Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Dear NEO Naz family,

I hope you are enjoying the season of Advent. It is wonderful to tell the old,old story of Jesus - God moving into our neighborhood to redeem us. It is crucial that we again invite him to come into our lives in a fresh way to shape us as Christlike disciples. And we look forward with hope to the return of Christ when his rule and reign will be manifest throughout the earth.

The return of Christ takes on new meaning to our family this week after the passing of Gloria’s father, Rev. Bobby G. Robison, on Dec. 2. A friend sent me this sentence: May the anticipation of heaven be greater than your grief. As the people of God longed for the coming of the Messiah, we long for his return and a day when there will be no separation, no sickness or Alzheimers and no tears.

Southern Nazarene University will be offering an MBA Health Care, both online and on ground, starting after the first of the year. Participants will have their choice of which modality they would prefer. The on ground program is still just one evening per week. Anyone interested should contact Dale Young at 664-1949 X235.

Luke Olson, a member of Family Church and a student at SNU in Bethany, was selected as Central States Football League All-Conference defensive back, as well as Academic All Conference. Congratulations, Luke!

January, 2010 is Spiriutal Renewal Month in Northeast Oklahoma, culminating in our weekend of services with Rev. Susie Shellenberger on January 29 – 31. We will have daily devotions sent out electronically during the month of January and special events for children, youth, women and primetimers. All Zones will have a service of worship and prayer for Spiritual Renewal on Sunday, January 10, 6pm. For more information about this exciting month, go to

I love reading the reports of our pastors celebrating God’s work in our churches!

Nathan Burns, Owasso Silver Creek...We gave 8 baskets full of thanksgiving groceries to families who otherwise would not have had a meal. Several new families coming and talking about how much Silver Creek feels like home. We had a fantastic Thanksgiving Banquet led by Pastor Brian & Sally Loderhose, and two incredible testimonies of God's amazing grace. We have also found a pianist! Praise God for all His blessings!

David Stevens, Vinita…The Lord is faithful! His Love and Mercy endure forever! A lady and her husband started attending our evening services a few weeks ago because the church they were attending does not have evening services. On Wednesday night 2 weeks ago she requested prayer for her eyes. She testifies today that God has touched her eyes and here vision has cleared. On Sunday morning a few weeks ago the Lord specifically touched a young man so clearly that it startled him. That morning the message was about God’s call of ministers today. I am praying for him that God will clearly reveal His will for him and his family.

Harold Johnson, Cushing… We have had a significant number of visitors over the last several weeks with about 20% of our attendance being first time and/or returning visitors. Most of these people come from an addictive life style.

Jim Wilson, Pawhuska… A Great Trunk or Treat, Hanging of the Greens, and New faces since my last report.

Gordon Smith, Dewey… God is doing a new thing at D-Naz. Services have been tremendous and challenging our hearts, and people are getting motivated to witness their faith. Step by step God is doing something new! We have been going out into our community on Wednesday nights instead of doing a traditional service. We are getting into groups and going to the homes of people in our church to pray, and we are going door to door to see if there is anything we can pray for with people in our community. God is helping us to minister beyond the walls of our church!

Brad Farnsworth, BA Connection… Moving volunteer service to be included in 11am service has been very successful; a new attendee said she was driving home wondering if she had ever asked God into her heart, so she asked Him into her heart and “instantly got goose bumps all over her body and felt God had come into her heart.” This individual is now active as a volunteer in our service.

Wayde Normandin, Chelsea… Even though our economy is going through some economic hardships we have been able to still stay current on budgets and other financial obligations.

Dwain Young, Horton Chapel…A highlight for this month was having the Steve Young Family Singers on Sunday morning November 22. Steve’s wife, Cathy Maynard, grew up attending Horton Chapel. The Young's and their five children aging from 10 to 25 blessed our church family with Blue Grass and Gospel music. Pastor had a short message. We followed this with one of our famous potluck dinners. We enjoyed a beautiful day and an increase in the attendance.

Casey Hollingsworth, Miami New Life…Welcomed 11 new members into New Life Church membership. Many have already begun to get involved in the ministry here at New Life. Can’t wait to see what kind of impact these individuals will have on God’s ministry.

Keith Cole, Chandler…We are thrilled to have three new families regularly worshiping with us in recent weeks. God is good all the time!

Gerald “J.J.” James, Claremore… We had an incredible Fall Festival called G.L.O.W. (God Lights Our Way) with more kids attending than ever. New families are beginning to get involved in the life of our congregation. On the Sunday before Thanksgiving our church family was able to share dinner with everyone together in our new Fellowship Hall. We’ve had two people receive Christ in the last couple of weeks.

Doug Gunsalus, Glenpool South County… Our services have been well received and there seems to be a stir among our people about Sunday mornings, even when we don't have all the attendance we would like to see. Glenpool Schools asked us to come and help them shovel pea gravel in their playground area. We did this for Be The Church Sunday this last week. They are talking about SOCO at their meetings!!! How wonderful! We also helped Cassidy "feed December." Last year we did a project and collected canned food for our local pantry. This year, one of our students was convinced that we could fill the church trailer with canned food. Her name is Cassidy. So, we let her run with that and supported her with our feed December campaign through Check it out sometime! We raised over 4,000 cans of food in November! Praise God!

Don Cowan, Sapulpa…Greatest Christmas Ever; New excitement & vision for student ministries; New families coming to church; Launching new worship venue on Sunday evenings

Angela Bentley, Bristow… We continue to have new families coming into our church. They testify to the love and acceptance they receive from the body of Christ here. There is also a continual increase in people becoming involved in the ministries of the church. We hosted a community Thanksgiving service, led by our new pianist and worship team, which resulted in 151 in attendance and 10 churches participating. It was a great service!

Dan Hazelton, Pryor… some making spiritual advances...decision to fix up house across the street for teens...a storage shed being purchased for my house.

Alan McBroom, Davenport… God allowed us to provide over 75 people with clothes last month. Many people donate quality used clothes in Davenport, which are then organized and offered to anyone.

Cole Weston, Okmulgee… The further work on our teen center – we’ve almost got the heat fixed and the pipes no longer leak! We’ve launched a kid’s play for the first time in years (according to the church). All the sets are done and the play is Sunday! A wonderful love offering for Christmas from Broken Arrow Church. We’re able to do so many things we’d put off. An experienced former Sunday School Superintendent is stepping forward to take over the position.

