Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Dear NEO family,

I want to make sure you are aware of the fact that General Superintendent Emeritus John A. Knight died in his sleep February 1, in his home in Daytona Beach, Florida. Click below for more information on this giant man of faith:


I want to thank you for your support of Spiritual Renewal Weekend. Our attendance, offering and public response to the altar calls were all excellent! Many have reported how helpful the Devotional Guides and Zone Prayer Clusters were. I remind you that SRW is designed to benefit our local churches. Please contact me or a member of the SRW committee to let us know what was helpful and what you would like to see changed, added or deleted to make the SRW more beneficial to your local congregation. Next year we have Susie Shellenberger scheduled for January 29 - 31, 2010. Worship leaders and children's workers have not been selected.

As you probably know, our NYI had a 30 Hour Famine event along with SRW. NYI President Jonathan Odom report the following:
We had 243 students and 25 sponsors, which totals 268.
We raised a total of 3,369.11 for the Famine.
We had 15 churches involved.
We collected 7 boxes of grape jelly, spaghetti noodles, and beans.
Way to go, NYI!

Did your team win the Super Bowl? I was cheering for the underdog Cardinals, but it was sure a great game. Most of the Super Bowl ads were not that impressive to me. Did you see the Super Bowl ad that was rejected by NBC? The 30-second ad can be viewed at CatholicVote.org.

The church must continue to battle for the dignity of human life.
"Upon knowing God, I realize that my case, which legalized abortion on demand, was the biggest mistake of my life. You read about me in history books, but now I am dedicated to spreading the truth about preserving the dignity of all human life — from natural conception to natural death." — Norma McCorvey, the former Jane Roe of the infamous Roe v. Wade, in a current television commercial speaking out against abortion.

We have some wonderful reports from our pastors this month. Let me share the top numerical gainers, along with some of the ways God is working that numbers alone cannot tell.


Sunday School/Discipleship
Collinsville +76
Tulsa Regency Park +66
Claremore +41
Bristow +15
Sand Springs +13
Owasso Silver Creek +10
Muskogee +7
Chelsea +6
Tulsa Central +3
Tulsa First +3
Vinita +3

BA Connection +103
Claremore +52
Owasso Silver Creek +30
Sand Springs +16
Collinsville +14
Wagoner +11
Bristow +9
Sapulpa +6
Mannford +4
Vinita +4

I want to celebrate…

Don Nichols, Tahlequah…We want to celebrate the Block Party we are hosting on March 14, 2009

Wayde Normandin, Chelsea…One of our shut-in's health is strengthening which is a blessing. We had almost half of our congregation in attendance at the Spiritual Renewal Weekend in Tulsa. I celebrate the opportunity to experience as a congregation the impact Rev. Nathan Covington can make on individual lives as they grow in their relationship with the Lord.

Nathan Burns, Owasso Silver Creek …Our biggest loser campaign has 27 participants and we have lost over 300 lbs. in January. We have had several new families, praise God! It is truly a marvelous blessing to serve Silver Creek each week! God is moving and we are anticipating an awesome outpouring of His Spirit!

Jim Thornton, Tulsa Hills…Growing momentum in the lives of our young married group. They have started a small group Bible study and are connecting in their lives. We’ve dedicated more babies over the past 6 months than I can recall in our history here.

Brad Farnsworth, Broken Arrow Connection … During our series, “I’m Rich”, we gave each household free money. Each envelope contained $10. The 24/7 Experiment is to take that $10 and invest it in people in need. Ch 6 and Ch 8 news came out and did a feature story. You can watch the video by clicking on the link. http://www.newson6.com/Global/story.asp?S=9729508

Gordon Smith, Dewey…Our “Invest In a Child” Service. We had a number of kids, and some guests, and we were able to appreciate and value our children. Currently we are in a 40-day series that we do every year called “On Bended Knee” where we as a church begin to pray together for specific needs! Had a person ask to be a Sunday school teacher for our children.

Harold Johnson, Cushing
…We have started a men's discipling group that chose to meet every other Saturday morning. We meet for an hour to an hour and a half and share what God is doing. I am also using the time as an opportunity to give practical helps in growing deeper in their relationship with the Lord.

Don Cowan, Sapulpa…A gift of $1500 to Freedom House. Continued financial blessing allowing us to be up to date and current on monthly budgets. Continued presence of God in our worship services

Jim Wilson, Pawhuska… We have had a busy and productive month here in Pawhuska. The board and department heads met early in the month to plan for the coming year, and we began several new programs that are lending to renewed excitement here. A result of this has been an increase in attendance and offering for Sunday morning.

Jim Wilson, Barnsdall… We have had consistent attendance every Sunday.

John Whitsett, Tulsa Central… Really good a.m. services during the month ... Kevin Lewis shared about being a “legacy Christian” on the 4th ... I recast our congregational vision on the 11th ... talked about the Holy Spirit as the “power source” of the church on the 18th ... and culminated with Nathan Covington’s ministry to us on the 25th where some first-time guests came to the altar at the end of the service. Very encouraging!

David Stevens, Vinita… Looking back over 2 years here I must say this is a great group of people to work with. They have great compassion, care and concern for Others, and they support their pastor. The Lord has blessed us with His presence in our services, and we have reached new people with the message of salvation and becoming an effective disciple.

Angela Bentley, Bristow… Because our people were willing to be obedient to God’s call to minister to the “least of these,” He is doing amazing things in us! He is shaping us into a family that knows no racial or generational boundaries and it is unbelievable to experience. He has been so faithful with His presence in our services and His provision and direction for our ministry. God has revived and is re-building His church in Bristow! There is an air of joy and excitement as we anticipate what He is doing in and through us.

Mito Marroquin, Tulsa Regency Park Hispanic… We are praying and fasting, to grow in numbers. We are going to evangelize this Saturday if weather permits and we still want to do the kids church. This month we have started a women’s bible study and it has been a blessing. We are only 4 but we have faith in our Lord that more are to be added; please keep us in your prayers.

Have a blessed day. You are loved!
Dave McKellips

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