Friday, April 9, 2010

Dear NEO family,

These are busy and exciting days on the District. 100 of us Primetimers met for our quarterly dinner at Broken Arrow a week ago. Doug Dawson and the BA crew did a super job of hosting us and we had a great time.

I have heard wonderful reports from Holy Week and Easter services across the District. Did you hear about the weekend at one of our New Start churches, BA Connection? Pastor Brad Farnsworth and the church family had been praying for weeks for over 150 people that the members were inviting to services. The people worked, and God worked in answer to their prayers. 285 people attended services and 10 made decisions to receive Christ as their Savior and Lord! Isn’t God good! And did you hear about Barnsdall? This church, which has averaged between 9 and 15 for the past decade, had 50 in attendance on Easter. Congratulations to new pastor Jim Johnson and the faithful people of Barnsdall and praise be to God for working in ways beyond our wildest dreams!

We rejoice with one another and we also pray for one another as a District family. Would you remember the following prayer requests:
1. Pastor Kevin Williams’ sister, Tammy Unruh, died suddenly following a heart attack on Wednesday. The memorial service for Tammy will be Sunday afternoon at the Cameron, Missouri Church of the Nazarene.
2. Evangelist Frank Chase passed away on Wednesday.
3. Jennie Schuneman (daughter of Pastor Randy and Bonnie) has been getting medical care all week. Tentative diagnosis from the Pathologist, Dr. Casner: low grade vascular neoplasm (cancer) It will be next week before they have a conclusive diagnosis. Remember Jen and this family in prayer.

Tomorrow is Kid’s Mission Day at Tulsa Southwest. We will learn about missions thru games, snacks, crafts and music. NEO missionaries to the Dominican Republic, Dan and Michelle Lepley, will be speaking. Children ages kindergarten through sixth grade are invited and the cost is only $2. Go to the for more information.

Flyers have been emailed to all pastors for the upcoming NEO Training Day on Saturday, April 24. Workshops are planned for childen, youth and adult workers. I will have information for Pastors and treasurers regarding the new plan for funding the mission. District Secretary Jim Thornton will be available to answer questions for pastors regarding completing the Annual Pastors’ Report. A new workshop has been planned for Primetime workers. Cost is only $10 and includes Rib Crib lunch if you register by April 17.. Go to the website,, for all the details.

NEO Homecoming 2010 is June 1 and 2. We have lots of changes with Missions and Youth conventions both together on June 2. We will have service projects, workshops and great times of worship and fellowship together. Be watching for details in coming days.

I LOVE Extravaganza and the chance to get our youth from across the region together at SNU for worship, fellowship and competition. You have already know that once again Extravaganza is over Memorial Day Weekend (May 28 – 31), which allows our students to have lodging on campus and not have to be excused from school and related activities. Students will have great opportunities to experience campus life and build friendships from across the Region. Whether you have 1 teen or 100, I hope you will help your kids get to Extravaganza. They don’t have to “compete” to go and have a great time.

SNU has a opening for a Chair of the School of Nursing. For more information, the link for this position is:

You are loved!
Dave McKellips

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