Thursday, August 27, 2009

Dear NEO Nazarene family,

August has been a tremendous month here in NEO, and I’m not just talking about the weather. August has been the month to install new pastors. On August 2, we installed Brady Wisehart at Family Church; on August 23 we installed Dan Hazelton at Pryor; and on August 30 we will install Cole Weston at Okmulgee. We welcome these pastors and their families to the NEO family!

What a great team of pastors we have in NEO! This past Monday and Tuesday, 40 of the pastors gathered for BREAKAWAY at New Life Ranch. The focus was on refreshing our relationship with God and with one another. I enjoyed the sand volleyball, playing Farkle and the waterfront activities, but I especially enjoyed the worship and prayer times led by Gary Reynolds and Jim Thornton.

Let me share some pictures from earlier this summer:

Claremore Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for new facilities, July 19

Tulsa First, July 19

Family Church, Installation of Pastor Wisehart, August 2

Two of our New Start Churches will be celebrating their one year anniversaries soon. Connection Church, led by Pastor Brad Farnsworth, will celebrate on September 13 and South County Community Church, led by Pastor Doug Gunsalus, will celebrate on October 4. Starting new churches is not easy, but God is blessing both of these churches. Pastor Doug recently said to me, “I almost forgot to tell you that last Sunday was our largest attendance to date. We had 108 total people here for our 11am worship. I think God is really moving at SoCo. Not sure why, but I love him so much and thank him for blessing! I know that every Sunday can't be our best day of worship or our largest attendance or whatever, but I love the fact that he keeps giving us something to praise him for each and every week. He is truly my deliverer. I am ecstatic about the work that we get to be a part of here.”

Bartlesville First Church is growing the church the old fashioned way – with a Baby Boom this year. And the pastoral staff is leading the way! Children’s pastor, Josh Turner and his wife, Rachelle, are proud parents of Hila Marie Turner, born August 18. And Levi Allen Rogers was born to Youth Pastor, Jade Rogers and his wife, Michelle, on August 21. I expect announcements any day from the Meltons and Schunemans! If we are going to “Strive for Five” with the Pastoral Staff, the Dennisons may need to join in.

As we welcome new life, we also say goodbye to those who have gone on to their eternal home. Rev. Harold Morgan passed away on Monday, August 24. His funeral will be on Friday, August 28, 2pm at Mercer/Adams Funeral Home in Bethany.

Holiness Today, a Publication of the Church of the Nazarene. September is subscription month. We encourage you to subscribe to our Denominational Magazine through your local church or call 1-800-877-0700.

Don Cowan told me this week that a new associate pastor will be coming to Sapulpa beginning October 4. Mark and Ashley Sanford and children Olivia Cooper (2 ½) and Emma Grace (1) will be moving from Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Lois Nichols has some fluid removed from her lungs last week and they found cancer in it. On the positive side, Don says that the medicine they are using to fight the cancer has been effective in the past with Lois, so they are hopeful again. Let’s continue to pray for Don and Lois as they serve the Tahlequah Church and battle cancer.

Otoneil Danneman reports a major breakthrough in the legal battle Gloria is going through in Argentina. There are still other battles to be fought, but we are hopeful for her release in a few months. Let’s continue to pray.

Background checks help uncover criminal history:
Some 450 churches have requested more than 5,000 background checks since LifeWay Christian Resources teamed up with last year to offer discounted background checks to ministries around the nation, reports As a result, 80 screenings uncovered serious felony offenses and more than 600 people were found to have had some type of criminal history that may have disqualified them from volunteering or working at a church.
That means around 13.6 percent, or roughly one in seven, of applicants were found to have a criminal history. "Good guys don't wear superhero capes, and bad guys don't always have shifty eyes and devious-sounding chuckles. In real life, discerning the heroes from the villains often requires more than a visual assessment," commented Brooklyn Noel Lowery, a spokesperson for LifeWay. "That means you can't know whether someone is 'good' or 'bad' by looking at them when they walk through the front door of your church and volunteer to serve," she added. []

Have a great week! You are loved!
Dave McKellips

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