Friday, July 30, 2010

Dear NEO family,

I hope you are staying cool and enjoying God’s presence and power in your life today. I have been reminded again this week, through many great conversations at Kidz Kamp and the opportunity to meet with four church boards, of how blessed I am to serve alongside the dedicated and gifted people who are in NEO Nazarene Churches. Thanks for the chance to rub shoulders with you and to catch your passion for Christ and people.

Tomorrow we resume the District Service project in Drumright. Here is the latest: The kitchen cabinets are assembled and bathroom renovation is getting close to completion. We need to trim out doors and newly installed windows and put the flooring down throughout the project. We have completed the addition of a couple of electric circuits. We hope to complete the new water service piping by the end of this project day. This project is starting to take shape with the help of the willing folks able to sweat it out with us. If you would like to join in this one please contact Jerry Wilburg at 918-607-8561.

Doug Dawson, our District Prime Time Director and staff member at Broken Arrow First, is dealing with some degerative arthritis in the L-1-5 vertebrae, Consequently, we are cancelling the NEO August Prime Time Event. Let’s pray for Doug and for the doctors who are caring for him.

NEO Pastors share, "I WANT TO CELEBRATE…"

Dan Hazelton, Pryor… two people becoming followers of Christ. One person receiving the filling of the Holy Spirit.

Jim Wilson, Pawhuska… We held a “One Day Revival” with Randy Dority this Sunday, and a couple came forward to receive Jesus for the first time ever! God is working here!!! We will be transferring in a new member this coming Month.

Geoff Gunter, Tulsa Regency Park…Great VBS. Reached lots of neighborhood families. Raised $830.00 for Scott Riggins in Papua New Guinea. Also had a free pancake breakfast for Regency Park neighborhood.

Wayde Normandin, Chelsea…Our Sunday School and Worship attendance have increased compared to this time last year.

John Whitsett, Tulsa Central… I’m off at Asbury for my next round of classes in my D. Min. program. Be back to Tulsa on Friday, August 20.

Angela Bentley, Bristow… God’s Spirit and Presence in our services and in our people, continued growth demonstrated in the increasing involvement of new comers to our family, nine new babies in our family, 10 teens went to camp, 5 kids went to kids camp, and the 5th anniversary of the continually growing and deepening relationship between pastor and people in this place!

Gerald “J.J.” James, Claremore… Our VBS was a huge success with over 100 kids and 65 adult and teen workers!

Jim Johnson, Barnsdall… Greetings from the Barnsdall Church. We haven't reported recently, but we indeed have reasons to celebrate. Three recent high school graduates have come to the altar and accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior . Also, we have accepted 5 new members on their profession of faith. Glory to God! Barnsdall Church is indeed being used to fulfill the Great Commission. Our building improvement projects are still in full swing. Pastor's office has been completely re-modeled and is a wonderful addition to our church. Also, a new sound system has been purchased and installed. Wonderful! New basement doors will be installed this week and speaking of the basement, we have knocked out a wall to accommodate our Wednesday Night service. Our attendance is still growing on Wednesday night with 34 in attendance this week. Our next project is to install new indoor and outdoor carpet in the basement and to insulate our attic. God has blessed us beyond measure. Praise his name!

Steve Davis, Sapulpa…11 attended Kidz Kamp; Increasing unity among the body; New teens attending our student ministries gatherings; Planning baptismal service for August 29th

David Stevens, Vinita…Slight increase over last year’s number this month. The year is going well statistically. Two of the girls who attend Caravans testified that they prayed to receive Jesus as their Savior; one at Church camp and the other based on the first girls testimony, she also wanted to be saved. God is working. We plant the seed, someone else waters it, and someone else reaps the harvest. We all work together on God’s team!

