Friday, June 19, 2009

Dear NEO family,

Some of our District families are already in Orlando. Many others will be joining them in the next week as the international church gathers for General Conventions and Assembly. If you are not able to attend, articles, updates, and photos will be available online at throughout the event. You can also follow our news at

Have you been to the NEO website lately? Youth and Kid’s Kamp information and registration forms are available there, along with lots of other helpful items. Check it out at

Last Sunday, Gloria and I had the privilege of worshiping at Horton Chapel. Pictures are below:

This Sunday morning I will go to Family Church to conduct the vote on calling Pastor Brady Wisehart and then go to worship and preach at Living Hope church. We have a diverse family in NEO. What a joy it is to worship and serve alongside you.

And this Sunday is Father’s Day. How blessed I am to have a loving, godly father! I will be forever grateful for the example and influence of my dad. And now I have the privilege of trying to pass on the baton of faith to my children and grandchildren.

Have a blessed weekend!

Dave McKellips

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Dear NEO family,

We are only a week from our Annual Celebration of Mission and Ministry and Jim and Christy Thornton and Vicki Crossland already have the Journal completed and emailed to the General Secretary’s Office! This may be an NEO record! We are blessed to have a great District Secretary, Jim Thornton, a wonderful team of ministry leaders and pastors who got everything turned in promptly and tremendous assistants in Christy and Vicki.

Tulsa Family Church will be hosting a candidate for their Lead Pastor postion this weekend and voting on June 21. Let's continue to pray for Family Church, Pryor and Okmulgee in this time of transition.

In the midst of the busyness of Assembly, we still had good reporting of our May statistics. I always love the pastors telling us what they are celebrating:

Jim Wilson, Pawhuska…We've seen our children's ministry expand from 8 to 18 this month. We had 60 Bikers at our bi-annual Biker Breakfast, and 32 kid's at our Children's Crusade with pastor Rob Deihl.

John Whitsett, Tulsa Central… The 40 Days of Love emphasis has generated 3-4 new small groups. It really is outstanding material---not only the DVD based small-group curriculum, but the sermon resources are outstanding as well. We are also assembling a team to begin to look at the design for the inside of our Multipurpose Wing so that we don’t lose momentum on this project.

David Stevens, Vinita… A wonderful District Ministry Celebration. The Pastor’s Reports I was able to hear were all positive and inspiring. We begin our new year with a very positive attitude and renewed dedication to reach new people for the Lord and do an even better job of ministering to our church people. Our people are catching the vision of being disciples and making disciples in Vinita. Caravans and teens are vital, growing ministries that we are going to continue to work to improve and encourage. Our new web site is going well .

Jeff Wooten, Wagoner Cornerstone Community…we were blessed in the month of May with 4 baptisms. God has changed the lives of many, but 4 needed to publically share their new life walk with an on purpose display of their changed lives. The water was warm and the hearts of God’s people are on fire by the power of his Holy Spirit. Prayer needs consist of facilities expenses. We had ice damage to our roof and some parking lot issues that will cost in full around $7,000. God will provide with his house and all will be taken care of. For specific prayer needs see our website at . At Wagoner CCCN we are seeing ALL ages at our altars and growth through birth and re-birth. Our members are awesome, our pastor FINALLY got ordained, and a sense of urgency is brewing. Our new church board in not bored at all, and is ready for our best year ever. We have a new name, a new vision, and a new hope. God has a purpose for us and we will be a vital spiritual force in our community, PERIOD. As the song writer stated well, “We are determined that we are invincible, until God has finished his purpose in us”!!

Angela Bentley, Bristow… continued numerical growth from many directions, great spiritual growth – especially in our young people and a growing sense of unity and fellowship within the body. Our new pianist and worship team has enriched our worship tremendously and God’s spirit has been powerful in our services. We also celebrated many faithful years of dedication and service with Bill and Barbara Weaver as we honored them with a Distinguished Service Award.

Mike Howard, Drumright…This year 26 were saved. We are seeing some of the mothers, from our Kids Wednesday Night "God's Time", come to Church with their kids. We are averaging close to 60 with our kids and workers on
Wednesday nights. This last Wednesday night our total attendance was 76. Another victory, we are seeing people who do not go to church here, coming to help with the renovations on our Teen House.

