Friday, October 30, 2009

By your Spirit, God, may we speak the truth in love. Keep us unafraid to tell the truth and to call for your justice; but keep us also gracious and loving, remembering that we too are broken sinners, redeemed only by your grace. Help us to walk this line, trusting you all the way.

Dear NEO Nazarene family,

Greetings in the strong name of Jesus! It is a joy to share with churches across Northeast Oklahoma. Last week I attended Connection Church, one of our NewStart churches in northeast Broken Arrow. Pastor Brad and Laura Farnsworth and providing excellent leadership and the church has had a new surge of visitors in recent weeks. This Sunday I get to preach at Cleveland in the morning and meet with Barnsdall in the afternoon.

Attached are pictures from our recent visit to Tahlequah. Continue to pray for Tahlequah and Barnsdall as we search for new pastors.
Tahlequah, October 18, 2009

The SNU Crimson Storm Men’s Basketball team playing at TU against the Golden Hurricane men on Monday evening, Nov. 2, 7pm.

Our mission as a denomination is to make Christlike disciples in the nations. I love the focus and clarity this gives to our task. But how are we really doing?

The words below from Gallup’s “Engaged Church” newletter need to be pondered:

If we surveyed the people in your church - how many people would say that one of the main purposes in their lives is to be a disciplemaker?

According to comparable studies by Gallup and the Barna Group - not many.

Both organizations confirm that while churches are busy doing a lot of things, there is one thing that the majority of them are failing to do and that is to "make disciples".

Can you imagine any other business in the world that failed at something so core to it's very existence?

"Hi welcome to McDonald's, would you like to try our new Pilates class?"

"Coach, what did your team practice this week in light of the upcoming World Series?" "Well, a number of the guys worked on their vocals for the post season family get together. A few of them were enjoying our new swimming class and a few others were - "



Too many of our churches are so busy "playing church" and "doing church" that they have forgotten what it means to "be the church". It's about making disciples. It's about leading people to spiritual maturity (Ephesians 5:1-2).

In March, 2009, Barna released the results of a study that showed churches were high on "pep talks and motivation" but light on actually defining spiritual maturity and a process for spiritual growth with over 80% of churches having no working definition of Spiritual Maturity.

That is the equivalent of a Football coach yelling at his players to "put it in the end zone" without even telling them what direction the end-zone is - not to mention the nearest First Down marker.

Gallup's study, highlighted in
Growing an Engaged Church shows that less than 20% of church members have been asked about their spiritual growth in the past 6 months - you can't manage what you can't measure and our churches are not giving members a measurable pathway for spiritual growth.

Churches need to be about the business of making disciples as much as McDonalds needs to be about the business of hamburgers and Baseball teams need to be about the business of Baseball.

It is great to be on the team with you. Let’s spur one another on as we take our discipleship task seriously!


Friday, October 23, 2009

We are building the church on the foundation someone else laid. The Church of tomorrow will be built on the foundation we are laying. – Ark Noel, Retired DS and a native of Hominy, at the Hominy Centennial Celebration

Dear NEO Nazarene family,

The statement above by Ark Noel makes me grateful for the saints who paved the way for you and me…and reminds me of the importance of what we are doing today for this generation and generations to come. May all who come behind us find us faithful.

Pastor Appreciation Month Affirms Ministry Leaders
You may not know it, but there individuals who have spent most of their lives in preparation to serve you and others like you. When God tugged at their hearts, they responded by dedicating their lives to meeting your needs—and thanked God for the opportunity. It is for awareness of our pastors’ dedication and service that October has been named “Pastor Appreciation Month.” Our appreciation of our pastors should not be limited to one month out of a year, but designating that month for that purpose gives us an opportunity to ponder the special ways our pastors bring a blessed friendship into our lives. Thank you, NEO Nazarene Churches, for the ways you have remembered your pastor this month

We are praising the Lord that Gloria Dannemann, our pastor’s wife from Fuente De Vida, was released on Thursday after 14 months of confinement in Argentina! Gloria must remain in Argentina for several more months as she faces an additional charge and as she works through the issues to related to the adoption of Gloria and Oto’s son, Marquitos. Otoneil will be able to go to Argentina in November to see Gloria and Marquitos. God is so good. Let us now pray that He will continue to help them and give them emotional and physical strength as they continue to work with their lawyer and authorities to resolve all issues.