NEO DISTRCT LEADERS in Attendance Growth

Sunday School/ Discipleship
Barnsdall +29
Tulsa Regency Park +22
Tulsa Fuente de Vida +20
Wagoner +20
Nowata +15
Okmulgee +12
Pryor +11
Bristow +10
Chelsea +7
Cushing +6
Mannford +6

Tulsa Regency Park +41
Tulsa Fuente de Vida +25
Wagoner +17
Coweta +14
Okmulgee +14
Barnsdall +13
Mannford +11
Chelsea +9
Sand Springs +9

May the Lord bless you and keep your spiritual heart as warm as the temperature outside.

You are loved!

Dave McKellips

Friday, July 23, 2010

Dear NEO family,

I was grieved yesterday morning to hear that Rebecca Jetton, wife of Max Jetton who served as pastor at Broken Arrow First for many years, had died after a seven year battle with cancer. A Memorial Service is scheduled for Saturday, July 31, 11:00 am in Molalla, OR. Rebecca’s father, a member of Tulsa Central, recently passed away, so the family has had a lot of loss recently. Let’s remember them in prayer.

I would also ask you to pray for Davenport and Tulsa Southwest as they are seeking God’s direction for their next pastors. A couple of other churches are facing some special challenges and need your prayers.

Two of the best things that have happened on the District this summer are camps and District work projects. Youth camp was outstanding and kids camp began tonight at Cave Springs. As you think of Camp Director Linda Holland and the 200 + workers and campers, lift them up in prayer this weekend.

Our work projects at NEO churches continue to make incredible progress. I received the following report today from Jerry Wilburg:

"We are in need of some guys willing to do the grid installation for the drop-in ceiling at Tulsa Southwest Church. If anyone has expertise in this area of construction we could use your help in getting this one going. This project is part of our effort to get District Work and Witness going in our "Jerusalem". Please let Jerry Wilburg know of your interest in helping out with this project. Cell (918)607-8561. Additionally there will be some forms and concrete work to do for the outside location as well. Once we know who is interested we will begin to decide the timing for the work and let everyone know. Thanks for all your help.

Update on the Drumright project. 17 people got together for a fun and hot work day July 17. Did I mention hot. Whew. Ok we have passed a milestone on this project as we have completed the phase where we are removing and demolishing. Now we only have to put things back together again. A small team is going back this weekend to complete installation of the HVAC unit to get the AC on for our next workday July 31.

Kitchen cabinets are assembled, Bathroom renovation is getting close to completion. We need to trim out doors and newly installed windows. And put the flooring down thoughout the project. We have completed the addition of a couple of electric circuits. We hope to complete the new water service piping by the end of this project day. This project is starting to take shape with the help of the willing folks able to sweat it out with us. If you would like to join in this one please contact Jerry Wilburg at 918-607-8561.

Tahlequah Parsonage
Thanks to the folks who went back out to this project to tidy up some loose ends last week. The new flooring in in and the baseboards are all replaced and stained. And Pastor Jason is moving in.. Welcome to the NEO District pastor!"

Have a great weekend! You are loved!

Dave McKellips

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Dear NEO family,

Greetings in the strong name of Jesus! The rain is gone and the heat has come! Aren’t you thankful for the wonderful opportunity you have to adjust to change in Oklahoma?

NEO Kidz Kamp is only 9 days away. It is not too late to register!
Where: Sky Ranch at Cave Springs
When: July 23-25
Who: Finished 1st Grade through finished 6th Grade
Cost: Early Bird Special: $115 if sent by July 15th (snacks included)
For Downloadable forms go to
More Information: Contact Linda Holland,  

District Work Projects are continuing this weekend at Tahlequah and Drumright. The Drumright project still has much to complete and will begin on July 17 at 8:30am. Another work is scheduled for July 31. The project will involve the following:
Run wiring for some extra electrical circuits.
Replace water piping with PEX tubing
Putting up wall coverings ( exterior siding - not sheetrock)
Assemble Kitchen cabinets and build counter top
Formica laminate on Kitchen counter
Replace windows in three locations.
Remove windows and side over the hole in three locations
Apply flooring (engineered wood and vinyl laminate)
Install HVAC system including floor vents.
Contact Jerry Wilburg for more information: 918-607-8561 or