NEO District Leaders in attendance gain over 2008

Sunday School/Discipleship
Bristow +22
Wagoner +19
Horton Chapel +10
Skiatook +8
Chandler +7
Miami New Life +6
Tulsa Family +6
Drumright +5
Vinita +5
Hominy +3

AM Worship
Bristow +24
Owasso Silver Creek +23
BA Connection +19
Wagoner Cornerstone +16
Miami New Life +14
Horton Chapel +13
Barnsdall +8
Cushing +5
Tulsa Regency Park Hispanic +5
Mannford +3

Thanks for all you are doing in your church and community to bear witness to the Kingdom that is here now and yet to come! It is a joy to be a partner with you.

Grace and peace,
Dave McKellips

Friday, November 20, 2009

Dear NEO family,

I received an email today from a friend whom I have not seen for 30 years. He was trying to locate a former pastor to see how he was doing and to thank him for being such an encouragement to him as a teenager. I was challenged by what he was doing. Who are people who have helped shaped me and make me who I am today that I need to take time to locate and say “thanks”. Wouldn’t it make for a great week of thanksgiving if each of us took time to not only thank God for his abundant and amazing grace, but also to thank people who invested in us? Let’s do it!

Last Sunday was a wonderful day at Tahlequah. We thanked a wonderful couple, Don and Lois Nichols, for 30 years of pastoral ministry in the Church of the Nazarene, 14 of them at Tahlequah. Enjoy the pictures. Tahlequah, November 15, 2009

We come to God with our thanksgiving, but also our petitions:
Nick Vernier’s brother-in-law, John Griffis, fell off the roof last Saturday and died yesterday. John was only 43 and leaves behind a wife and four children.

Linda Gresham, wife of SNU President Loren Gresham, had two surgeries last week to remove cancerous tissue. A pathology report after the second surgery showed what the surgeon calls 'adequate margins' of healthy tissue surrounding those sections extracted on which to focus radiation for preventing return of the malignancy. She started the treatments Tuesday and is tolerating the effects of the beams well. If this protocol of treatment is successful she will complete 10 rounds of radiation on Monday the 23rd, and then will be monitored regularly in the future.

Diane Howard and Laura Farnsworth are still recovering from surgery.

Jerry Hollingsworth, Casey’s Dad, is in a difficult struggle with pancreatic cancer.

My wife Gloria’s Dad, Bob Robison, has pneumonia and is on oxygen.

People in our communities need Jesus.

Thanks for lifting up our brothers and sisters in prayer.

I saw a great column this week from Harvey Mackay. He is writing about business, but if you substitute the word “church” for “business”, I think it all applies. See what you think.
Building on the past to secure the future
One of the fastest growing hobbies today is genealogy—tracing your roots. It is fun to find out where you came from, how you got here, and what happened along the way. It can also help you determine your legacy.
I would submit that tracking your family tree is not just for families. It's also a good idea for businesses—how you got started, what accounted for your success, and where you are today. What is the root of your corporate culture? How did you become so successful from such humble beginnings? Or, on the other hand, when did the big happy family start to splinter?
If this sounds like an exercise in futility, consider this: Businesses come and go every single day. If businesses don't know why, or don't know how to adapt to changing requirements, the statistics will include them sooner rather than later.
Knowing the reason you are in business and what you plan to accomplish will help keep your doors open. Keeping an eye on long-term goals will help you build a solid foundation and stay in business when others are failing. Understanding your starting point, successes and failures helps prevent repeating mistakes. Remember the George Santayana quote: "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

Grace and peace,
Dave McKellips

Friday, November 13, 2009

May this weekend be one of rest and recentering, refreshment and rejuvenation, and most importantly, refocusing on you. Give me eyes to see where you are leading, ears to hear what you are saying, and a heart that follows wherever you may go. Amen.

Dear NEO family,

Greetings in the majestic name of Jesus! How appropriate that this Sunday, the Sunday after Veterans Day, is Don and Lois Nichols Day at Tahlequah. Don, a Marine and a life member of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, has pastored for 30 years in the Church of the Nazarene, the last 14 of these in Tahlequah. Don has served our District as a member of the Ministerial Studies and Credentials Board, Chairman of the Sunday School Ministries Board and a member of the Advisory Board. Don will preach on Sunday morning at Tahlequah with a reception for Don and Lois at 3pm at the church. The District family is welcome.

Following are pictures from some recent visits:

Collinsville, Nov. 8, 2009

Cleveland, Nov. 1, 2009

SNU Hall of Witnesses Induction Ceremony, Nov. 7
Tom Brown, Max and Rebecca Jetton, H.M. Curtis (Lyle’s Dad), Justine Knight, Revs. Spurgeon and O. Fae Hendrix (Christy Thornton’s grandparents), and Nina Gunter were among the 28 recipients.

The SNU Board of Trustees met Nov. 5 and 6. Here are a few hi-lights:
Fiscal year closed with a small surplus, an amazing accomplishment this past year. 20 years in a row SNU has had black ink budgets.
Jernigan Hall and Garey Dorm have been demolished and the new A.M. Hills Residential Complex is under construction.
Fall enrollment is up 2.8%, with a headcount of 2,110.
This is a year for accreditation visits. The North Central Association and their representatives of the Higher Learning Commission had a three day visit at SNU this fall and it went well.
Our Spiritual Development office has provided a busy and interesting Fall lineup of programs and activities. The theme for the year is “Sacred Stories,” and students, faculty and administrators have been challenged to find their story in the story of God.

We thank God for His on-going leadership of and provision for our University. We also are extremely grateful for the wise spiritual leadership of Dr. Loren Gresham, who has served as our President for 20 years. We have a great administrative team, faculty and staff. Let’s continue to pray for and support our university!

Jim Johnson, a local licensed minister from Hominy Church, has been appointed as pastor of the Barnsdall Church. We welcome Jim and look forward to his service to this congregation.

Primetime Director Doug Dawson reports that 89 have already signed up to attend the Primetime Dinner on Nov. 19 at Broken Arrow.