SNU Crimson Storm Men’s Basketball team playing at TU against the Golden Hurricane men on Monday evening, Nov. 2, 7 pm.

I read an excellent book a few days ago – Walk with Me, A Biblical Journey in Making Christlike Disciples, by Hal Perkins. The book is about getting and giving the help needed to walk the way Jesus walked. It is insightful and practical and could help us rethink the goal and methodology of Sunday School/ Discipleship. I agree wholeheartedly with what Perkins says is “the best of what Sunday School ever was –a group of people who meet together weekly to care for each other, to seek God and His will together, and to help each other make progress in following Jesus.” (p. 56) Does this sound like what is happening in your SS and discipleship groups? If not, it is time to change our methods. I need that kind of group…and so do you.

Have a blessed weekend! You are loved!


Friday, October 16, 2009

Christian discipleship requires being held in love and being held accountable. We simply cannot follow Christ apart from a community that holds us in compassion and calls us to accountability. Solitary discipleship is a misnomer. We cannot be Christian alone.
- Kenneth Carder, Duke Divinity School professor and retired United Methodist bishop

Dear NEO family,

Greetings in the matchless name of Jesus. I hope you are walking in His presence and sharing His love and joy wherever you go on this beautiful fall day.

How blessed I have been this past week to share in so many positive experiences:

Last Saturday I was present when the Church of the Nazarene Foundation, through the generosity of the David Green family and Hobby Lobby, presented the deed to a large historic home to the Nazarene Student Center at the University of Oklahoma. David and Rhonda Kyncl are serving their 12th year as the ministry directors. The local ministry is known as the 2:8 House, based on 1 Thessalonians 2:8: "We loved you so much that we gave you not only God's Good News, but our own lives as well." The ministry initiatives include small group Bible studies, International food and game nights, and a free lunch for students every Tuesday. Students from more than 34 countries and 28 states have participated in some type of ministry event here in the past few years.

On Sunday morning I attended the Centennial Celebration at Hominy. Pastor Carl and Sandra Brown and the Hominy Church family helped us rejoice in the local and worldwide impact of the Hominy Church. I was moved to tears as I heard stories of laymen who sacrificed to see the church grow (e.g., three families mortgaged their homes so the Hominy building could be erected) and as letters were shared from former pastors recounting how the church’s love and support had helped shaped them. My guess is that every church on the NEO District has some wonderful stories like this. How grateful I am for sanctified, Nazarene laity.

On Sunday evening I conducted a very positive review for Pastor Gerald Burch at Coweta. It is such a joy to see a church united in Christian love and committed to the mission of making Christlike disciples!

Last night I had a chance to attend the revival at Cleveland with Rev. Bobby Huffaker speaking. The Holy Spirit’s presence was manifest throughout the service, which climaxed with the altars full, primarily with men. I am always encouraged to see men leading the way in seeking God with all of their hearts.

I am way behind in sharing pictures from our visits, so let me give you several today:

Hominy Centennial Celebration, Oct. 11, 2009

South County Community Church's One Year Birthday, Oct. 4, 2009

Pryor, Installation of Pastor Dan Hazelton, August 23, 2009

Okmulgee, Installation of Pastor Cole Weston, August 30, 2009

Muskogee, August 16, 2009

Nowata, August 23, 2009

Locust Grove, July 26, 2009

You may have students at OSU in Okmulgee. If so, let me tell you about something new there for college students (a student sent this to me on Facebook): Nobucks Coffee house night for OSUIT students; Wednesdays from 6:30 - 8:30pm; 1st Church of the Nazarene, 711 North Okmulgee. To see more details and RSVP, follow the link below:

Are you ready for the Red River Shootout tomorrow? Whoever wins (and I do have a strong preference!), I have great respect for their starting quarterback! Did you see the You Tube video featuring Colt and Sam? It is powerful!

