Monday, December 22, 2008

Spiritual Renewal Emphasis, January, 2009

Theme: "BACK TO THE BASICS" Joe Montana was one of the speakers at the recent "Get Motivated" event in Tulsa. He spoke of the importance of preparation and mastering the fundamentals if one was going to have a winning team. He said whenever his football teams went through a tough time, once again the coaches would focus on the fundamentals. The church is certainly facing challenges from within and outside the church. We need to return to a focus on the fundamentals, the basics of intimacy with Christ.

A Devotional Guide: Devotional booklets have been distributed to each church to give to every family. Our evangelist, Nathan Covington, wrote most of the daily lessons, so this guide will help you connect with him and get a glimpse into his heart.

Zone Cluster Prayer Meetings: Let’s bombard heaven on behalf of spiritual renewal, in the firm belief that “the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” Evangelist Nathan Covington will join us at the first four of these prayer times, sharing and leading our time of corporate prayer.
  • Saturday, Jan. 3 Southeast Zone, Muskogee, 3pm
  • Sunday, Jan. 4 - Southwest Zone, Bristow, 5pm
  • Tuesday, Jan. 6 - Northwest Zone, Skiatook, 7pm
  • Wednesday, Jan. 7 - Northeast Zone, Claremore, 7pm (also planning children and youth activities at 7pm and a dinner at 5:30pm)
  • Sunday, Jan. 11, 5pm – Tulsa Zone, Regency Park, 5pm

Spiritual Renewal Weekend, January 23 - 25. We will gather at Tulsa Central Church seeking a fresh outpouring of the Spirit in our midst.

  • Services will be Friday at 7pm, Saturday at 6pm and Sunday at 5pm.
  • Our guest speaker will be Evangelist Nathan Covington*
  • Worship led by “Leaving 99” from Southern Nazarene University.
  • 1st – 6th graders will have their own services led by Ken Wheeler;
  • 3 year olds – Kindergarten will be led by Rachel Bess
  • Nursery will be provided for those 2 and under.
  • Youth lock-in after Friday evening service with games, worship and food. Breaking fast of 30 hour famine at midnight. Cost is only $5.
  • Primetimer’s gathering on Saturday, 4:30pm; $5 at the door for good food and fellowship: RSVP to

Don't miss this time of refreshing!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Dear NEO family,

I trust you have been enjoying a wonderful Advent season! I have had the privilege of connecting with several of our churches and even more of our pastors this month. I am thrilled with the way our churches are helping move people into worship and acts of compassion during this season.

Of course, these are not just seasonal emphases for the Church of the Nazarene. I have been rereading Timothy Smith’s book, Called unto Holiness, this week (getting ready to teach History and Polity in the Oklahoma School of Ministry). Writing of the chief characteristics of the early Nazarenes, Smith highlights the democratic government, the joyously free worship, the brief creed with the doctrine of perfect love central and liberty on non-essentials. On pages 113 - 114, Smith says “the chief aim of the church was to preach holiness to the poor.” The first stationery bore at its head the scripture verse, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” The first Manual announced the church’s determination to win the lost “through the agency of city missions, evangelistic services, house-to-house visitation, caring for the poor, comforting the dying.” The founders declared themselves convinced that their mission was “to go into the poorer parts of the cities and into neglected places and by the power of the Holy Ghost create centers of fire.” I see a renewed passion to carry out the vision of our founders in this generation and I rejoice!

I also read Sticky Church by Larry Osborne this past week. In Sticky Church, Larry Osborne shares proven strategies for doing what every church wants to do – close the back door and keep it shut. The key component of his strategy is a unique approach to sermon-based small groups. This is an ideal book for church leaders who want to start or retool their small group ministry – and Velcro their congregation to the Bible and each other. Anyone interested in a book study session in January?

I love to share pictures from my visits to churches. I hope you will open the links below to see a glimpse into a few of the NEO churches. The pictures from Tahlequah hi-light some of the hard work this church put into the Centennial Celebration in October.

South County Community Church, Dec. 14, 2008

Hominy Church, Dec. 7, 2008

Talleys in Concert, Claremore Church, Dec. 14, 2008

Tahlequah, Centennial Celebration, Oct. 4, 2008

Pastor Brad Farnsworth, NewStart pastor of Connection Church, has been getting some great free press recently. He was recently featured in Tulsa People Magazine and on the website of the BA Ledger (It’s actually a video. Just click on the link and scroll down to “2008 Year In Review Part III.” )

Owasso Silver Creek sures knows how to get some attention in December. In December,2007 they had a fire in their sanctuary (a misunderstanding of Bresee’s concept of “centers of fire”). This week they had a baptismal pipe break and flooded the sanctuary. The restoration company removed 1500 gallons of water from the building. In December, 2009, watch out for a mighty wind in Owasso (the youth from Silver Creek really got into the NYC theme- Water, Fire, Wind, I guess).