Manna House Update from Director Howard Essary:
We had our highest total attendance day of clients (families) on October 21, 2009, forty-six (46) families, which represents 142 people we assisted. We prayed with six to eight people.

It is a joy to serve alongside you in Northeast Oklahoma.

Dave McKellips

Monday, November 2, 2009

We begin, sometimes without realizing it, to worship things, to relate to them as persons. And in the process, we inevitably relate to other persons as if they were things.
- Edward J. Farrell, from his book Gathering the Fragments

Dear NEO Nazarene family,

I had the privilege of meeting with the Cleveland Board on Saturday for a Church/Pastor Review. This is a church navigating its way through change and I appreciated the Board and pastor’s willingness to work through some tough issues together, speaking the truth in love. They affirmed their pastor, Stephen Hundley and voted to continue the church/pastor arrangement. I was back on Sunday for worship and God met with us in a powerful way. God is working among the people of Cleveland and I rejoice.

I also met with the people of Barnsdall Church on Sunday afternoon. They have called a pastor and are waiting on confirmation that he is coming.

October was a tough month for many of our churches, especially with so much flu and sickness. Yet, our pastors still have found much to celebrate:


David Stevens, Vinita…God is faithful, even when all men fail. There is always a strong sense of His presence in our services. A couple who were members of the church in the past have returned and have been very faithful.

Gerald James, Claremore…Our church was blessed in being able to pray for and support our sister church in Chelsea. Our praise team went to worship with the Chelsea Church and then they had a great lunch afterwards. It was a great day! Enoch, Timothy, and Lydia (three leaders from the underground church in China) came and shared there story on Sunday, October 11th. They gave our church a tremendous blessing. We are still dealing with the aftermath of several challenges but I want to celebrate the fact that God is helping us to overcome!

Brad Farnsworth, Broken Arrow Connection…Messages are speaking to people’s needs; over 300 names of people who are far from God to pray for during current series, submitted by congregation; baptized an individual who has been struggling in his life to make things right.

Don Cowan, Sapulpa…Completion of the Family Life Center Gym floor; new excitement & vision for student ministries; renovation of Teen House; addition of new doors in main building and a new sign under construction; new families coming to church

Casey Hollingsworth, Miami New Life…Sunday worship services have been fantastic! God’s presence has been very real in our services and we’ve seen much obedience among God’s people. Had a board member come forward in one of our services and commit his life entirely to God’s work.

Nate Burns, Owasso Silver Creek…We have had lots of people with H1N1 or the regular flu this month. Not to mention all of the folks out of town! God is faithful, and in Jesus name we press on! Our Home Teams (small groups) are coming along. We are open sourcing a sermon series entitled "HELP" and we have invited the church to submit questions they want answered from scripture. We are also joining with Central Baptist Church and doing a combined Fall Festival at the 6th Grade Center. Finally, several of our ladies will be attending Women Of Faith in OKC, we praise God in advance for what He will do in the lives of those who go! Continuing to learn and to serve!

Pastor Dan Hazelton, Pryor ... 12-15 kids coming on Wednesday nights.

Pastor John Whitsett, Central…Serve People Sunday II went extremely well. The numbers above do not reflect the following relevant to SPS---approximately 250 participants … a service at Clarehouse Hospice facility w/ roughly 50 in attendance … a concert & cookout downtown that served approximately 350 people … 145 who returned that evening for the wrap-up fellowship … plus a number of other work projects across the metro area (landscaping for Hardcastle House, renovated children’s room at Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless, oil changes for single moms, extensive renovation of a preschool for underprivileged kids in north Tulsa, etc.)

Carl Brown, Hominy... This month was the 100th Year Anniversary for Hominy Church of the Nazarene and we had over 200 people attend our Sunday morning worship. It was filled to overflowing with God’s Family and Love. It is with a great love of God that we are starting our next 100 years fully devoted to the Rock of our Salvation, Jesus, all Praise, Honor and Glory we raise to Him.

Cole Weston, Okmulgee…Our ongoing Nobucks Ministry, drawing in around 6-7 college age each week, with new faces each week; the delivery of a projector from Broken Arrow to help in our Teen Ministry; the renovation (ongoing) of our youth center to begin moving services for them and better serving them; my wonderful church family who is helping every step of the way

Gordon Smith, Dewey…Pastor Alberto from the Dominican Republic joined us. In August, our Work & Witness team went on our first ever missions trip to the DR, and then God extended our missions trip, as he allowed for Pastor Alberto from Nueva Luz (the church we helped build on to their church) to come and preach, for fellowship, and to get a warm Oklahoma welcome!

Pastor Phil Buck, Grove…Our averages are not that good this month, we have had a lot of sickness going around. I do want to celebrate however, we had one of the best services ever in my ministry yesterday and I didn’t even get to preach. I started a series on James last week and had a second sermon prepared from chapter one. Several prayer needs were presented during the Sunday School hour and during the prayer chorus I felt God saying do a healing service from chapter 5 of James. That is the first time I have changed directions from my message in 15 years of preaching. We anointed 6 people and prayed over them and the Spirit of God was in this place. We had an unplanned prayer service and it was so unique to see the Lord move on this congregation. My shirt was wet with tears and I think nearly everyone else was the same. This service is in the record books as the best!

Wayde Normandin, Chelsea...We are so appreciative of the Claremore Nazarene Church for sending their worship team plus other members of their church (28 to be exact) to provide the worship on Sunday morning October 4th. We had a wonderful time of worship and had fellowship afterward with a cookout. It was a special time of connection with one of our zone churches as the church was filled with special music and laughter. A special thanks to Pastor J.J. and his congregation for their willingness to share their people with us.

NEO Top Leaders , October 2009

Sunday School/Discipleship
Broken Arrow First +27
Bristow +27
Wagoner Cornerstone +23
Skiatook +8
Dewey +6
Owasso Silver Creek +6
Reg. Park Hispanic +6
Horton Chapel +4
Miami New Life +4

AM Worship
Hominy +46
Collinsville +22
Bristow +17
Tulsa Family +15
Wagoner Cornerstone +11
Broken Arrow Connection +7
Cleveland +7
Chelsea +6
Chandler +1
Dewey +1
Hominy +1

Gloria and I will be hosting the South Central Region District Superintendents in Tulsa on Tuesday evening thru Thursday morning. Then we have SNU Board of Trustees meeting. I know your week will be full and I pray it will be full of grace, peace, hope and love.