I pray that you will have a blessed weekend, especially on the Lord’s Day! You are loved!

Dave McKellips

Friday, October 9, 2009

I am your message, Lord. Throw me like a blazing torch into the night, that all may see and understand what it means to be a disciple.
- St. Maria Skobtsova, Orthodox nun and martyr (1891-1945)

Dear NEO family,

Greetings in the strong name of Jesus! One of the great joys of being a DS is that I get to rejoice with pastors and churches in times of victory. Let me share a few of the things I am rejoicing in this week:

Stephen Hundley was one of the NEO pastors who attended the Holiness Summit last week. I received a call from Steve this morning. He preached Sunday on entire sanctification and had six seekers at the altar. Steve was able to personally pray with three of them and reports victory. PTL!

Brad Farnsworth reports that attendance is up 20% over last year at Connection Church. They sent a mailer to the community and had 20 new people show up on Sunday.

SoCo celebrated their one year anniversary last Sunday. For those not able to be there, the following video was shared in the service:

Nathan and Linda Covington are in Cali, Columbia for the Master’s Plan Conference. Nathan reports awesome prayer and worship.

Larry Morris told me that last Sunday morning God blessed them with one of the best services they have had since he began pastoring at Broken Arrow.

The Claremore and Sapulpa Churches are going to have leaders from China this coming Sunday. The following article from a Sapulpa newspaper reports on the Sunday evening service that some from across the District may be able to attend.

Sapulpa area residents have a rare opportunity to hear how God is working in China. Three outstanding leaders from the persecuted church in China will be sharing their testimonies and bringing up-to-date news of their work in this five thousand year old nation. The Sapulpa Church of the Nazarene is sponsoring a community-wide service at the Church of the Nazarene at 302 S. Elm Street on October 18, at 6:00 p.m. featuring three speakers.
Enoch was formerly director of the Far East region of “Every Home for Christ.” Enoch, and his partners, Timothy and his wife Lydia, are involved in training leaders in China. (For safety reasons their last names are withheld from this newspaper announcement.)
Timothy is a former leader of the Communist Youth Organization and a brilliant young leader. At one time he and Lydia, a powerful leader in her own right, were responsible for a network of Christian believers that numbered over 500,000.
These believers worship God at great risk, and what is happening in China today is one of the stellar events in global evangelism.

I not only share joys, but also burdens. I have spoken with many of our pastors about financial challenges they are facing, forcing some to reduce staff and mininstries. Others are struggling with declining attendance. Pastor H.B. London’s article this week was helpful in facing our numerical struggles:

I am sure many of you receive the Parade Magazine with your Sunday newspaper, but, most likely, a lot of you don't get to read it because of your busy schedule. So, if you did or if you didn't, let me share with you the results of a survey that appeared in Parade Magazine, October 4, 2009.
The survey polled 1,051 adults and asked questions related to one's spirituality. Let me spotlight several findings — knowing that this survey may appear more liberal than, say, one from Barna Research.
· Twenty-seven percent said they do not practice any kind of religion.
· Fifty percent said they rarely or never attend religious services.
· Twenty percent said they attend religious services anywhere from once a month to a few times a year.
· Thirty percent said they attend religious services once or more in a given week.
The real truth, according to some, is that only about one-half of those who claim to attend weekly actually do. You know how I estimate who goes to church? I just walk out into a neighborhood and take a look at the houses on a given block. Most are not in church.
What is the point of a survey such as the one Parade Magazine published? It just points out what we all know — that fewer and fewer people are attending church these days. How do we stem that tide?
1) I think each local church must take responsibility for its own "turf," so to speak, and develop creative ways to stimulate its people to become genuine salt and light.
2) Next, I believe the church must be built on a foundation of biblical truth rather than spiritual entertainment.
3) And, finally, I really believe we must be working hard to close the "back door." We need to know why people do not or no longer attend just as much as we need to know why they do attend.
Honestly, the Parade Magazine article was troubling, but it really was not surprising.
"Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another" (Hebrews 10:25).
Be blessed and be a blessing. —HBL

Hope the rain ends but the showers of blessings pour this Sunday at your church! You are loved!