Wayde Normandin, Chelsea… The dedication of a baby and young child from our church on Mother's Day.

Don Cowan, Sapulpa… We had a great year and we have so much to be grateful for as God allowed us to see others and needs as never before. We see the evidence of lives being changed. We saw a 30% increase in tithes this year. We had a part helping in two churches this year, Bristow Church of the Nazarene and South County Community Church. We have a great new children’s director and the new life in our children’s ministry.

We rejoice with those who are experiencing numerical growth:


Fuente de Vida +35
Wagoner Cornerstone +22
Bristow +18
Tulsa Central +17
Drumright +14
Pawhuska +12
Horton Chapel +11
Tulsa Hills +9
Reg. Pk. Hispanic +5
Dewey +4
Locust Grove +4

Glenpool SoCo +66
Bristow +29
Owasso Silver Creek +29
Bartlesville +25
Tulsa Family +22
Wagoner Cornerstone +16
Horton Chapel +12
Tulsa First +5
Tulsa Fuente de Vida +5
Locust Grove +4
Pawhuska +4

I loved the interviews of five of our students who are making an impact in the Great Commission Rally. We have great youth on the NEO District. Here are reports I have received from two of our college students serving overseas this summer:

Youth in Mission Report from Saipan where Kendra Hansen (Tulsa Central) is serving: “Hafa Adai,” as they say here on the islands! We made it to Saipan after a few stops in Houston, Tokyo, and Guam. In Guam we had the pleasure of meeting up with the pastor of the Nazarene church in Guam and his wife and son for dinner. We had about a 5 hour layover, so they picked us up and we saw a little of Guam, ate dinner, and spent some time at their house. We finally did get to Saipan at 3:30 in the morning, but we've done really well with the transition and time changes.

We jumped right into everything this week so that we will be prepared once the Buchers (our missionaries) head back to the states in about a week. The people in the church and really just the island are so wonderful and welcoming. We’ve visited the local high school a couple times and talked to the teens and have started to build relationships with some. Kendra and Emily attended the street market for local culture and food while Julianna performed this past weekend in the local band that the Buchers are a part of.

The kids from kids’ club and Sunday mornings are great, and we have all really enjoyed working with them. We all are teaching a different age group, and our first week of Sunday school was somewhat of an adventure, but it was fun. Julianna played keyboard and helped lead music this week for Sunday morning, Emily is trying to learn the route to pick up the kids and how to drive stick shift for the jeep that picks them up, and Kendra has been learning how to take care of the house and find out where supplies are.
Prayer Requests: We can see there is a lot of need on the island, and we all want God to use us in the best possible way to help these people in a way that will long outlast our actual stay here. Please continue to pray for our team as we learn to work together and how to best serve the people we are quickly learning to love. Also, Kendra has had an allergic reaction this weekend to something. She went to the doctor and received medicine, so please pray she will continue to feel better. We hope everyone is doing well and are praying for you all!Kendra, Julianna, and Emily

Austin Snowbarger (Tulsa Central) writes regarding his mission work in Amsterdam: Shelter Christian Hostels operate two hostels in Amsterdam, and I have come here to serve in the Shelter City. There are a handful of full time paid staff, however the majority of the hostels workers are volunteers, like me. We live together, eat together, pray together, learn together, and serve together. It is an international staff, so countries such as South Africa, New Zealand, Germany, England, Netherlands, and the United States are represented here…
The first night I was in Amsterdam, I had the opportunity to go to a Youth With A Mission (YWAM) worship service. YWAM does many cool things in the city, so it was great to spend an evening with those folks. The highlight of the evening turned out to be the demographics. In the group of 20 or so people there that evening, six continents were represented. All together, all worshipping. It was like nothing I had experienced before! A former YWAM staff member shared about the power of a blessing. At the end of the evening, we had an opportunity to give a word of blessing to each other. Iraqi to American, Indian to Irani, Japanese to English. A young man named Jens from Germany and I exchanged blessings, and what he said to me was so encouraging, nearly prophetic. He spoke blessings over my time in Amsterdam and over all the other places in the world God will take me to meet the needs of the hurting. He touched my legs and my arms and blessed my body because of the mountains in life I will climb. I was blown away. If worshipping with brothers and sisters from all over the world was not enough, receiving such an incredible blessing from someone I had never met before really took me back. All of this on my first night in!

