Friday, July 9, 2010

Day by day, dear Lord, of Thee three things I pray: to see Thee more clearly, to love Thee more dearly, and to follow Thee more nearly. Amen.        St. Richard of Chichester

Dear NEO family,

Greetings in the strong name of Jesus! Have you had enough rain this week? The weather is always an adventure in NEO. Let’s focus on the positive: The grass is sure looking green for July, the weather has been cooler than normal and we are saving on our water bills.

If you have tried to get on our website, I apologize that it has been down most of the week. The same group that hacked it a few weeks ago got us again. Thanks to our webmaster, Ed Phillips, for his work getting our web site rebuilt and getting more security on our site.

This Sunday we will say goodbye to three of our beloved pastoral staff members: Gary and Jennie Reynolds at Regency Park; John and Moneita Teel at Broken Arrow; Levi and Stephanie Lunsford at Family Church. God’s best to each of them in their new assignments.

The week ahead is a one of celebration for Gloria and me. On Saturday, July 10, 2 – 4 pm we will be celebrating my parents 60th wedding anniversary at Tulsa Central. A 30 minute program will begin at 2:30pm. On July 15, my son-in-law, Scott Dermer, will be ordained on the Dallas District. On July 16, we will celebrate my granddaughter, Ellianna’s, first birthday. Life is just one big party for us this week.

Thanks to Jerry Wilburg, Brian Loderhose and all who participated in our work projects at Tahlequah and Drumright last weekend. An amazing amount of work was accomplished. At Tahlequah - Bathroom floors down, new French doors, counter tops, sink, faucet, gfi outlets, kitchen cabinets and drawers painted, doors hung, windows replaced and more. Pastor Jason is putting down new flooring throughout the house. There is still a lot to be done at Drumright. And projects are waiting at Davenport and Tulsa Southwest. It is great to be a part of a District family that supports one another!

Kid’s Kamp, July 23 – 25  For Downloadable forms go to
Camp Director, Linda Holland, says we can use a few more campers and there will be late charges until after July 15.

Are youth interested in religion? I read a fascinating article this week ( ) which looks at factors which impact youth involvement in religion. In a quiz on Youth and Religion, the question was asked:  "What is the weakest predictor of teens remaining religiously active into young adulthood?" Possible answers were: • Frequent teasing about religion • Mission trips • Supportive religious adults.Would you be surprised that the weakest predictor was "mission trips"?

Examining results from the National Study of Youth and Religion in their book “Souls in Transition: The Religious and Spiritual Lives of Emerging Adults,” researchers Christian Smith and Patricia Snell of the University of Notre Dame identify factors that do predict high levels of religious commitment. They include frequent prayer and Scripture reading, personal religious experiences, highly religious parents, and caring and supportive adults in congregations.

Adult involvement, in particular, should not be underestimated, they say. No slogan or appeal empty of religious substance will have young adults knocking down the doors of houses of worship. But the hard work, starting at an early age, of integrating young people into communities where they are nurtured, cared for and given spiritual direction makes a difference.

This generation is open to being spiritual and religious. In fact, several major national studies show that the core faith of young Americans has changed little in the last four decades. In the Panel Study of American Religion and Ethnicity led by researchers at Rice University and the University of Notre Dame, more than half of respondents ages 18-29 said religion or religious faith was very important, extremely important or the most important part of their lives. Only 14 percent of respondents in this age group, compared with 11 percent of all respondents, said religion was not important. Eighty-two percent of young adults said they believe God loves them and cares about them, the same percentage as the overall response.

There was a good article on Ministering to Young Adults in the last Holiness Today.

Have a great weekend! You are loved!

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