Dave McKellips

Friday, October 2, 2009

God of mercy, we confess that we tend toward selfishness and pride over selflessness and humility. We have left undone those things which we ought to have done; and we have done those things which we ought not to have done. Have mercy on us and forgive us; restore us and enable us to live more fully for you. (adapted from The Book of Common Prayer)

Dear NEO family,

What a beautiful day it is in NEO! This week many of us basked in the beauty of holiness as we attended services at the SNU Holiness Summit. For those of you who missed it, I bought four of the DVDs. How could these be utilized? I am wondering...would it work to have a quarterly Holiness Summit on each NEO Zone? We could have a combined service with lively music and a chance to experience one of these challenging and hopeful messages on holiness. Let me know if your Zone is interested.

I encourage you to let me know about significant days of celebration or revival emphases in your local church. Here are a few I know about:

South County Community Church will be celebrating their one year anniversary with worship and a birthday party on Sunday, October 4 at 11 a.m.

Claremore Church has called this Sunday “Chelsea Sunday.” They are sending their praise team along with many of their members to be an encouragement and blessing to this neighboring church. (I rejoice in our “connections” – we really do need each other!)

Hominy Church invites you to join them for their 100th Anniversary Jubilee Celebration. The Homecoming will be on Saturday, Oct. 10, 2:00 – 6:00 p.m., Come and Go, Visiting and finger foods. The Jubilee Celebration Worship Service will be on Sunday, October 11, 10:30am, followed by lunch and fellowship. Call Pastor Carl or Sandra at 918.885.6262 with questions.

Tulsa Central and Tulsa Hills are both having a “Serve Sunday” on October 11, seeking to impact their communities through loving service in Christ’s name.

Cleveland is having Rev. Bob Huffaker for revival services on October 14 – 18.

Tulsa Regency Park is having Lennie and Joy Wisehart for revival services on November 15 – 18.

Tahlequah Church of the Nazarene will be celebrating the ministry of Don and Lois Nichols on Sunday, November 15. Don and Lois are retiring. A reception for Don and Lois will be held at 3pm at the church so those from other churches can join in honoring this dedicated couple.


H. Gordon Smith, III, Dewey…A couple of new families have been coming and they are on fire for evangelism!

Nathan Burns, Owasso Silver Creek… On Sept 20th we began our new Home Teams (small groups) and we have 30 more adults in these groups than we did with traditional Sunday School.

Saul Ramirez, Fe y Esperanza… I want to celebrate our first Anniversary was the last week and we have 50 persons celebrating with us the mercy of our God in the last year.

Oto Dannemann, Fuente de Vida… I want to celebrate that the church is encouraged. The new families are coming with regular attendance and some of them are taking responsibilities like make a breakfast each Sunday morning before Sunday School. Others decide to change the carpet for tiles in the kitchen and the entrance of the sanctuary. Others are going to care for the yard of the church. Really God is God with us.

John Whitsett, Central… An incredibly well received local church Women’s Retreat … a very positive staff/board planning session on Saturday 9/26 where a number of board members committed to lead by example when it comes to more fully establishing a culture of corporate prayer in the life of Central.

Don Cowan, Sapulpa…Nine (9) new members (8 – Profession of Faith; 1 – transfer); Associate of Families/Students (Mark and Ashley Sanford & two daughters ) have begun ministering; New families coming to Church

Dwain Young, Horton Chapel…We had a very good week end with Rev Stan and Pat Meek with the focus on Missions, renewal and revival.

Harold Johnson, Cushing… We had the largest Alabaster Offering in years with the offering totaling $293!

Stephen Hundley, Cleveland…Having Spirit-filled services every week. Praise God!
Looking forward to an excellent Fall Revival with Rev. Bobby Huffaker!