I will send my personal Christmas greetings in a few days. May you continue to experience the presence of our Lord and saviour, and with His presence, His gifts of peace, hope, joy and love.

Dave McKellips

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Dear NEO family,

Dr. James J. Jr. and Mrs. Geneva Stark will celebrate their 60th Wedding Anniversary on Dec. 24. Congratulations and best wishes for the years ahead!

Congratulations to Keith and Nancy Cole on the birth of their second granddaughter, Charleigh Rose Makayla Cole, 6 lb., 10 ou., 18 ½ inches long.

Congratulations to Aaron and Becky Horton on the birth of Landen Aaron Horton, 6 lbs, 2 ou. And 20 inches long.

Update on Spiritual Renewal Weekend: Dr. Jack Eyestone is taking a pastorate in California and will not be able to speak. Rev. Nathan Covington has accepted our invitation to speak. Nathan is deeply loved on the NEO District and has a passion for renewal in our churches. He authored most of the devotionals in the Devotional Guides that are being distributed to our churches for use beginning January 1. He also was already planning to help lead our times of corporate prayer at the Zone Cluster meetings, January 3 – 11. It seems God had prepared us for this before we even knew what was happening. Let’s anticipate a great season of renewal as we get “Back to the Basics: Finding Satisfaction, Security and Sustenance in Growing Intimacy with Christ”.

I love to read the monthly reports of our pastors. I especially like reading about what each are celebrating and about how they are working to be a high-impact church. Below are some of the things they are celebrating:

I want to celebrate...
David Stevens, Vinita. . . In spite of seasonal attendance fluctuation and illness the church is doing well. We have had several visitors who were very positive in their response and some said they would return. The spirit of the church services has been very good. Vinita Nazarene is a loving, friendly, caring church.

Gordon Smith, Dewey. . .We had a family join our church! The baptism of Jeff Goodnight! We had a wonderful and insightful service on Nov. 9th for the International Day for the Persecuted Church, it was a challenging service and yet an encouraging service as we became more aware of those Christians around the world who are being persecuted for the sake of Christ!

Gerald James, Claremore . . . Another great month of God’s blessings. We have a lot to be thankful for! We are getting ready for a Christmas concert with The Talley Trio. It is Sunday night Dec. 14th starting at 6:00 pm. Anyone is invited to join us for this exciting event! We are also having a chili dinner that night starting at 4:00pm. Proceeds will benefit Christmas gifts and meals for families.

Brad Farnsworth, Connection. . .We provided six families of Rosa Parks School with complete Thanksgiving dinners (turkeys & trimmings), as well as (16) $25 WalMart Christmas gift cards for Rosa Parks families in need (funds provided by congregational giving). Record attendance of 140 on 11/9/08.

Larry Morris, Broken Arrow. . . Small group preview night with 15 groups meeting around the city and 131 in attendance. Started a new style of worship service in the 8:30 a.m. slot. Using more classical worship elements. Attendance has been up and the service is well received.

Howard Johnson, Cushing. . . For several weeks we have been praying for the salvation of three friends or acquaintances. One of our church ladies, Betty, has been praying for a young mother named Mollie. On the Tuesday before Thanksgiving Betty and I had the privilege of leading Mollie to the Lord!!

David Rogers, Mannford. . . I want to celebrate that we have a couple of people who want to know more about the Nazarene Church, and are interested in becoming members.

Casey Hollingsworth, Miami New Life. . . The implementing of our new vision: A church w/ no walls. We’ve begun to see this taken on as our church’s vision. We held a Sunday evening service at the home of one of our church members, Bill, who was involved in a near fatal accident a year ago. The accident left him in a non-responsive state and confined to a wheel chair. It was great to see the house packed with church people and an awesome sense of God’s presence was there as we worshipped together and had special prayer for Bill. We also participated in some work projects cutting wood for a stroke victim and constructing a wheel chair ramp for an elderly woman in our church.

Richard Reese, Pryor. . . We paid off our mortgage raising $53,000 in less than 4 years and are officially debt free as a church.

Angela Bentley, Bristow. . . Our new van, donated by Central Church, is serving us well! The kids love it! Our church was broken into but nothing was stolen or destroyed.
Our Wednesday Night Live ministry continues to grow and present new challenges.
For the first time in many years, our young people will have a float entry in the Christmas parade this week. Even though attendance has decreased, God has been faithful to meet our every need.