Dave McKellips

Friday, October 30, 2009

By your Spirit, God, may we speak the truth in love. Keep us unafraid to tell the truth and to call for your justice; but keep us also gracious and loving, remembering that we too are broken sinners, redeemed only by your grace. Help us to walk this line, trusting you all the way.

Dear NEO Nazarene family,

Greetings in the strong name of Jesus! It is a joy to share with churches across Northeast Oklahoma. Last week I attended Connection Church, one of our NewStart churches in northeast Broken Arrow. Pastor Brad and Laura Farnsworth and providing excellent leadership and the church has had a new surge of visitors in recent weeks. This Sunday I get to preach at Cleveland in the morning and meet with Barnsdall in the afternoon.

Attached are pictures from our recent visit to Tahlequah. Continue to pray for Tahlequah and Barnsdall as we search for new pastors.
Tahlequah, October 18, 2009

The SNU Crimson Storm Men’s Basketball team playing at TU against the Golden Hurricane men on Monday evening, Nov. 2, 7pm.

Our mission as a denomination is to make Christlike disciples in the nations. I love the focus and clarity this gives to our task. But how are we really doing?

The words below from Gallup’s “Engaged Church” newletter need to be pondered:

If we surveyed the people in your church - how many people would say that one of the main purposes in their lives is to be a disciplemaker?

According to comparable studies by Gallup and the Barna Group - not many.

Both organizations confirm that while churches are busy doing a lot of things, there is one thing that the majority of them are failing to do and that is to "make disciples".

Can you imagine any other business in the world that failed at something so core to it's very existence?

"Hi welcome to McDonald's, would you like to try our new Pilates class?"

"Coach, what did your team practice this week in light of the upcoming World Series?" "Well, a number of the guys worked on their vocals for the post season family get together. A few of them were enjoying our new swimming class and a few others were - "



Too many of our churches are so busy "playing church" and "doing church" that they have forgotten what it means to "be the church". It's about making disciples. It's about leading people to spiritual maturity (Ephesians 5:1-2).

In March, 2009, Barna released the results of a study that showed churches were high on "pep talks and motivation" but light on actually defining spiritual maturity and a process for spiritual growth with over 80% of churches having no working definition of Spiritual Maturity.

That is the equivalent of a Football coach yelling at his players to "put it in the end zone" without even telling them what direction the end-zone is - not to mention the nearest First Down marker.

Gallup's study, highlighted in
Growing an Engaged Church shows that less than 20% of church members have been asked about their spiritual growth in the past 6 months - you can't manage what you can't measure and our churches are not giving members a measurable pathway for spiritual growth.

Churches need to be about the business of making disciples as much as McDonalds needs to be about the business of hamburgers and Baseball teams need to be about the business of Baseball.

It is great to be on the team with you. Let’s spur one another on as we take our discipleship task seriously!


Friday, October 23, 2009

We are building the church on the foundation someone else laid. The Church of tomorrow will be built on the foundation we are laying. – Ark Noel, Retired DS and a native of Hominy, at the Hominy Centennial Celebration

Dear NEO Nazarene family,

The statement above by Ark Noel makes me grateful for the saints who paved the way for you and me…and reminds me of the importance of what we are doing today for this generation and generations to come. May all who come behind us find us faithful.

Pastor Appreciation Month Affirms Ministry Leaders
You may not know it, but there individuals who have spent most of their lives in preparation to serve you and others like you. When God tugged at their hearts, they responded by dedicating their lives to meeting your needs—and thanked God for the opportunity. It is for awareness of our pastors’ dedication and service that October has been named “Pastor Appreciation Month.” Our appreciation of our pastors should not be limited to one month out of a year, but designating that month for that purpose gives us an opportunity to ponder the special ways our pastors bring a blessed friendship into our lives. Thank you, NEO Nazarene Churches, for the ways you have remembered your pastor this month

We are praising the Lord that Gloria Dannemann, our pastor’s wife from Fuente De Vida, was released on Thursday after 14 months of confinement in Argentina! Gloria must remain in Argentina for several more months as she faces an additional charge and as she works through the issues to related to the adoption of Gloria and Oto’s son, Marquitos. Otoneil will be able to go to Argentina in November to see Gloria and Marquitos. God is so good. Let us now pray that He will continue to help them and give them emotional and physical strength as they continue to work with their lawyer and authorities to resolve all issues.

SNU Crimson Storm Men’s Basketball team playing at TU against the Golden Hurricane men on Monday evening, Nov. 2, 7 pm.

I read an excellent book a few days ago – Walk with Me, A Biblical Journey in Making Christlike Disciples, by Hal Perkins. The book is about getting and giving the help needed to walk the way Jesus walked. It is insightful and practical and could help us rethink the goal and methodology of Sunday School/ Discipleship. I agree wholeheartedly with what Perkins says is “the best of what Sunday School ever was –a group of people who meet together weekly to care for each other, to seek God and His will together, and to help each other make progress in following Jesus.” (p. 56) Does this sound like what is happening in your SS and discipleship groups? If not, it is time to change our methods. I need that kind of group…and so do you.

Have a blessed weekend! You are loved!


Friday, October 16, 2009

Christian discipleship requires being held in love and being held accountable. We simply cannot follow Christ apart from a community that holds us in compassion and calls us to accountability. Solitary discipleship is a misnomer. We cannot be Christian alone.
- Kenneth Carder, Duke Divinity School professor and retired United Methodist bishop

Dear NEO family,

Greetings in the matchless name of Jesus. I hope you are walking in His presence and sharing His love and joy wherever you go on this beautiful fall day.

How blessed I have been this past week to share in so many positive experiences:

Last Saturday I was present when the Church of the Nazarene Foundation, through the generosity of the David Green family and Hobby Lobby, presented the deed to a large historic home to the Nazarene Student Center at the University of Oklahoma. David and Rhonda Kyncl are serving their 12th year as the ministry directors. The local ministry is known as the 2:8 House, based on 1 Thessalonians 2:8: "We loved you so much that we gave you not only God's Good News, but our own lives as well." The ministry initiatives include small group Bible studies, International food and game nights, and a free lunch for students every Tuesday. Students from more than 34 countries and 28 states have participated in some type of ministry event here in the past few years.

