Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hi, NEO family,

Next Tuesday and Wednesday we will be gathering at Tulsa Central Church for our HOMECOMING 2010: A Celebration of Mission and Ministry. I love it when we get to hang out together – worship together, eat together, play together and serve together. You will love our General Superintendent, Dr. Jesse Middendorf. And our Zone Cluster meetings are becoming a hi-light for our laity as we hear reports from churches on our Zone and pray for one another (notice we had to move the Zone Cluster meetings to after lunch!). I am excited about my report – I quote Angie Bentley, Roger Staubach, Hal Perkins and other great church leaders.

Check out the schedule below. Make plans to attend. Pray that God will use these gatherings to inspire, equip and correct His church so that we can more effectively “make Christlike disciples in the nations.”

NEO Homecoming 2010

A Celebration of Mission and Ministry

Tulsa Central Church

Tuesday, June 1 District Assembly

8:00 am Registration

8:30 am Opening Session.

Message from our General Superintendent, Jesse Middendorf

Welcoming new NEO pastors and spouses

Report of District Superintendent, Dave McKellips

Elections of District Leaders

Vote on Constitutional Amendments

Reports from District Leaders, Boards and Committees

Report of SNU President, Loren Gresham

Noon SNU Luncheon for Lead pastors, spouses and Advisory Board

2:00 pm Zone Cluster Meetings

3:30 pm Concluding Session of District Business

7:00 pm Ordination Service with Dr. Middendorf. In addition to ordaining four pastors, we newly licensed ministers will be challenged and retiring pastors will be honored.

Wednesday, June 2 NYI and NMI Conventions

9:30 am Registration

10:00 am Great Commission Rally – Parade of Flags w/Children and Youth; Youth worship team; Missionary John Williams, speaking; Reports of how NEO is “taking Christ to the Nations”!
11:30 am Lunch for all

12:30 pm NMI Convention in Worship Center; NYI Convention in youth room (203)

2:00 pm Youth and Family Service Projects around Tulsa ; Missions workshops

5:30 pm Dinner together

7:00 pm Closing Service – A Gathering to Give Thanks. In one hour, our DS will preach, we will engage in corporate worship and thanksgiving and join together at the Lord’s table in communion.

See you on Tuesday! You are loved!

Dave McKellips

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