John Whitsett, Tulsa Central. . . Joel Ross has stepped forward to provide leadership to our Building Committee. We believe that in the next two weeks we will have a permit in hand to commence construction on the shell. Also, a $30,000 donation was received to be applied toward a new road sign to be placed along 81st St. We have a design for a new sign---the cost is around $40,000---and we hope to raise the additional $10,000 needed with some special year-end gifts.

Don Nichols, Tahlequah. . . Preparation for our Native American Camp Meeting is beginning in earnest. We are asking the people to pray and fast for the District Spiritual Renewal and Native American Camp Meeting.

Dwain Young, Horton Chapel. . . On November 16, we had a special Sunday of praise and worship. Sandy Hendley organized a our local talent with solo's, duets and trio and a ladies quartet. We enjoyed praise and worship and pastor had a short message. We followed this with one of Horton Chapel's famous potluck dinners which served as the churches Thanksgiving dinner! We had a wonderful day.

Stephen Hundley, Cleveland. . .our Community Groups are going very well. People are growing spiritually and enjoying one another. We were averaging less than 30 in our Sunday Evening Services, now we usually have in the 40s through Community Groups.

Alan McBroom, Davenport. . . Everyone is excited about Christmas—the most wonderful time of the year!

Don Cowan, Sapulpa. . . The excitement of providing a Thanksgiving meal for more than 100 families in our community. Actively supporting our NewStart South County Community Church in Glenpool.

Wayde Normandin, Chelsea. . . We are moving forward on accomplishing our goals this year. On Sunday, November 2nd, we came together as a church to begin The Quest, a 40-day spiritual adventure. Every family is reading the book, The Power to be Free, Discovering Life in the Spirit of Christ by Frank Moore. We are more than half way through our "adventure" which will end on December 14th.The members seem to be enjoying the journey we are taking together spiritually. The book lends to a variety of age groups as well as spiritual maturity levels. We are continuing to build a strong financial picture at the church. We are on track to have our budget allocations paid in full by March 1st and are adding to our emergency fund monthly. This month, thanks to Jim Reeves, we have new outdoor lighting on the sidewalk in front of the church along with several new concrete parking blocks.

NEO Top Leaders in Sunday School/Small Groups Attendance Gain Over '07
Broken Arrow +52
Claremore +38
Tulsa Family + 30
Tulsa Fuente de Vida + 19
Owasso +17
Drumright +15
Dewey +14
Sand Springs +9
Tulsa Regency Park +8
Chelsea +4
Hominy +4
Tahlequah +4

NEO Top Leaders in AM Worship Gain over November '07
BA Connection +92
Claremore +49
Broken Arrow + 24
Drumright +22
Tulsa Fuente de Vida + 20
Sand Springs +20
Owasso + 19
Tulsa Regency Park + 13
Tahlequah + 10
Davenport +5
Chelsea +4
Skiatook +4

Grace and Peace,
Dave McKellips

Friday, December 5, 2008

Dear NEO family,

The Season of Advent is upon us. It is a season to draw near to Christ, to our loved ones and to our communities. I love reading of the Christmas musicals and Advent preaching series taking place in our churches. I am impressed with the efforts our pastors are making to help our people focus on Christ, and thereby, make this a season of compassion instead of consumption. What a great team we have in NEO!!

As we think of the wonderful churches we have in NEO, I apologize for being a few weeks behind in my pictures from church visits. See the links below:

Collinsville, November 16

Tulsa Central, November 23

Bartlesville, Nov. 30

Pastor Otoniel Dannemann latest report on his wife, Gloria, is very positive. Oto has been told that Gloria may be released within 10 – 15 days. Praise the Lord! Let’s keep praying for the judge to follow through in releasing this wonderful, godly lady from detainment in Argentina.

As you are praying, also remember Dr. H. B. London. H.B., a Nazarene elder, is Vice President for Pastoral Ministries at Focus on the Family. He was admitted to the hospital a week ago Wednesday, fighting pneumonia. Antibiotics were not doing the job, so they did surgery to remove the infected material from his lungs and improve the chances of the antibiotics taking effect. The surgery went well. His vital signs are good, but he is still in intensive care. Let’s pray for a complete recovery.

The devotional guides for January’s spiritual renewal emphasis are printed and ready to distribute to the churches (If you are in the Tulsa area, we would love to put them into your hands). We hope to have enough printed for each family to have one. We also have posters ready for our Spiritual Renewal Weekend, January 23 – 25. I look forward to how God is going to work in our lives as we get “Back to the Basics”, finding satisfaction, security and sustenance in growing intimacy with Christ.

Have a blessed Lord’s Day! You are loved!

Dave McKellips