Friday, December 5, 2008

Dear NEO family,

The Season of Advent is upon us. It is a season to draw near to Christ, to our loved ones and to our communities. I love reading of the Christmas musicals and Advent preaching series taking place in our churches. I am impressed with the efforts our pastors are making to help our people focus on Christ, and thereby, make this a season of compassion instead of consumption. What a great team we have in NEO!!

As we think of the wonderful churches we have in NEO, I apologize for being a few weeks behind in my pictures from church visits. See the links below:

Collinsville, November 16

Tulsa Central, November 23

Bartlesville, Nov. 30

Pastor Otoniel Dannemann latest report on his wife, Gloria, is very positive. Oto has been told that Gloria may be released within 10 – 15 days. Praise the Lord! Let’s keep praying for the judge to follow through in releasing this wonderful, godly lady from detainment in Argentina.

As you are praying, also remember Dr. H. B. London. H.B., a Nazarene elder, is Vice President for Pastoral Ministries at Focus on the Family. He was admitted to the hospital a week ago Wednesday, fighting pneumonia. Antibiotics were not doing the job, so they did surgery to remove the infected material from his lungs and improve the chances of the antibiotics taking effect. The surgery went well. His vital signs are good, but he is still in intensive care. Let’s pray for a complete recovery.

The devotional guides for January’s spiritual renewal emphasis are printed and ready to distribute to the churches (If you are in the Tulsa area, we would love to put them into your hands). We hope to have enough printed for each family to have one. We also have posters ready for our Spiritual Renewal Weekend, January 23 – 25. I look forward to how God is going to work in our lives as we get “Back to the Basics”, finding satisfaction, security and sustenance in growing intimacy with Christ.

Have a blessed Lord’s Day! You are loved!

Dave McKellips

1 comment:

NazPaz said...

Thanks Dr. Dave and Gloria for all you do for us! Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!