Friday, October 9, 2009

I am your message, Lord. Throw me like a blazing torch into the night, that all may see and understand what it means to be a disciple.
- St. Maria Skobtsova, Orthodox nun and martyr (1891-1945)

Dear NEO family,

Greetings in the strong name of Jesus! One of the great joys of being a DS is that I get to rejoice with pastors and churches in times of victory. Let me share a few of the things I am rejoicing in this week:

Stephen Hundley was one of the NEO pastors who attended the Holiness Summit last week. I received a call from Steve this morning. He preached Sunday on entire sanctification and had six seekers at the altar. Steve was able to personally pray with three of them and reports victory. PTL!

Brad Farnsworth reports that attendance is up 20% over last year at Connection Church. They sent a mailer to the community and had 20 new people show up on Sunday.

SoCo celebrated their one year anniversary last Sunday. For those not able to be there, the following video was shared in the service:

Nathan and Linda Covington are in Cali, Columbia for the Master’s Plan Conference. Nathan reports awesome prayer and worship.

Larry Morris told me that last Sunday morning God blessed them with one of the best services they have had since he began pastoring at Broken Arrow.

The Claremore and Sapulpa Churches are going to have leaders from China this coming Sunday. The following article from a Sapulpa newspaper reports on the Sunday evening service that some from across the District may be able to attend.

Sapulpa area residents have a rare opportunity to hear how God is working in China. Three outstanding leaders from the persecuted church in China will be sharing their testimonies and bringing up-to-date news of their work in this five thousand year old nation. The Sapulpa Church of the Nazarene is sponsoring a community-wide service at the Church of the Nazarene at 302 S. Elm Street on October 18, at 6:00 p.m. featuring three speakers.
Enoch was formerly director of the Far East region of “Every Home for Christ.” Enoch, and his partners, Timothy and his wife Lydia, are involved in training leaders in China. (For safety reasons their last names are withheld from this newspaper announcement.)
Timothy is a former leader of the Communist Youth Organization and a brilliant young leader. At one time he and Lydia, a powerful leader in her own right, were responsible for a network of Christian believers that numbered over 500,000.
These believers worship God at great risk, and what is happening in China today is one of the stellar events in global evangelism.

I not only share joys, but also burdens. I have spoken with many of our pastors about financial challenges they are facing, forcing some to reduce staff and mininstries. Others are struggling with declining attendance. Pastor H.B. London’s article this week was helpful in facing our numerical struggles:

I am sure many of you receive the Parade Magazine with your Sunday newspaper, but, most likely, a lot of you don't get to read it because of your busy schedule. So, if you did or if you didn't, let me share with you the results of a survey that appeared in Parade Magazine, October 4, 2009.
The survey polled 1,051 adults and asked questions related to one's spirituality. Let me spotlight several findings — knowing that this survey may appear more liberal than, say, one from Barna Research.
· Twenty-seven percent said they do not practice any kind of religion.
· Fifty percent said they rarely or never attend religious services.
· Twenty percent said they attend religious services anywhere from once a month to a few times a year.
· Thirty percent said they attend religious services once or more in a given week.
The real truth, according to some, is that only about one-half of those who claim to attend weekly actually do. You know how I estimate who goes to church? I just walk out into a neighborhood and take a look at the houses on a given block. Most are not in church.
What is the point of a survey such as the one Parade Magazine published? It just points out what we all know — that fewer and fewer people are attending church these days. How do we stem that tide?
1) I think each local church must take responsibility for its own "turf," so to speak, and develop creative ways to stimulate its people to become genuine salt and light.
2) Next, I believe the church must be built on a foundation of biblical truth rather than spiritual entertainment.
3) And, finally, I really believe we must be working hard to close the "back door." We need to know why people do not or no longer attend just as much as we need to know why they do attend.
Honestly, the Parade Magazine article was troubling, but it really was not surprising.
"Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another" (Hebrews 10:25).
Be blessed and be a blessing. —HBL

Hope the rain ends but the showers of blessings pour this Sunday at your church! You are loved!

Dave McKellips

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