Monday, February 9, 2009

Women's Retreat 2009
March 6 & 7
Doubletree Hotel Downtown Tulsa
Speaker: Cyndi Lamb
Early Bird Registration: February 23, $40
After February 23, $50

Dear NEO Family,

I got back from the Denominational Leader's Conference Wednesday evening. We enjoyed good services with our General Superintendent's preaching on different aspects of holiness. B J Johnston did a wonderful dramatization of John Wesley, "The Man From Aldersgate". We had presentations on the Nazarene Future, especially related to the stucture of the Global Ministry Center and the General Board, and on changes in Pensions and Benefits so that we can continue to "Honor the Trust, Serviing Those who Serve" in these changing economic times.

I met with Tulsa Family Church Board for the fourth time on Thursday evening. What a great Board and Staff we have at this church. Continue to pray for them as they search for a new Lead Pastor.

Connection Church had 170 in attendance last Sunday. We rejoice in the way God is blessing and using Pastor Brad Farnsworth and this congregation that is only about six months old!

Pastor Geoff Gunter and Jenny Reynold’s mother, Ila Mae Gunter, will be having some surgery on her arm on Tuesday. She has an infection in it and they are going to clean it out.
Pray for her and that it will heal after the procedure is complete.

Lou Burch will be having major surgery on Monday. Pray for succesful surgery and patience and strength for Lou, Pastor Gerald and the boys during the recovery.

Here are some pictures from recent events or visits by the DS:

Family Church Feb. 1

Spiritual Renewal Weekend

Tulsa Zone

Northwest Zone

Annual Report for 2008
Of Manna House Ministries
4921 E. Admiral Pl.
Tulsa, OK 74115

The Nazarenes of Northeast Oklahoma are passionate about making a difference in the world. We believe in serving others. Contributions from Nazarenes make possible the administration of NEO Compassionate Ministries (dba Manna House Ministries). Following the example of Jesus, Manna House seeks to clothe, feed, counsel and offer a prayer ministry.

We have given out Bibles, Christian books, magazines and other gospel literature provided by the Nazarene Church. Some of the individuals we pray with are Christians and they also pray for us. We refer individuals to the Nazarene churches. Most of our Manna House staff will pray with individuals. We have Rev. Doug Dawson and Rev. Debbie Simpson working with Manna House as pastors.

During 2008 our staff prayed with 139 people (actually more as we forget to note the situation). We had 3 people accept Christ. We gave out 77 bibles. Truly we are making a difference in people’s lives and the Tulsa community. We are giving a cup of “cold water” in Jesus name.

Our clients come in, and many are in dire need of food, clothing, and sometimes it is dishes or other household items. It gives our volunteer staff the opportunity to tell them about the goodness of God, they are loved, and Christ answers prayers.

We had a child’s bicycle provided to us and we gave it to an 8 year old boy who didn’t get a bicycle for Christmas, as his parents couldn’t afford to buy one. We invite you to come and visit with our clients, see the needs and maybe pray with them.

I appreciate your kind support. As 2008 has come to a close I often look back and realize how faithful God has been to us. The people we are able to help and pray with is rewarding. Pray for Manna House, our staff, the people we serve and our finances.

For 2008 we served a total of 3,449 families or households. We served 11,137 individuals, this is an increase of 2,447 individuals over 2007. We share the love of Christ as people grapple with grim economic news and search for answers.

You can understand with this increase we need our volunteers and your donations. Yes, we also need larger facilities.

We are very appreciative of the individuals who bring food from the grocery store two days per week. They are with the Broken Arrow Nazarene church. We have a couple who are faithful to go the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma for weekly picking up of grocery items. We have volunteers who work with the clothing and household items. Our dedicated staff performs many duties. We praise the Lord for their perseverance and faithfulness.

If you know of an individual, business, or church that has a pick-up truck to donate, we need one. The pick-up I use is a 1987 and 23 years old. We need a replacement. The pick-up bed must be a standard width to accommodate the pallets loaded at the food bank. A small pick-up (ie: Ford Ranger) will not handle a standard size pallet. Would you please make this a matter of prayer.

Manna House Ministries thanks the children’s department of Broken Arrow Nazarene church for their assistance several times in 2008. Our thanks to Sapulpa Nazarene church for the 172 pairs of jeans donated in celebrating the Nazarene 100 Year Anniversary. The financial aid from the churches and individuals is a must – otherwise Manna House would cease to exist.

If you would like for the director, Howard Essary or one of our volunteers to come to your church or a Sunday School class and speak, please let us know.

Manna House – 836-5541
Howard Essary – 274-8242 (home – the easiest way to reach us)

“Praise God from whom all Blessings flow”.

In the service of the King,

Howard Essary Director

As I recently re-read Pastor Rick Warren's inauguration invocation, I was impressed, and blessed. Here are some excerpts from his prayer:

Almighty God, our Father, everything we see and everything we can't see exists because of You.
We celebrate a hinge point in history with the inauguration of our first African-American President of the United States. We are so grateful to live in this land, a land of unequaled possibility ...

Help us, oh God, to remember that we are Americans, united not by race or religion or blood, but to our commitment to freedom and justice for all.

When we focus on ourselves, when we fight each other, when we forget You, forgive us.

... May we have a new birth of clarity in our aims ... humility in our approaches, and civility in our attitudes, even when we differ.

May we never forget that, one day, all nations and all people will stand accountable before You.

Amen! Have a blessed weekend!

Dave McKellips

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