Season permits for parking at OU football games available from the 2:8 House:
Passes will be available for a $300 donation to the 2:8 House and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Those who park at the house will be invited to a tailgate party that will begin two hours prior to each kickoff. "We have found that OU football games are a great way to introduce others to our ministry," Dave Kyncl said. "Our hope is that these season passes will allow us to build relationships with others and share with them how God is at work here. We hope to sell all 11 parking spots within the next few weeks."
The 2:8 House is located at 700 Chautauqua Avenue, which is one block south of Boyd Street. For further information, please contact Dave Kyncl at

A Call to Civility
I was waiting to meet with a Nazarene elder at a restaurant this afternoon. While waiting, I heard a television report on the need for civility in our discourse. The speaker cited recent comments by Jessie Jackson and some associated with the NAACP, as well as statements made by some associated with the Tea Party, as examples of the kind of attacks that are weakening our beloved country.

I would hope that Christians would be the example of how to engage in civil discourse - being quick to listen and slow to anger, telling the truth, doing justice and promoting basic respect for other human beings. After all, since 83% of the American population identifies with the Christian religion, that 83% could make an enormous difference in the tone of American politics if those Christians actually practiced what they profess to believe. They could also make a positive difference in American politics if they held other Christians accountable when they engage in deception and slander in order to score political points. Of course, at times as a DS, I just wish we would practice what Jesus taught in their relations within the church! As my college professor, Dr. Robert Sawyer said often, “You can disagree without becoming disagreeable.” I hope  am hearing an "amen"

A Tulsa World Editorial on April 9 told of Senator Tom Coburn’s call for fairness and civility in discussing the important issues of the day during a Town Hall Meeting in Edmond. I couldn’t have agreed with the Senator more. And a host of Christian leaders have also spoken to the issue and drafted “A Covenant for Civility”. See the article below from one evangelical leader.

A Covenant for Civility

The political polarization of our society has now reached a new and dangerous level. Honest disagreements over policy issues have turned into a growing vitriolic rage against political opponents, and even threats of violence against lawmakers are now being credibly reported.

Just a few months ago, a deeply concerned, veteran member of Congress called me to express real despair about the alarming level of disrespect, personal attacks, and even hateful rhetoric that was occurring among her colleagues -- reflecting a degeneration of public debate in our national culture. This month, another member of Congress called to express real fear about threats of violence he and other elected officials had experienced against themselves and their family members. Political debate, even vigorous debate, is a healthy thing for a democracy; but to question the integrity, patriotism, and even faith of those with whom we disagree is destructive to democratic discourse, and to threaten or even imply the possibility of violence toward those whose politics or worldview differs from ours is a sign of moral danger, and indeed, a sign of democracy’s unraveling.

Both members are people of faith and were calling to ask for help from the community of faith to lead in this dangerous moment and to begin to help heal what was becoming an increasingly alarming and frightening situation. I recently had lunch with a friend, a political conservative with whom I both agree and disagree on various policy issues. He expressed his real discouragement over how more and more Americans now get their news and information from only highly ideological and partisan media sources with whom they already agree, and who daily fuel the most passionate emotions of their loyal followers -- on both sides of the political aisle.

So for several months, a group of Christian leaders have been praying, talking, and discerning how the churches might lead by example to help create a more civil and moral tone in our national politics. We have confessed that, too often, Christians have merely reflected the political divisions in the body politic instead of trying to heal them in the body of Christ. People of faith from all our religious traditions could help create much-needed safe, civil, and even sacred spaces for better public discourse at this critical moment in our nation’s history. What has come from our prayerful discernment is “A Covenant for Civility: Come Let Us Reason Together.” Church leaders from across the political and theological spectrum -- who have voted Democratic, Republican, and Independent in recent elections -- have come together around this civility covenant, and the breadth of the signatories is a powerful statement in and of itself. Together we offer what we feel is a strong biblical statement motivated by deep concern about our present situation; we are now inviting thousands of other pastors and lay people in all of our churches to sign this covenant and then seek to implement it in our congregations, communities, and nation.

