Friday, October 23, 2009

We are building the church on the foundation someone else laid. The Church of tomorrow will be built on the foundation we are laying. – Ark Noel, Retired DS and a native of Hominy, at the Hominy Centennial Celebration

Dear NEO Nazarene family,

The statement above by Ark Noel makes me grateful for the saints who paved the way for you and me…and reminds me of the importance of what we are doing today for this generation and generations to come. May all who come behind us find us faithful.

Pastor Appreciation Month Affirms Ministry Leaders
You may not know it, but there individuals who have spent most of their lives in preparation to serve you and others like you. When God tugged at their hearts, they responded by dedicating their lives to meeting your needs—and thanked God for the opportunity. It is for awareness of our pastors’ dedication and service that October has been named “Pastor Appreciation Month.” Our appreciation of our pastors should not be limited to one month out of a year, but designating that month for that purpose gives us an opportunity to ponder the special ways our pastors bring a blessed friendship into our lives. Thank you, NEO Nazarene Churches, for the ways you have remembered your pastor this month

We are praising the Lord that Gloria Dannemann, our pastor’s wife from Fuente De Vida, was released on Thursday after 14 months of confinement in Argentina! Gloria must remain in Argentina for several more months as she faces an additional charge and as she works through the issues to related to the adoption of Gloria and Oto’s son, Marquitos. Otoneil will be able to go to Argentina in November to see Gloria and Marquitos. God is so good. Let us now pray that He will continue to help them and give them emotional and physical strength as they continue to work with their lawyer and authorities to resolve all issues.

SNU Crimson Storm Men’s Basketball team playing at TU against the Golden Hurricane men on Monday evening, Nov. 2, 7 pm.

I read an excellent book a few days ago – Walk with Me, A Biblical Journey in Making Christlike Disciples, by Hal Perkins. The book is about getting and giving the help needed to walk the way Jesus walked. It is insightful and practical and could help us rethink the goal and methodology of Sunday School/ Discipleship. I agree wholeheartedly with what Perkins says is “the best of what Sunday School ever was –a group of people who meet together weekly to care for each other, to seek God and His will together, and to help each other make progress in following Jesus.” (p. 56) Does this sound like what is happening in your SS and discipleship groups? If not, it is time to change our methods. I need that kind of group…and so do you.

Have a blessed weekend! You are loved!


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