Friday, November 20, 2009

Dear NEO family,

I received an email today from a friend whom I have not seen for 30 years. He was trying to locate a former pastor to see how he was doing and to thank him for being such an encouragement to him as a teenager. I was challenged by what he was doing. Who are people who have helped shaped me and make me who I am today that I need to take time to locate and say “thanks”. Wouldn’t it make for a great week of thanksgiving if each of us took time to not only thank God for his abundant and amazing grace, but also to thank people who invested in us? Let’s do it!

Last Sunday was a wonderful day at Tahlequah. We thanked a wonderful couple, Don and Lois Nichols, for 30 years of pastoral ministry in the Church of the Nazarene, 14 of them at Tahlequah. Enjoy the pictures. Tahlequah, November 15, 2009

We come to God with our thanksgiving, but also our petitions:
Nick Vernier’s brother-in-law, John Griffis, fell off the roof last Saturday and died yesterday. John was only 43 and leaves behind a wife and four children.

Linda Gresham, wife of SNU President Loren Gresham, had two surgeries last week to remove cancerous tissue. A pathology report after the second surgery showed what the surgeon calls 'adequate margins' of healthy tissue surrounding those sections extracted on which to focus radiation for preventing return of the malignancy. She started the treatments Tuesday and is tolerating the effects of the beams well. If this protocol of treatment is successful she will complete 10 rounds of radiation on Monday the 23rd, and then will be monitored regularly in the future.

Diane Howard and Laura Farnsworth are still recovering from surgery.

Jerry Hollingsworth, Casey’s Dad, is in a difficult struggle with pancreatic cancer.

My wife Gloria’s Dad, Bob Robison, has pneumonia and is on oxygen.

People in our communities need Jesus.

Thanks for lifting up our brothers and sisters in prayer.

I saw a great column this week from Harvey Mackay. He is writing about business, but if you substitute the word “church” for “business”, I think it all applies. See what you think.
Building on the past to secure the future
One of the fastest growing hobbies today is genealogy—tracing your roots. It is fun to find out where you came from, how you got here, and what happened along the way. It can also help you determine your legacy.
I would submit that tracking your family tree is not just for families. It's also a good idea for businesses—how you got started, what accounted for your success, and where you are today. What is the root of your corporate culture? How did you become so successful from such humble beginnings? Or, on the other hand, when did the big happy family start to splinter?
If this sounds like an exercise in futility, consider this: Businesses come and go every single day. If businesses don't know why, or don't know how to adapt to changing requirements, the statistics will include them sooner rather than later.
Knowing the reason you are in business and what you plan to accomplish will help keep your doors open. Keeping an eye on long-term goals will help you build a solid foundation and stay in business when others are failing. Understanding your starting point, successes and failures helps prevent repeating mistakes. Remember the George Santayana quote: "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

Grace and peace,
Dave McKellips

Friday, November 13, 2009

May this weekend be one of rest and recentering, refreshment and rejuvenation, and most importantly, refocusing on you. Give me eyes to see where you are leading, ears to hear what you are saying, and a heart that follows wherever you may go. Amen.

Dear NEO family,

Greetings in the majestic name of Jesus! How appropriate that this Sunday, the Sunday after Veterans Day, is Don and Lois Nichols Day at Tahlequah. Don, a Marine and a life member of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, has pastored for 30 years in the Church of the Nazarene, the last 14 of these in Tahlequah. Don has served our District as a member of the Ministerial Studies and Credentials Board, Chairman of the Sunday School Ministries Board and a member of the Advisory Board. Don will preach on Sunday morning at Tahlequah with a reception for Don and Lois at 3pm at the church. The District family is welcome.

Following are pictures from some recent visits:

Collinsville, Nov. 8, 2009

Cleveland, Nov. 1, 2009

SNU Hall of Witnesses Induction Ceremony, Nov. 7
Tom Brown, Max and Rebecca Jetton, H.M. Curtis (Lyle’s Dad), Justine Knight, Revs. Spurgeon and O. Fae Hendrix (Christy Thornton’s grandparents), and Nina Gunter were among the 28 recipients.