The Covenant for Civility begins: "As Christian pastors and leaders with diverse theological and political beliefs, we have come together to make this covenant with each other, and to commend it to the church, faith-based organizations, and individuals, so that together we can contribute to a more civil national discourse. The church in the United States can offer a message of hope and reconciliation to a nation that is deeply divided by political and cultural differences. Too often, however, we have reflected the political divisions of our culture rather than the unity we have in the body of Christ. We come together to urge those who claim the name of Christ to 'put away from you all bitterness and wrath and anger and wrangling and slander, together with all malice, and be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you' (Ephesians 4:31-32)."

I ask our readers and friends to consider both signing on and acting to make the commitments of this covenant in our lives and faith communities -- and offer a much-needed prophetic witness to the nation at this time of crisis.

We need to behave differently, for both the sake of our spiritual integrity and the health of our democracy. We have forgotten some of the key values of faith: respect, truth, honesty, humility, patience, kindness, confession, forgiveness, prayer, and the unity of the body of Christ. It is time to recover them again. Let the change we call for begin with us.

Thanks for being a part of the solution in our great country and in our churches! You are loved!

Dave McKellips

Friday, July 9, 2010

Day by day, dear Lord, of Thee three things I pray: to see Thee more clearly, to love Thee more dearly, and to follow Thee more nearly. Amen.        St. Richard of Chichester

Dear NEO family,

Greetings in the strong name of Jesus! Have you had enough rain this week? The weather is always an adventure in NEO. Let’s focus on the positive: The grass is sure looking green for July, the weather has been cooler than normal and we are saving on our water bills.

If you have tried to get on our website, I apologize that it has been down most of the week. The same group that hacked it a few weeks ago got us again. Thanks to our webmaster, Ed Phillips, for his work getting our web site rebuilt and getting more security on our site.

This Sunday we will say goodbye to three of our beloved pastoral staff members: Gary and Jennie Reynolds at Regency Park; John and Moneita Teel at Broken Arrow; Levi and Stephanie Lunsford at Family Church. God’s best to each of them in their new assignments.

The week ahead is a one of celebration for Gloria and me. On Saturday, July 10, 2 – 4 pm we will be celebrating my parents 60th wedding anniversary at Tulsa Central. A 30 minute program will begin at 2:30pm. On July 15, my son-in-law, Scott Dermer, will be ordained on the Dallas District. On July 16, we will celebrate my granddaughter, Ellianna’s, first birthday. Life is just one big party for us this week.

Thanks to Jerry Wilburg, Brian Loderhose and all who participated in our work projects at Tahlequah and Drumright last weekend. An amazing amount of work was accomplished. At Tahlequah - Bathroom floors down, new French doors, counter tops, sink, faucet, gfi outlets, kitchen cabinets and drawers painted, doors hung, windows replaced and more. Pastor Jason is putting down new flooring throughout the house. There is still a lot to be done at Drumright. And projects are waiting at Davenport and Tulsa Southwest. It is great to be a part of a District family that supports one another!

Kid’s Kamp, July 23 – 25  For Downloadable forms go to
Camp Director, Linda Holland, says we can use a few more campers and there will be late charges until after July 15.

Are youth interested in religion? I read a fascinating article this week ( ) which looks at factors which impact youth involvement in religion. In a quiz on Youth and Religion, the question was asked:  "What is the weakest predictor of teens remaining religiously active into young adulthood?" Possible answers were: • Frequent teasing about religion • Mission trips • Supportive religious adults.Would you be surprised that the weakest predictor was "mission trips"?

Examining results from the National Study of Youth and Religion in their book “Souls in Transition: The Religious and Spiritual Lives of Emerging Adults,” researchers Christian Smith and Patricia Snell of the University of Notre Dame identify factors that do predict high levels of religious commitment. They include frequent prayer and Scripture reading, personal religious experiences, highly religious parents, and caring and supportive adults in congregations.

