Help him make wise choices. Give him wisdom and advisors who will be able to lead us out of the huge financial mess. Give him wisdom and advisors who will find adequate responses to other pressing problems. Give him wisdom and advisors who will enable us to walk tall on the world's stage. Give him wisdom and advisors who will be able to bring an honorable resolution to Iraq and other troubled areas. Give him wisdom and advisors who will be able to guide him in dealing with those who would cause us harm from without.

I ask that you will bring into his circle of advisors and acquaintances, godly men and women who can keep his administration on a morally steady course. Ones who will point him towards a sensitivity and appreciation of moral values so many of us hold dear in regards to the life of the unborn. Let him and the ones around him continue to recognize the strong Christian heritage so many of us hold precious. Give him a heart to be the president of all the people.

Teach those of us who voted for John McCain the willingness to give him a chance, and a heart to pray for his success. Teach us to conduct the "watchdog" role with grace and decorum. God forbid that any among us be unChristlike in lifting up Jesus Christ.

Father, please lift up from among us those who can and will be used to bring revival and renewal to our nation and our world.

In the name of Jesus I pray, amen.

Last week, Gloria and I had the privilege of sharing in our District Ministers and Mates’ Retreat in Branson. What a great group of pastors and spouses we serve alongside! Thank you NEO churches for making it possible for your pastors to attend. On Sunday we worshiped with Pastor Geoff Gunter and the wonderful folks at Regency Park. Pictures of both events are below:

Ministers and Mates Retreat

Regency Park Nov. 08

Americans Keep Giving Even in Tough Times
While the recent economic downturn has caused many churches and non-profit organizations to wonder what the last two months of the year may hold in store, two recent studies suggest that, even amid tough times, Americans will keep giving.

A national survey of online consumers released this week finds that 51 percent (89 million people) plan to donate to nonprofit groups via the Internet in November and December. The study, which was commissioned by Convio Inc., a Texas-based maker of online donation software, estimates that online giving to charities will top $3 billion during this holiday season.

A related report, released in September by Giving USA Foundation, surprisingly shows that, over the past 40 years, times of recession and economic slowdown have not had a major impact on charitable giving. The research reveals that, during recessions since 1969, total giving has only dropped by an average rate of one percent. "It's important at this juncture for cooler heads to prevail and for non-profits to not listen to those who would claim the sky is falling," said George C. Ruotolo Jr., past chairman of Giving USA Foundation. "Those charities with a clear and compelling case and an established loyal donor constituency will continue to succeed, even in difficult times." [GivingUSA Foundation,]

Have a blessed weekend!

Dave McKellips

1 comment:

Dr. David and Lisa Frisbie said...


Join us at, on Aspen just south of 111th Street, Saturday, November 8 from 10 AM until 12 Noon.

"Life in the Blender" is an interactive workshop for step-families and blended families, for remarried couples and for couples who are considering a remarriage. All are welcome!

THANK YOU to Tulsa Hills, Chandler, Regency Park and others for sending your remarried couples to our seminars! This is a district-wide event, IT IS FREE, and by God's grace there is good help here for struggling families.

Blessed to serve with you,
Dr. David & Lisa Frisbie