The SNU Board of Trustees met Nov. 5 and 6. Here are a few hi-lights:
Fiscal year closed with a small surplus, an amazing accomplishment this past year. 20 years in a row SNU has had black ink budgets.
Jernigan Hall and Garey Dorm have been demolished and the new A.M. Hills Residential Complex is under construction.
Fall enrollment is up 2.8%, with a headcount of 2,110.
This is a year for accreditation visits. The North Central Association and their representatives of the Higher Learning Commission had a three day visit at SNU this fall and it went well.
Our Spiritual Development office has provided a busy and interesting Fall lineup of programs and activities. The theme for the year is “Sacred Stories,” and students, faculty and administrators have been challenged to find their story in the story of God.

We thank God for His on-going leadership of and provision for our University. We also are extremely grateful for the wise spiritual leadership of Dr. Loren Gresham, who has served as our President for 20 years. We have a great administrative team, faculty and staff. Let’s continue to pray for and support our university!

Jim Johnson, a local licensed minister from Hominy Church, has been appointed as pastor of the Barnsdall Church. We welcome Jim and look forward to his service to this congregation.

Primetime Director Doug Dawson reports that 89 have already signed up to attend the Primetime Dinner on Nov. 19 at Broken Arrow.

Manna House Update from Director Howard Essary:
We had our highest total attendance day of clients (families) on October 21, 2009, forty-six (46) families, which represents 142 people we assisted. We prayed with six to eight people.

It is a joy to serve alongside you in Northeast Oklahoma.

Dave McKellips

Monday, November 2, 2009

We begin, sometimes without realizing it, to worship things, to relate to them as persons. And in the process, we inevitably relate to other persons as if they were things.
- Edward J. Farrell, from his book Gathering the Fragments

Dear NEO Nazarene family,

I had the privilege of meeting with the Cleveland Board on Saturday for a Church/Pastor Review. This is a church navigating its way through change and I appreciated the Board and pastor’s willingness to work through some tough issues together, speaking the truth in love. They affirmed their pastor, Stephen Hundley and voted to continue the church/pastor arrangement. I was back on Sunday for worship and God met with us in a powerful way. God is working among the people of Cleveland and I rejoice.

I also met with the people of Barnsdall Church on Sunday afternoon. They have called a pastor and are waiting on confirmation that he is coming.

October was a tough month for many of our churches, especially with so much flu and sickness. Yet, our pastors still have found much to celebrate:


David Stevens, Vinita…God is faithful, even when all men fail. There is always a strong sense of His presence in our services. A couple who were members of the church in the past have returned and have been very faithful.

Gerald James, Claremore…Our church was blessed in being able to pray for and support our sister church in Chelsea. Our praise team went to worship with the Chelsea Church and then they had a great lunch afterwards. It was a great day! Enoch, Timothy, and Lydia (three leaders from the underground church in China) came and shared there story on Sunday, October 11th. They gave our church a tremendous blessing. We are still dealing with the aftermath of several challenges but I want to celebrate the fact that God is helping us to overcome!

Brad Farnsworth, Broken Arrow Connection…Messages are speaking to people’s needs; over 300 names of people who are far from God to pray for during current series, submitted by congregation; baptized an individual who has been struggling in his life to make things right.

Don Cowan, Sapulpa…Completion of the Family Life Center Gym floor; new excitement & vision for student ministries; renovation of Teen House; addition of new doors in main building and a new sign under construction; new families coming to church

Casey Hollingsworth, Miami New Life…Sunday worship services have been fantastic! God’s presence has been very real in our services and we’ve seen much obedience among God’s people. Had a board member come forward in one of our services and commit his life entirely to God’s work.

