Friday, November 13, 2009

May this weekend be one of rest and recentering, refreshment and rejuvenation, and most importantly, refocusing on you. Give me eyes to see where you are leading, ears to hear what you are saying, and a heart that follows wherever you may go. Amen.

Dear NEO family,

Greetings in the majestic name of Jesus! How appropriate that this Sunday, the Sunday after Veterans Day, is Don and Lois Nichols Day at Tahlequah. Don, a Marine and a life member of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, has pastored for 30 years in the Church of the Nazarene, the last 14 of these in Tahlequah. Don has served our District as a member of the Ministerial Studies and Credentials Board, Chairman of the Sunday School Ministries Board and a member of the Advisory Board. Don will preach on Sunday morning at Tahlequah with a reception for Don and Lois at 3pm at the church. The District family is welcome.

Following are pictures from some recent visits:

Collinsville, Nov. 8, 2009

Cleveland, Nov. 1, 2009

SNU Hall of Witnesses Induction Ceremony, Nov. 7
Tom Brown, Max and Rebecca Jetton, H.M. Curtis (Lyle’s Dad), Justine Knight, Revs. Spurgeon and O. Fae Hendrix (Christy Thornton’s grandparents), and Nina Gunter were among the 28 recipients.

The SNU Board of Trustees met Nov. 5 and 6. Here are a few hi-lights:
Fiscal year closed with a small surplus, an amazing accomplishment this past year. 20 years in a row SNU has had black ink budgets.
Jernigan Hall and Garey Dorm have been demolished and the new A.M. Hills Residential Complex is under construction.
Fall enrollment is up 2.8%, with a headcount of 2,110.
This is a year for accreditation visits. The North Central Association and their representatives of the Higher Learning Commission had a three day visit at SNU this fall and it went well.
Our Spiritual Development office has provided a busy and interesting Fall lineup of programs and activities. The theme for the year is “Sacred Stories,” and students, faculty and administrators have been challenged to find their story in the story of God.

We thank God for His on-going leadership of and provision for our University. We also are extremely grateful for the wise spiritual leadership of Dr. Loren Gresham, who has served as our President for 20 years. We have a great administrative team, faculty and staff. Let’s continue to pray for and support our university!

Jim Johnson, a local licensed minister from Hominy Church, has been appointed as pastor of the Barnsdall Church. We welcome Jim and look forward to his service to this congregation.

Primetime Director Doug Dawson reports that 89 have already signed up to attend the Primetime Dinner on Nov. 19 at Broken Arrow.

Manna House Update from Director Howard Essary:
We had our highest total attendance day of clients (families) on October 21, 2009, forty-six (46) families, which represents 142 people we assisted. We prayed with six to eight people.

It is a joy to serve alongside you in Northeast Oklahoma.

Dave McKellips

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