Friday, January 9, 2009

Dear NEO family,

Greetings in the strong name of Jesus. What a treat it has been this past week to be on four of our Zones (This coming Sunday evening the fifth zone, Tulsa, will gather at Regency Park at 6pm). The Pastors reports have been inspiring and the times of corporate prayer have helped all of us connect to our source of power, purity and all spiritual blessings. It is such a privilege to serve alongside the wonderful believers who make up our NEO family.

At the Zone gatherings, many have told me you enjoy the pictures from churches across the District. Here are a few pictures from recent visits:

Cleveland, January 4, 2009:

Southwest Zone Cluster Prayer Meeting, January 3, 2009:

Sapulpa, December 21, pm service

Many of our churches are experiencing exciting days of as they call people to Christ and His rule and reign. Below are a few of the items they wrote about in their monthly reports:

I want to celebrate…

Rodney Amos, Tulsa First I want to celebrate an awesome young people’s lock-in with over 20 participating. I want to celebrate the salvation and baptism of a 19 year old young man. I want to celebrate the “coming home” of a precious young woman in our congregation who has renewed her commitment to the Lord and her church. I want to celebrate an astounding children’s production with the participation of 20+ kids, an increase of double digits over last year. I want to celebrate a fresh new movement of the Holy Spirit breathing across our congregation; a new energy, enthusiasm and sense of expectation is beginning to arise among our people. I want to celebrate that ALL this happened just in December 2008!

Don Nichols, Tahlequah We will begin a season of fasting and prayer after the first of the Year. The Fasting and Prayer is for Block Parties, Native American Camp Meeting and Veterans Appreciation Day.

Harold Johnson, Cushing For Christmas we did a “Christmas Tapestry” with contributions from our church family. The service went well with a large number of people contributing a song, poem, reading or testimony.

Jim Wilson, Pawhuska We had a productive month in Pawhuska with all the holiday celebrations. We adopted four families for Christmas and the donations from the congregation were enormous. In addition to this the Church Board continued its annual tradition of putting together treat bags for the congregation, but this year we added a twist to it by assembling over 100 more bags as usual. 50 bags went to the congregation and an additional 125 bags went out to our neighbors and our community businesses. The gratitude from the community has been a real blessing. This is phase one of an effort on Pawhuska Nazarene's goal to reach out to the business' and their owners in our community. We have an annual planning meeting scheduled for January to plan for the coming year.

Jim Wilson, Barnsdall We enjoyed a holiday dinner together and a Christmas Eve service this month. We are forging ahead, and plans are being made for a large push into the community.

Claude Guy, Sand Springs December was a great month of "firsts" here in Sand Springs. It started with our Holiday Dinner the first Sunday of the month. Although this wasn't the first time to have a church holiday dinner, it provided a "first" time connection with parents and families to our children that come in through our van ministry. The second Sunday was our Christmas program which combined our adult choir and for the first time at Sand Springs, a children's bell choir of over 20 kids! The third Sunday was another first as we introduced a combined orchestra of string, woodwind, brass and percussion instruments to play a Christmas special. This orchestra combined the talents of first year band members, to high school band members, to adults bringing out their instruments from their earlier years to our regular praise and worship instrumentalists. God certainly blessed us this Christmas season with His presence and His presents!

Brad Farnsworth, BA Connection During a recent message series we featured a Wall of Prayer. Over 200 names were submitted. These names represented family and friends that are far from God. Many prayers were answered as husbands, children, and neighbors attended church for the first time! In November we held a Starting Point Class where we shared the vision and values of Connection Church. Several people, who attended, indicated that they do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Gordon Smith, Dewey A lady who accepted the Lord shortly following our Sunday morning service. Her children have been coming with their grandma for a couple of years now, and her little girl kept asking her to pray with her in the evenings before bed, and finally on December 7th this lady accepted Jesus into her heart. Children still lead today (Isa. 11:6)! Our Medical Lodge outreach: We raised money to bring gifts to those at the Medical Lodge nursing home, we also brought with us candy goodies, we sang songs bringing Christmas cheer, but most of all we prayed and showed the love of Christ! This was the second year we did a one night Christmas VBS outreach to our community and we doubled from last year, and had 53 children! We spoke about the best gift of Jesus Christ and the kids just had a lot of fun, the church family really stepped up and made it a wonderful experience!