On Sunday morning I attended the Centennial Celebration at Hominy. Pastor Carl and Sandra Brown and the Hominy Church family helped us rejoice in the local and worldwide impact of the Hominy Church. I was moved to tears as I heard stories of laymen who sacrificed to see the church grow (e.g., three families mortgaged their homes so the Hominy building could be erected) and as letters were shared from former pastors recounting how the church’s love and support had helped shaped them. My guess is that every church on the NEO District has some wonderful stories like this. How grateful I am for sanctified, Nazarene laity.

On Sunday evening I conducted a very positive review for Pastor Gerald Burch at Coweta. It is such a joy to see a church united in Christian love and committed to the mission of making Christlike disciples!

Last night I had a chance to attend the revival at Cleveland with Rev. Bobby Huffaker speaking. The Holy Spirit’s presence was manifest throughout the service, which climaxed with the altars full, primarily with men. I am always encouraged to see men leading the way in seeking God with all of their hearts.

I am way behind in sharing pictures from our visits, so let me give you several today:

Hominy Centennial Celebration, Oct. 11, 2009

South County Community Church's One Year Birthday, Oct. 4, 2009

Pryor, Installation of Pastor Dan Hazelton, August 23, 2009

Okmulgee, Installation of Pastor Cole Weston, August 30, 2009

Muskogee, August 16, 2009

Nowata, August 23, 2009

Locust Grove, July 26, 2009

You may have students at OSU in Okmulgee. If so, let me tell you about something new there for college students (a student sent this to me on Facebook): Nobucks Coffee house night for OSUIT students; Wednesdays from 6:30 - 8:30pm; 1st Church of the Nazarene, 711 North Okmulgee. To see more details and RSVP, follow the link below:

Are you ready for the Red River Shootout tomorrow? Whoever wins (and I do have a strong preference!), I have great respect for their starting quarterback! Did you see the You Tube video featuring Colt and Sam? It is powerful!

I pray that you will have a blessed weekend, especially on the Lord’s Day! You are loved!

Dave McKellips

Friday, October 9, 2009

I am your message, Lord. Throw me like a blazing torch into the night, that all may see and understand what it means to be a disciple.
- St. Maria Skobtsova, Orthodox nun and martyr (1891-1945)

Dear NEO family,

Greetings in the strong name of Jesus! One of the great joys of being a DS is that I get to rejoice with pastors and churches in times of victory. Let me share a few of the things I am rejoicing in this week:

Stephen Hundley was one of the NEO pastors who attended the Holiness Summit last week. I received a call from Steve this morning. He preached Sunday on entire sanctification and had six seekers at the altar. Steve was able to personally pray with three of them and reports victory. PTL!

Brad Farnsworth reports that attendance is up 20% over last year at Connection Church. They sent a mailer to the community and had 20 new people show up on Sunday.

SoCo celebrated their one year anniversary last Sunday. For those not able to be there, the following video was shared in the service:

Nathan and Linda Covington are in Cali, Columbia for the Master’s Plan Conference. Nathan reports awesome prayer and worship.

Larry Morris told me that last Sunday morning God blessed them with one of the best services they have had since he began pastoring at Broken Arrow.

The Claremore and Sapulpa Churches are going to have leaders from China this coming Sunday. The following article from a Sapulpa newspaper reports on the Sunday evening service that some from across the District may be able to attend.

Sapulpa area residents have a rare opportunity to hear how God is working in China. Three outstanding leaders from the persecuted church in China will be sharing their testimonies and bringing up-to-date news of their work in this five thousand year old nation. The Sapulpa Church of the Nazarene is sponsoring a community-wide service at the Church of the Nazarene at 302 S. Elm Street on October 18, at 6:00 p.m. featuring three speakers.
Enoch was formerly director of the Far East region of “Every Home for Christ.” Enoch, and his partners, Timothy and his wife Lydia, are involved in training leaders in China. (For safety reasons their last names are withheld from this newspaper announcement.)
Timothy is a former leader of the Communist Youth Organization and a brilliant young leader. At one time he and Lydia, a powerful leader in her own right, were responsible for a network of Christian believers that numbered over 500,000.
These believers worship God at great risk, and what is happening in China today is one of the stellar events in global evangelism.

I not only share joys, but also burdens. I have spoken with many of our pastors about financial challenges they are facing, forcing some to reduce staff and mininstries. Others are struggling with declining attendance. Pastor H.B. London’s article this week was helpful in facing our numerical struggles:

I am sure many of you receive the Parade Magazine with your Sunday newspaper, but, most likely, a lot of you don't get to read it because of your busy schedule. So, if you did or if you didn't, let me share with you the results of a survey that appeared in Parade Magazine, October 4, 2009.
The survey polled 1,051 adults and asked questions related to one's spirituality. Let me spotlight several findings — knowing that this survey may appear more liberal than, say, one from Barna Research.
· Twenty-seven percent said they do not practice any kind of religion.
· Fifty percent said they rarely or never attend religious services.
· Twenty percent said they attend religious services anywhere from once a month to a few times a year.
· Thirty percent said they attend religious services once or more in a given week.
The real truth, according to some, is that only about one-half of those who claim to attend weekly actually do. You know how I estimate who goes to church? I just walk out into a neighborhood and take a look at the houses on a given block. Most are not in church.
What is the point of a survey such as the one Parade Magazine published? It just points out what we all know — that fewer and fewer people are attending church these days. How do we stem that tide?
1) I think each local church must take responsibility for its own "turf," so to speak, and develop creative ways to stimulate its people to become genuine salt and light.
2) Next, I believe the church must be built on a foundation of biblical truth rather than spiritual entertainment.
3) And, finally, I really believe we must be working hard to close the "back door." We need to know why people do not or no longer attend just as much as we need to know why they do attend.
Honestly, the Parade Magazine article was troubling, but it really was not surprising.
"Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another" (Hebrews 10:25).
Be blessed and be a blessing. —HBL

Hope the rain ends but the showers of blessings pour this Sunday at your church! You are loved!