Nate Burns, Owasso Silver Creek…We have had lots of people with H1N1 or the regular flu this month. Not to mention all of the folks out of town! God is faithful, and in Jesus name we press on! Our Home Teams (small groups) are coming along. We are open sourcing a sermon series entitled "HELP" and we have invited the church to submit questions they want answered from scripture. We are also joining with Central Baptist Church and doing a combined Fall Festival at the 6th Grade Center. Finally, several of our ladies will be attending Women Of Faith in OKC, we praise God in advance for what He will do in the lives of those who go! Continuing to learn and to serve!

Pastor Dan Hazelton, Pryor ... 12-15 kids coming on Wednesday nights.

Pastor John Whitsett, Central…Serve People Sunday II went extremely well. The numbers above do not reflect the following relevant to SPS---approximately 250 participants … a service at Clarehouse Hospice facility w/ roughly 50 in attendance … a concert & cookout downtown that served approximately 350 people … 145 who returned that evening for the wrap-up fellowship … plus a number of other work projects across the metro area (landscaping for Hardcastle House, renovated children’s room at Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless, oil changes for single moms, extensive renovation of a preschool for underprivileged kids in north Tulsa, etc.)

Carl Brown, Hominy... This month was the 100th Year Anniversary for Hominy Church of the Nazarene and we had over 200 people attend our Sunday morning worship. It was filled to overflowing with God’s Family and Love. It is with a great love of God that we are starting our next 100 years fully devoted to the Rock of our Salvation, Jesus, all Praise, Honor and Glory we raise to Him.

Cole Weston, Okmulgee…Our ongoing Nobucks Ministry, drawing in around 6-7 college age each week, with new faces each week; the delivery of a projector from Broken Arrow to help in our Teen Ministry; the renovation (ongoing) of our youth center to begin moving services for them and better serving them; my wonderful church family who is helping every step of the way

Gordon Smith, Dewey…Pastor Alberto from the Dominican Republic joined us. In August, our Work & Witness team went on our first ever missions trip to the DR, and then God extended our missions trip, as he allowed for Pastor Alberto from Nueva Luz (the church we helped build on to their church) to come and preach, for fellowship, and to get a warm Oklahoma welcome!

Pastor Phil Buck, Grove…Our averages are not that good this month, we have had a lot of sickness going around. I do want to celebrate however, we had one of the best services ever in my ministry yesterday and I didn’t even get to preach. I started a series on James last week and had a second sermon prepared from chapter one. Several prayer needs were presented during the Sunday School hour and during the prayer chorus I felt God saying do a healing service from chapter 5 of James. That is the first time I have changed directions from my message in 15 years of preaching. We anointed 6 people and prayed over them and the Spirit of God was in this place. We had an unplanned prayer service and it was so unique to see the Lord move on this congregation. My shirt was wet with tears and I think nearly everyone else was the same. This service is in the record books as the best!

Wayde Normandin, Chelsea...We are so appreciative of the Claremore Nazarene Church for sending their worship team plus other members of their church (28 to be exact) to provide the worship on Sunday morning October 4th. We had a wonderful time of worship and had fellowship afterward with a cookout. It was a special time of connection with one of our zone churches as the church was filled with special music and laughter. A special thanks to Pastor J.J. and his congregation for their willingness to share their people with us.

NEO Top Leaders , October 2009

Sunday School/Discipleship
Broken Arrow First +27
Bristow +27
Wagoner Cornerstone +23
Skiatook +8
Dewey +6
Owasso Silver Creek +6
Reg. Park Hispanic +6
Horton Chapel +4
Miami New Life +4

AM Worship
Hominy +46
Collinsville +22
Bristow +17
Tulsa Family +15
Wagoner Cornerstone +11
Broken Arrow Connection +7
Cleveland +7
Chelsea +6
Chandler +1
Dewey +1
Hominy +1

Gloria and I will be hosting the South Central Region District Superintendents in Tulsa on Tuesday evening thru Thursday morning. Then we have SNU Board of Trustees meeting. I know your week will be full and I pray it will be full of grace, peace, hope and love.

Dave McKellips