Saturday, February 28, 2009

Dear NEO family,

These are exciting days on the NEO District. I spoke with a pastor today who told me they have had the altars filled in their church every Sunday for weeks. A layperson at another church told me their pastor had preached one of the most memorable sermons he had ever heard last Sunday. He told me God’s presence was all over the service. Another pastor texted last week to report encouraging trends in worship attendance.

I know these are challenging days in our world and many of you are experiencing financial, health, or relational stressors, but God is still on the throne and working in the midst of his people! Read the “I want to Celebrate…” comments of our pastors to have additional reasons to rejoice:


David Steven, Vinita …I am thankful to be able to serve God in the Church of the Nazarene. I am thankful for the people of Vinita Nazarene. The Pastoral Review was overwhelming and humbling. These are great people and I pray that God will use us to make a great impact on Vinita.

John Whitsett, Tulsa Central… In addition to a positive review with the board, I’m really excited that a number of our people stepped up and committed to giving one Sunday every three months to prayer during the Sunday School hour. Joel Heid is going to coordinate this effort, as we are taking tangible steps to develop a tide of corporate prayer as a part of the ministry DNA of the church.

Gordon Smith, Dewey…Virgil Stevens asked Jesus Christ into his heart! We have been praying for him for some time now. “Fireproof Your Marriage” series has really gone well, and we have had tremendous turnout for it. We have had a number of people from the community attend and people are growing in Christ. “Dinner with Jesus” Communion Service. This is an intimate communion service that we do during Valentine’s weekend where we decorate the sanctuary like an elegant restaurant and it is a very intimate setting to get in touch with Jesus, and so many people were touched and strengthened. It was very touching.

Jim Thornton, Tulsa Hills…13 people being trained for the Congregational Care Team. VERY proactive steps having been taken by the board to bi-vocational philosophy.

Wayde Normandin, Chelsea… our church has been focusing on several financial goals this year. We met one of our goal of paying our budgets in full by February.

Jim Wilson, Pawhuska… We have had a number of new children in church for Sunday School.

Casey Hollingsworth, Miami New Life… This is a celebration and also something we’re doing to be a high-impact church. We finally kicked off our ‘Life Groups’ this month with all groups meeting on Sunday nights. Our goal was 80% attendance and we had 85% attendance the first night of our small group ministry with 97 in attendance. Had several in attendance who would not normally come to Sunday School or a Sunday evening church service. The early reports were very positive with relationships between God and each other being strengthened. We’re very excited about Life Groups and look forward to the things God is going to do through them!

Stephen Hundley, Cleveland… Our Community Dinner, every other Friday, has grown from averaging 45 to averaging 70. We only began a little less than a year ago.

Angela Bentley, Bristow… Many in the Bristow family have been praying for Elton Roberts, the husband of one of our members, for years. On Feb. 13th I had the privilege of praying with Elton in his home as he accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior! We have joined the rejoicing in heaven for Elton. I also want to celebrate the amazing growth we are experiencing, both numerically and more importantly spiritually. God is faithful and good!

Phil Buck, Grove Lakewood Community…We had the best crowd last Sunday that we have had all winter. Our new Thursday morning midweek service is going well too. We had 19 last week. Compared to the Wednesday evening service, that is more than double.

J.J. James, Claremore…We started construction on our new Family Center and Parking Lot this month!!!

Don Nichols, Tahlequah…We want to celebrate the Native American Camp Meeting scheduled for April 20 to April 26, 2009.

Don Cowan, Sapulpa….Crazy Love Spring Harvest and continued presence of God in our worship services.

Brad Farnsworth, Connection Church… We have organized Connection Groups, beginning with 5 initial groups which will meet in homes during the week, and the beginning of our Connection Youth Ministry on March 1.

NEO TOP LEADERS in Attendance Growth (Feb. 09 over Feb. 08)
Sunday School
Tulsa Family +103
Tulsa Fuente de Vida +55
Claremore +39
Sand Springs +16
Bristow +15
Dewey +15
Drumright +15
Owasso Silver Creek +14
Tulsa First +13
Locust Grove +10

AM Worship
Connection Church + 130
Claremore +50
Fuente de Vida +40
Owasso Silver Creek +32
Collinsville +27
Sand Springs +24
Bristow +22
Dewey +20
Broken Arrow +17
Tulsa Central +8
Horton Chapel +6

And for those of you who like pictures, following are pictures from some recent NEO events:

Pastor's/Spouses Breakaway


Tomorrow I will be at Miami and will meet with their Board for a Pastoral Review. Then on Monday thru Thursday, Gloria and I will be speaking at the Joplin Distict Ministers’ and Mates’ Retreat. This is a new experience for us and we welcome your prayers. On Thursday evening I will begin teaching a nine week class on “History and Polity of the Church of the Nazarene” in our Oklahoma School of Ministry. Contact me or Bill Hilton if you want to attend.

It is a joy to serve alongside you! You are loved!

Dave McKellips

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