Dave McKellips

Friday, October 2, 2009

God of mercy, we confess that we tend toward selfishness and pride over selflessness and humility. We have left undone those things which we ought to have done; and we have done those things which we ought not to have done. Have mercy on us and forgive us; restore us and enable us to live more fully for you. (adapted from The Book of Common Prayer)

Dear NEO family,

What a beautiful day it is in NEO! This week many of us basked in the beauty of holiness as we attended services at the SNU Holiness Summit. For those of you who missed it, I bought four of the DVDs. How could these be utilized? I am wondering...would it work to have a quarterly Holiness Summit on each NEO Zone? We could have a combined service with lively music and a chance to experience one of these challenging and hopeful messages on holiness. Let me know if your Zone is interested.

I encourage you to let me know about significant days of celebration or revival emphases in your local church. Here are a few I know about:

South County Community Church will be celebrating their one year anniversary with worship and a birthday party on Sunday, October 4 at 11 a.m.

Claremore Church has called this Sunday “Chelsea Sunday.” They are sending their praise team along with many of their members to be an encouragement and blessing to this neighboring church. (I rejoice in our “connections” – we really do need each other!)

Hominy Church invites you to join them for their 100th Anniversary Jubilee Celebration. The Homecoming will be on Saturday, Oct. 10, 2:00 – 6:00 p.m., Come and Go, Visiting and finger foods. The Jubilee Celebration Worship Service will be on Sunday, October 11, 10:30am, followed by lunch and fellowship. Call Pastor Carl or Sandra at 918.885.6262 with questions.

Tulsa Central and Tulsa Hills are both having a “Serve Sunday” on October 11, seeking to impact their communities through loving service in Christ’s name.

Cleveland is having Rev. Bob Huffaker for revival services on October 14 – 18.

Tulsa Regency Park is having Lennie and Joy Wisehart for revival services on November 15 – 18.

Tahlequah Church of the Nazarene will be celebrating the ministry of Don and Lois Nichols on Sunday, November 15. Don and Lois are retiring. A reception for Don and Lois will be held at 3pm at the church so those from other churches can join in honoring this dedicated couple.


H. Gordon Smith, III, Dewey…A couple of new families have been coming and they are on fire for evangelism!

Nathan Burns, Owasso Silver Creek… On Sept 20th we began our new Home Teams (small groups) and we have 30 more adults in these groups than we did with traditional Sunday School.

Saul Ramirez, Fe y Esperanza… I want to celebrate our first Anniversary was the last week and we have 50 persons celebrating with us the mercy of our God in the last year.

Oto Dannemann, Fuente de Vida… I want to celebrate that the church is encouraged. The new families are coming with regular attendance and some of them are taking responsibilities like make a breakfast each Sunday morning before Sunday School. Others decide to change the carpet for tiles in the kitchen and the entrance of the sanctuary. Others are going to care for the yard of the church. Really God is God with us.

John Whitsett, Central… An incredibly well received local church Women’s Retreat … a very positive staff/board planning session on Saturday 9/26 where a number of board members committed to lead by example when it comes to more fully establishing a culture of corporate prayer in the life of Central.

Don Cowan, Sapulpa…Nine (9) new members (8 – Profession of Faith; 1 – transfer); Associate of Families/Students (Mark and Ashley Sanford & two daughters ) have begun ministering; New families coming to Church

Dwain Young, Horton Chapel…We had a very good week end with Rev Stan and Pat Meek with the focus on Missions, renewal and revival.

Harold Johnson, Cushing… We had the largest Alabaster Offering in years with the offering totaling $293!

Stephen Hundley, Cleveland…Having Spirit-filled services every week. Praise God!
Looking forward to an excellent Fall Revival with Rev. Bobby Huffaker!

Angela Bentley, Bristow… A very successful VBS! Due to our summer basement disaster, we had to postpone VBS until now. We had over 42 kids and teens attend, which yielded many new contacts. Thursday night 18 children and one teen accepted Christ as their Savior and Best Friend. Praise Jesus! Our VBS program, which happened to be the final Sunday of an equally successful Sunday School drive, was attended by 88 people, our second highest attended service in four years. Our church board has decided it is time to hire a bi-vocational youth pastor to help us grow and develop our children and youth. The Spirit is moving in Bristow and we are privileged to be a partner in what He is doing.

Casey Hollingsworth, Miami New Life… Held our first ever ‘New Life Men’s Retreat’ in Branson, MO. The men were able to connect with God and with one another in an amazing way. We saw some life transformations take place during the time we were together.

Gerald “J.J.” James, Claremore…We hosted the Isaacs in concert and had the biggest crowd we have ever had on our property. Six hundred and forty three people came out that night. It was quite a night for our church! My wife and I were able to enjoy a seven day spiritual retreat last week. We spent the week just enjoying the Lord and resting. It was wonderful and very much needed.

David Stevens, Vinita…Two former members of the church have been attending for over a month and are asking to renew their membership. The sense of God’s presence in our services is strong and a great blessing. The Holiness Summit at SNU helped me step back and review my own beliefs and to remember why I choose to be a Pastor in the Church of the Nazarene. If a person really is a disciple who obediently follows Christ in all areas of his or her life, empowered by the indwelling Holy Spirit, that disciple will have peace in all circumstances, victory in their faith-walk, and hope everlasting. Not only that, but that disciple will also have a High-Impact life.

Randy Schuneman, Bartlesville…I baptized a young man Sunday Morning who I had worked with for the last four years. Jimmy's story is amazing! Before coming to our church, he had only been to church when he was 7. The pastor decided to baptize every child that day in an old stinky creek. Jim is 6 foot 5 now, but he cried like a baby after the baptismal service.

Rodney Durr, Muskogee…over $25,000 committed to Faith Promise, exceeding our goal of $18,000 by more than $7,000. The amount promised was about double our World Evangelism Fund.

Doug Gunsalus, Glenpool South County Community…We have had such a wonderful month. The spirit of the lord had been with SoCo. We have seen 2 more come to christ and several raised their hands their hands when asked if they wanted Jesus to be lord of their life. We also have had around 20 respond to our first membership classes. We will be having our membership ceremony this Sunday as we celebrate our first year! We also have several that will be baptized at the end of October. I am really looking forward to that. Like I said,
God is blessing SoCo and he is really continuing his work in me! I love him with all my heart and I wait in eager anticipation for what he is going to do next.