Adult involvement, in particular, should not be underestimated, they say. No slogan or appeal empty of religious substance will have young adults knocking down the doors of houses of worship. But the hard work, starting at an early age, of integrating young people into communities where they are nurtured, cared for and given spiritual direction makes a difference.

This generation is open to being spiritual and religious. In fact, several major national studies show that the core faith of young Americans has changed little in the last four decades. In the Panel Study of American Religion and Ethnicity led by researchers at Rice University and the University of Notre Dame, more than half of respondents ages 18-29 said religion or religious faith was very important, extremely important or the most important part of their lives. Only 14 percent of respondents in this age group, compared with 11 percent of all respondents, said religion was not important. Eighty-two percent of young adults said they believe God loves them and cares about them, the same percentage as the overall response.

There was a good article on Ministering to Young Adults in the last Holiness Today.

Have a great weekend! You are loved!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Dear NEO family,

Hope you have had a wonderful celebration of our nation’s birthday! Gloria and I were at Sapulpa on the morning of the 4th and I was moved by how many veterans were in our service. We are indebted to these men and women who have sacrificed for our country. We sang the third verse of “America, the Beautiful” yesterday: “O beautiful for heroes proved in liberating strife, who more than self their country loved, and mercy more than life.” And I resonated with the prayer that concluded this verse: “America, America, may God thy gold refine; till all success be nobleness and every gain divine.”

On Sunday, Pastor Steve Davis was installed as pastor at Sapulpa. Go to the link below for pictures from this event:
Sapulpa, July 4, 2010

Last week 33 of our pastors participated in Pastors and Leaders Conference (PALCON) at Southern Nazarene University. One pastor wrote: “This was probably the best conference that I have been to, in terms of speakers and workshops. Truly enjoyed "Closing the Backdoor" with Woody Stevens, and the Theism class with Crutcher. Informative. Middendorf’s sermon, and MacDonald's wisdom were truly life changing.” Thanks for giving our pastors time and financial support to attend PALCON!

Last weekend we had District Work Projects at Drumright and Tahlequah. Jerry Wilburg shares this report on the work project at Drumright last weekend: We had a successful 2 day work gathering. Churches involved included Southwest, Mannford, Bristow, and BA First. The teams made a huge dent in the work list but much is left to be done. Rain hamperred our work on the second day but we were able to do things inside during the heaviest rain. Thanks to all the churches who have supported this effort.

I was at Tahlequah on Friday for the total makeover of the parsonage, led by Brian Loderhose. A good group from Tahlequah and Owasso Silver Creek were involved and were very productive. The ladies of the church fed us well! New pastor, Jason Powers, arrived on Friday. I will share a more complete report later.

Troy Farmer reports that the Crisis Care Kits collected from NEO were delivered to the warehouse in Fawn Grove, PA, Wednesday AM, June 16th, 2010. Thank you to all who participated in this effort.Two shipments are going out from the warehouse the next week to Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

In approximately one year from now, thousands of Nazarene youth from across the stretches of the U.S. and Canada will converge on the city of Louisville, Kentucky, for Nazarene Youth Conference 2011 - A World Unbroken. Youth and youth leaders will be in for a week of spiritual formation, missional outreach, inspired worship, and of course, fun.

Kid’s Kamp, July 23 – 25
For Downloadable forms go to

More and more marriages represent the forming of a stepfamily. As these families form, often what is brought to the table is "his", "hers" and "ours." This refers to kids, finances, step-relationships, house hold items, and more! Forming a stepfamily brings about some of the same challenges as any relationship, but due to the sheer number of relationships woven into the complexities of stepfamilies there are unique circumstances and challenges. The goal of couples in stepfamilies is to create a marriage and family all at the same time. Let the Forever. For Real. – For Couples in Stepfamilies workshop help! Come and learn the major differences between first families and stepfamilies, be guided through how to develop new step-relationships, and pick up some step-parenting tips. Come away with the communication skills that are the key to a successful remarriage and stepfamily.