Angela Bentley, Bristow… A very successful VBS! Due to our summer basement disaster, we had to postpone VBS until now. We had over 42 kids and teens attend, which yielded many new contacts. Thursday night 18 children and one teen accepted Christ as their Savior and Best Friend. Praise Jesus! Our VBS program, which happened to be the final Sunday of an equally successful Sunday School drive, was attended by 88 people, our second highest attended service in four years. Our church board has decided it is time to hire a bi-vocational youth pastor to help us grow and develop our children and youth. The Spirit is moving in Bristow and we are privileged to be a partner in what He is doing.

Casey Hollingsworth, Miami New Life… Held our first ever ‘New Life Men’s Retreat’ in Branson, MO. The men were able to connect with God and with one another in an amazing way. We saw some life transformations take place during the time we were together.

Gerald “J.J.” James, Claremore…We hosted the Isaacs in concert and had the biggest crowd we have ever had on our property. Six hundred and forty three people came out that night. It was quite a night for our church! My wife and I were able to enjoy a seven day spiritual retreat last week. We spent the week just enjoying the Lord and resting. It was wonderful and very much needed.

David Stevens, Vinita…Two former members of the church have been attending for over a month and are asking to renew their membership. The sense of God’s presence in our services is strong and a great blessing. The Holiness Summit at SNU helped me step back and review my own beliefs and to remember why I choose to be a Pastor in the Church of the Nazarene. If a person really is a disciple who obediently follows Christ in all areas of his or her life, empowered by the indwelling Holy Spirit, that disciple will have peace in all circumstances, victory in their faith-walk, and hope everlasting. Not only that, but that disciple will also have a High-Impact life.

Randy Schuneman, Bartlesville…I baptized a young man Sunday Morning who I had worked with for the last four years. Jimmy's story is amazing! Before coming to our church, he had only been to church when he was 7. The pastor decided to baptize every child that day in an old stinky creek. Jim is 6 foot 5 now, but he cried like a baby after the baptismal service.

Rodney Durr, Muskogee…over $25,000 committed to Faith Promise, exceeding our goal of $18,000 by more than $7,000. The amount promised was about double our World Evangelism Fund.

Doug Gunsalus, Glenpool South County Community…We have had such a wonderful month. The spirit of the lord had been with SoCo. We have seen 2 more come to christ and several raised their hands their hands when asked if they wanted Jesus to be lord of their life. We also have had around 20 respond to our first membership classes. We will be having our membership ceremony this Sunday as we celebrate our first year! We also have several that will be baptized at the end of October. I am really looking forward to that. Like I said,
God is blessing SoCo and he is really continuing his work in me! I love him with all my heart and I wait in eager anticipation for what he is going to do next.

Cole Weston, Okmulgee… Our wonderful prayer group, faithfully attended by 12 folks each week; my mother’s delivery from a tumor, which was removed by capable surgeons; our Teen/Youth Group event which brought 9 teens. The Youth Group functionally did not exist prior to this, so starting a new one is a big priority.

Brad Farnsworth, BA Connection…Sept. 13th we celebrated our one year anniversary. What an incredible day of celebrating what God has done. 150+ gathered to celebrate, 3 were baptized, and we raised $2,800 for the Kenya Water Well project (we needed $2,500). The stories of life change were amazing.

NEO TOP LEADERS (in average attendance over September, 2008)

Sunday School/Discipleship
Broken Arrow First +34
Bristow +25
Wagoner +21
Sand Springs +14
Skiatook +10
Hominy +7
Miami New Life +7
Okmulgee +6
Horton Chapel +5
Mannford +4

AM Worship
Bristow +25
Horton Chapel +16
Sand Springs +16
Hominy +8
Miami New Life +8
Collinsville +7
Okmulgee +7
Mannford +5
Wagoner +4
Broken Arrow First +3
Muskogee +3

It is a joy to be a part of the NEO team! You are loved!

Dave McKellips