Cole Weston, Okmulgee… Our wonderful prayer group, faithfully attended by 12 folks each week; my mother’s delivery from a tumor, which was removed by capable surgeons; our Teen/Youth Group event which brought 9 teens. The Youth Group functionally did not exist prior to this, so starting a new one is a big priority.

Brad Farnsworth, BA Connection…Sept. 13th we celebrated our one year anniversary. What an incredible day of celebrating what God has done. 150+ gathered to celebrate, 3 were baptized, and we raised $2,800 for the Kenya Water Well project (we needed $2,500). The stories of life change were amazing.

NEO TOP LEADERS (in average attendance over September, 2008)

Sunday School/Discipleship
Broken Arrow First +34
Bristow +25
Wagoner +21
Sand Springs +14
Skiatook +10
Hominy +7
Miami New Life +7
Okmulgee +6
Horton Chapel +5
Mannford +4

AM Worship
Bristow +25
Horton Chapel +16
Sand Springs +16
Hominy +8
Miami New Life +8
Collinsville +7
Okmulgee +7
Mannford +5
Wagoner +4
Broken Arrow First +3
Muskogee +3

It is a joy to be a part of the NEO team! You are loved!

Dave McKellips

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Lord, let the thick skin that covers me not be a hindrance to you. Pass through it. My eyes, my hands, my mouth are yours. This sad lady in front of me: here is my mouth for you to smile at her ... This smug young man, so dull, so hard: here is my heart, that you may love him, more strongly than he has ever been loved before.
- Madeleine Delbr’l, Missionary and activist (1904-1964)

Dear NEO Family,

It is great to be back in Oklahoma for a few days! Gloria and I just returned from a 19 day trip that was a mix of business and vacation. Here is a brief synopsis:
  • We started out in Rochester, NY at the home of my sister, Leah, and brother-in-law, David. It was our first ever visit to her home and the city. We toured the George Eastman home and Kodak museum, took a short cruise on the Erie Canal, visited Letchworth State Park and enjoyed conversation, laughter, food and dominoes.
  • Next we went to District Superintendent’s Leadership Development Program in Niagara Falls, Ontario. This was the first time for Gloria or me to see the Niagara Falls. They are spectacular! The meetings were very helpful. Michael Henderson was the keynote presenter, leading us in several sessions focused on methods of making disciples. We also had workshops on pastoral reviews, innovations in District Assemblies and case studies dealing with legal and disciplinary matters. Dr. Jess Middendorf made a presentation on the new methods of “Funding the Mission”.
  • We then flew to Boston for a week of vacation. Eastern Nazarene College was our base of operation. We were tourists to the max - walking the Freedom Trail, riding on the Duck Tour, seeing baseball at Fenway, touring Harvard Square, the Adams Historical Homes, and the JFK Library and Presidential Museum, driving to the North Shores, Plymouth and even Maine. While in Portland, Maine waiting to be seated at D’Millo’s floating restaurant, President George and Barbara Bush walked right by us on their way to their table, so Gloria and I shook President Bush's hand. What a full and fun week we had!
  • We flew back to Dallas in time to dedicate our newest granddaughter, Ellianna Nicole Mitchell, at Richardson Church of the Nazarene. How thankful I am to have children who are passing on the faith to the next generation.

Thank you for providing me time away for vacation and for making it possible for Gloria and I to attend the DSLDP each year. We are blessed to be a part of the NEO team!

Holiness Summit
Southern Nazarene University
September 27-29, 2009

Schedule of Services and Speakers:

Sunday September 27, 6:00 PM – Dr. Stan Toler. Dr. Toler, prolific writer, pastor, leader, and newly elected General Superintendent for the Church of the Nazarene.

Monday September 28, 9:00 AM – Dr. Cliff Sanders. Dr. Sanders is a professor at Mid-America Christian University in Oklahoma City, OK.

Monday September 28, 10:30 AM – Dr. Louie Bustle. Dr. Bustle is director for World Mission for the Church of the Nazarene

Monday September 28, 7:00 PM - Dr. Robert (Bob) Broadbrooks. Dr. Broadbooks presently serves the Church of the Nazarene as the USA/Canada Mission/Evangelism Director

Tuesday September 29, 9:00 AM – Dr. Talmadge Johnson. Dr. Johnson, General Superintendent Emeritus currently serves as District Superintendent for the Southwest Oklahoma District of the Church of the Nazarene.

Tuesday September 29, 10:30 AM – Dr. Nelson Perdue. Dr. Perdue is a tenured evangelist in the Church of the Nazarene

Tuesday September 29, 7:00 PM – Dr. Tom Hermiz. Dr. Hermiz serves as the General Superintendent of the Churches of Christ in Christian Union based in Circleville, Ohio. .

Evening services will be conducted in Herrick Auditorium / Morning sessions will be held in Cantrell Hall

The stats and sharing from our pastors are a few weeks old, but let me go ahead and pass on words of celebration and a list of our statistical leaders in August.


Don Nichols, Tahlequah… Four People were baptized at our Baptismal Service.

Phil Buck, Grove Lakewood Community… We have some new couples coming and they have been a couple Sundays in a row. We had a southern gospel concert today with The Tulsans and it was another great day. They are a wonderful quartet with beautiful harmony. Of course I cooked BBQ and we had a typical Nazarene pot luck dinner!! We had 42 in church today!

Claude Guy, Sand Springs… Continual Spirit-filled services. 3 baptized and 7 brought into membership. To God be ALL the glory!

Jim Wilson, Barnsdall… Many of those suffering physical ailments in the church are making full recoveries.

Jim Wilson, Pawhuska…We baptized two people this month and received one new member with 2 more to come.

Harold Johnson, Cushing… I do want to praise God. We are seeing new people in our church. Last Sunday, five of those in attendance were new people who started coming in Aug.

John Whitsett, Tulsa Central… Numbers held up very well during the weeks I was away. I heard a number of reports about a powerful move of the Spirit on Sunday, August 16.