Wayde Normandin, Chelsea The completion of the Quest, which was one of our spiritual goals. Each person grew in their own way spiritually which in turn allowed us to grow together as a church family. Giving has continued to be consistence in this time of economic uncertainty. On a personal note, Jena and I were blessed by the Collinsville Church with a very generous money gift and food pounding as well as the Chelsea Church. We were overwhelmed by the thoughtfulness of both churches.

Dwain Young, Horton Chapel The highlight for December was the Children's Christmas program which we do on a Wednesday night. We had a good number of the parents attend the program and to stay for fellowship afterwards.

Nathan Burns, Owasso Silver Creek We had our first Christmas Compassion Project and adopted a Parsonage Family from the District and a local family from Owasso. Our people gave both families a tremendous Christmas. We survived our flood and had over 40 different people help with cleaning up in some way. Praise God! We had a fantastic children's musical on December 14th. They did a great job! We are starting a Biggest Loser Campaign to get our bodies in shape this year...our goal for the men of our church this year is to lose 2000 lbs. It is a blessing to serve this wonderful Church Family called Silver Creek.

Don Cowan, Sapulpa The giving of $20,000+ to our NewStart South County Community in Glenpool. Our giving to others which God has given back to us in substantially increased offerings. Our giving to the Angel Tree Project, the African Well Project, Community Care and Freedom House – Praise the Lord for His provision.

Angela Bentley, Bristow God’s overwhelming faithfulness to us in a difficult year! He has not only sustained us but has birthed a vital new ministry in the midst of several losses. We have completed the first year of our new children’s and youth ministry strong! Our Wednesday night numbers are often almost double our Sunday morning attendance and we anticipate that God will do great things in our students and in our servants this next year!

John Whitsett, Tulsa Central A really great Advent emphasis with over $22K raised as part of the Advent Conspiracy emphasis. According to our treasurer, no real big checks, so it indicates a broad base of participation from the church family. That is exciting!

Alan McBroom, Davenport For Sunday, 21st, instead of the traditional children's play of Christ's birth, we had a "Christmas Talent Show" where everyone was invited to participate. We had special songs, poems read, drama, and even an imitation of Paul Harvey by your's truly. It was a refreshing participation celebrating Christmas

David Stevens, Vinita We actually increased the monthly average SS and AM for December over last year. Our Wednesday night average is 37 for the last 2 months. On Wednesday we have Caravans and our new youth group has had attendance as high as 12. Vinita Church has a passion for Others in Compassionate Ministry and in outreach locally and around the world. As we prepare for the pastoral review next month we have much to thank God for.

NEO Leaders in Average attendance gain in Dec., 2008 over Dec., 2007

Sunday School/Discipleship
Regency Park +50
Claremore +36
Broken Arrow +35
Sand Springs +34
Sapulpa +27
Owasso +18
Drumright +16
Tulsa First +12
Dewey +9
Hominy +9

AM Worship
BA Connection +84
Glenpool SoCo Community +68
Claremore +54
Regency Park +36
Owasso Silver Creek +33
Sand Springs +30
Dewey +26
Fuente de Vida +20
Tulsa First +17
Tahlequah +14
Hominy +10

The Oklahoma Marriage Initiative (OMI) is celebrating ten years of serving Oklahomans by offering more exciting workshops with new skills and activities for couples at all stages of their relationships. This year, the annual Forever. For Real. program will be held in Oklahoma City and Tulsa on the same day! Join us at whichever venue is closest to you!

Anticipating renewal,


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