Saturday, July 17, 10 am - 4 pm, Tulsa Technology Center – Riverside Campus, 801 East 91st, near the Jenks airport. For more information or to register for this FREE workshop, visit or contact Kristin at (877) 435-8033.

I WANT TO CELEBRATE… (shared by pastors from monthly reports)

Cole Weston, Okmulgee…Held my first ever baptism, for a beloved teen in our church. We’re proud of her and hope that many more will join her soon. Also celebrating the 40 year old heaters in the baptistry that are running strong! :) Brainstorming on holding a leadership series in August, and holding our first (to me) VBS next month. Then completely re-doing the kindergarten room, expecting that if we make way for the Lord to work, He’ll fill it up. Also paid everything according to the new budgets this month, and working on catching up with last months too!

Carl Brown, Hominy…Thirteen Baptized June 20th with new lives dedicated to serve Christ as Lord. We start VBS with the theme “The Ten Commandments” Starts July 20 – 23rd

Dwain Young, Horton Chapel…On June 6, we had our second Children's Day Celebration with Del Wilson, who lives in Tulsa. He is serving as president of Fellowship Christian Magicians. Our boys and girls responded to him and the gospel message. We had families in attendance who do not attend regularly. One child responded to the invitation. This day was a highlight for us this month.

H. Gordon Smith, III, Dewey…Thanks to our church family who kindly had a fellowship dinner in recognition of my being ordained an Elder in the Church of the Nazarene. I want to also celebrate our Youth Group that went out and volunteered at The Concern Center in Bartlesville painting.
David Stevens, Vinita…In recent weeks I have been asking God to renew our spirits and bring a revival to Vinita. As we pray and prepare ourselves, it is so nice when we have a Sunday when God is particularly close. The last Sunday of June was one of those special days. From the opening worship song all through the final Amen many of us felt God’s presence in a tangible way. He is so good!

Nick Vernier, Tulsa Southwest… We want to celebrate...our attendance is up from last month!!!! God is good and Southwest is resilient.

Wayde Normandin, Chelsea…Our Sunday School and Worship attendance have increased compared to this time last year. We also had five teens and a sponsor attend Golden Bell Camp in Colorado! They went with the Claremore Church. Each of our teens had a lot of fun and grew spiritually from the experience.

Brad Farnsworth, BA Connection…Baptized an entire family on Father’s Day, with the father dedicating his young daughter; very successful Dadfest (aka, Sweatfest) on Father’s Day.

Randy Schuneman, Bartlesville…21 teens went to NYI NEO Camp. God used this camp to bond our teens together. We had a great VBS this month! Many children came to hear about how our Savior Jesus! Our faith promise weekend went wonderful as well; our speaker Terry Baker did a fantastic job.

Dan Hazelton, Pryor…We received $5000 in pledges and offerings for an emergency fund.

Jim Wilson, Pawhuska…God is moving here, I don’t know what He’s doing but He’s moving and that is exciting.

Steve Davis, Sapulpa…6 teens saved and several others re-dedicating their lives at Teen Camp; Wonderful VBS with several new families; Being blessed to lead Sapulpa as their new pastor.

John Whitsett, Tulsa Central…Our Spanish work is having Sunday Bible studies … an outreach VBS at The Lakes Apartments this past month that looks like it will yield some prospects for us as well as the new Spanish work … some genuine “God stuff” happening in my heart at PALCON … some positive visitor flow in recent weeks … a number of things to be encouraged about.

NEO DISTRICT LEADERS in attendance gain in June, 2010 over June, 2009
 Sunday School/Discipleship
Bristow +23
Barnsdall +21
Tulsa Fuente de Vida +20
Pryor +11
Nowata +9
Horton Chapel +8
Cushing +7
Vinita +6
Chelsea +3
Coweta +4
Dewey +3
Drumright +3
Miami New Life +3

AM Worship
Pryor +32
Tulsa Faith +18
Broken Arrow First +17
Sapulpa +15
Barnsdall +13
Vinita +11
Bristow +10
Coweta +7
Miami New Life +7
Dewey +5

You are loved!
Dave McKellips