May the Lord continue to use you in your corner of the world!

You are loved!

Dave McKellips

Friday, June 5, 2009

Dear NEO family,

What a joy it was to be with the NEO family this week for our Annual Celebration of Mission and Ministry! My congratulations to NYI President, Jonathan Odom, and NMI President, Debbie Martin, for outstanding conventions. And thanks to Jim and Christy Thornton and Vicki Crossland for all you did to make Assembly go so smooth. Don’t we have great leaders in NEO!

What will be your favorite memories of the three days of meetings and services?

  • Rev. Monte Cyr’s messages calling us to join Christ’s mission.
  • The Central youth worship and drama team picturing Christ’s pursuit and protection of us.
  • Aaron Horton and the Central Church choir reminding us of the “Happy Day” when Christ began his transforming work in our lives.
  • Five NEO youth sharing the incredible ways God is using them.
  • Debbie Martin calling us to let Christ be our vision.
  • Celebrate Recovery Ministries sharing “Cardboard Testimonies”.
  • Collin Campbell and the Family Church Worship Team leading us in heartfelt worship.
  • Dr. Nina Gunter challenging us that the holiness movement is in our hands to keep alive.
  • The ordination of Jason Hill, Stephen Hundley, Michelle Proctor and Jeff Wooten.
  • The Minister’s Choir singing “In Christ Alone” or Darren Melton singing “I Will Not Forget Thee”.
  • The reporting and prayer in the Zone Cluster meetings.

I invite you to relive some of your memories as you look at pictures from the three days:

Great Commission Rally/ NMI Convention

District Assembly and Opening Service w/Cardboard Testimonies

NYI Convention, May 31

Ordination Service

Yesterday, Gloria and I had opportunity to have lunch with 15 of our retired elders and their spouses.God is still working in and through them. Six still serve on staff in local churches. Others teach Sunday School, minister in their homes and via the phone and internet. What a great group!

Last Sunday, Gloria and I enjoyed worship and a barbeque luncheon with Pastor Jim Kent and the Southwest Church. We always enjoy their hospitality.

Tulsa Southwest, May 31, 2009

We have many prayer needs as a District family:

  • Debbie Martin’s son, Johnathan, received his first treatment for his AAT Deficiency-related Emphysema this week. Debbie reports: “Everything went well with no allergic reactions. Praise the Lord!The cardiologist report came back with no apparent heart damage. Praise the Lord! Pulmonologist report; lungs sound clear, tremendous improvement over the past month. Praise the Lord! It will take several weeks of infusion treatments before we know how successful this will be in treating his emphysema. We have been told Johnathan will need these infusions for the rest of his life on a weekly basis. I am standing of Gods' word for complete healing. Thank you for praying in agreement for healing, but also asking God to have His will. Johnathan will remain on oxygen for another month and then begin tapering off as he continues his treatment. This has been as exhausting week, however, tonight I am resting in Gods' peace and trusting in Him. Psalm 91: 1.2 "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, "My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!"
    Our sympathy to the family of Nazarene Elder, Bailey Cantrell. Bailey had been in a nursing home for some time and passed away this past Wednesday. Funeral services will be Saturday, June 6, 10 am at Bartlesville First.
  • District Treasurer, Bud Lauhon, is having an echocardiogram this week to try to determine source of dizziness and heart trouble he is dealing with.
  • Sally Loderhose (wife of Elder Brian, Associate Pastor at Silver Creek) is now home from the hospital after dealing with arrhythmia.
  • Jack Bess (spouse of Rachel, Children’s Pastor at Central) had surgery because of infection in his hand from a spider bite. Jack is now recovering at home.
  • Jesse Madaffari, pastor in Skiatook, had to miss Assembly as he is recovering from his recent hernia surgery.
  • Family Church, Pryor and Okmulgee are in times of pastoral transition.

In case you have not heard, Dr. Stan Toler was elected yesterday to be District Superintendent of the Southwest Oklahoma District. He has accepted.

Hope you have a great Lord’s day with your church family! You are loved!

Dave McKellips