Jim Thornton, Tulsa Hills… Five families in their 20’s (plus the pastor and his beautifully youthful bride) came together for a great time of grillin’ and chillin’ on a Sunday night. Lot’s of fun. We are now enjoying the newly redecorated foyer space with a Starbucks theme. The goal is to nurture an atmosphere for Casual Fellowship.

Otoniel Dannemann, Fuente de Vida… This month we had an outreach and we had revival and thanks be to God we have 12 new conversion as the fruit of this activity.
In the same way we in the Morning Worship the last Sunday of August we have a new family receiving Jesus like a personal savior.

Alan McBroom, Davenport… In September the church will have a work day to improve the looks of both the Fellowship Hall and the Parsonage.

David Stevens, Vinita…Slow steady growth is best in the small community. Again this month we have gained in our average attendance over last year. A new lady has requested baptism. Our Caravans program is starting up with great interest and excitement again this year. We have a new leader for the Wednesday Night Teen class. Ben Stevens (Teen Pastor) started his college classes this Fall and is doing well.
A year ago I was reporting that Carol Stevens was in therapy for her broken leg. Today she hardly notices the leg, mostly she feels it when the weather is changing. Thank God for a good recovery!
I felt God was leading to have a special emphasis service on Divine Healing. At the close of the 8/23/09 morning worship service 10 people came forward to be anointed. One lady was facing a risky surgery; doctors were afraid she could not handle the stress of anesthesia. The surgery went without a hitch or problem! Another of our members was anointed to represent a family who had a terrible car crash in our community. Early reports said that the 12-year-old boy had no brain activity. The next week we had a report that he was recovering and they were do facial reconstruction surgery. We are expecting to hear more wonderful reports of healing! God is faithful!

Casey Hollingsworth, Miami New Life… Great services! I’ve been preaching a series on Holiness asking the question, “Is it dead or alive?” Have had great responses to our services and lives are being transformed!

Don Cowan, Sapulpa…14 People who have completed the Membership Class; hiring of a new Associate of Families/Students (Mark and Ashley Sanford & two daughters ) Starting the first Sunday of October; New families coming to Church.

(increase in weekly attendance over August, 2008)

Sunday School/Discipleship
Wagoner +27
Fe y Esperanza +25
Hominy +22
Sand Springs +20
Regency Park +8
Collinsville +7
Horton Chapel +6
Chelsea +5
Mannford +4
Grove Lakewood Community +1

AM Worship
Fe y Esperanza +34
Sand Springs +23
Wagoner +21
Broken Arrow First +15
Collinsville +14
Mannford +8
Horton Chapel +6
Chelsea +5
Dewey +5
Okmulgee +5
Owasso Silver Creek +5

Saturday, Sept. 19, was our first Area Bible Quiz. We had 8 churches (Bartlesville, Broken Arrow, Central, Claremore, Cleveland, Family, Owasso, and Pryor) participating with 35 Blue Level quizzers and 23 Red Level quizzers. We had three children with perfect rounds!!! We are learning some interesting things about Joshua and the Israelites on their journey to the Promised Land. We have a new study this year from Joshua, Judges and Ruth; very interesting and challenging. Thanks to all the churches, volunteers, parents and children for working so hard.
Thanks, Ms. Rachel Bess

Our District Marriage and Family Coordinators, David and Lisa Frisbie, have just released a brand-new Leader’s Guide for small group study of "The Soul-Mate Marriage: The Spiritual Journey of Becoming One." The Leader’s Guide is COMPLETELY FREE; download it from the landing page of the Frisbie’s website:

I leave this afternoon for Nazarene Bible College Trustees’ meeting. It will be a joy to be with our former DS, Harold Graves, who is serving so capably as President of NBC. I will give Harold and Cheryl greetings from the NEO family.

You are loved and appreciated!

Dave McKellips

Friday, September 18, 2009

Where is the District Superintendent?

The DS has been attending DSDL meetings in Niagra Falls. As you can see, he is working really hard to be able to come home and minister to pastors and churches on the District.

Gloria also attended these meetings with Dave. She has a heart to minister to Pastors wives!

They are working tirelessly and attending meetings to learn and grow in the Lord. Rarely taking time to eat ....

Or meet important people....

But when they do meet new people they are gracious and humble and never make a scene.

It will sure be nice to have the DS and Gloria back home soon. Maybe he'll be bringing something from his meeting to share with everyone on the District......

Monday, August 31, 2009

Dewey Mission Trip Pictures

Dear Friends,
Here are some pictures of our Work & Witness Trip to the Dominican Republic. It was the first Work & Witness trip that has ever been done here at Dewey Church of the Nazarene that has been in existence since 1924! We are excited! I hope you enjoy the pictures! The project we did actually coincided with Compassion International to provide more space for the children that they are serving through Compassion! That was truly a joy for me! Talk to you soon! DR-412 is the church we served at!

In Christ's Love,

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Dear NEO Nazarene family,

August has been a tremendous month here in NEO, and I’m not just talking about the weather. August has been the month to install new pastors. On August 2, we installed Brady Wisehart at Family Church; on August 23 we installed Dan Hazelton at Pryor; and on August 30 we will install Cole Weston at Okmulgee. We welcome these pastors and their families to the NEO family!

What a great team of pastors we have in NEO! This past Monday and Tuesday, 40 of the pastors gathered for BREAKAWAY at New Life Ranch. The focus was on refreshing our relationship with God and with one another. I enjoyed the sand volleyball, playing Farkle and the waterfront activities, but I especially enjoyed the worship and prayer times led by Gary Reynolds and Jim Thornton.

Let me share some pictures from earlier this summer:

Claremore Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for new facilities, July 19

Tulsa First, July 19

Family Church, Installation of Pastor Wisehart, August 2

Two of our New Start Churches will be celebrating their one year anniversaries soon. Connection Church, led by Pastor Brad Farnsworth, will celebrate on September 13 and South County Community Church, led by Pastor Doug Gunsalus, will celebrate on October 4. Starting new churches is not easy, but God is blessing both of these churches. Pastor Doug recently said to me, “I almost forgot to tell you that last Sunday was our largest attendance to date. We had 108 total people here for our 11am worship. I think God is really moving at SoCo. Not sure why, but I love him so much and thank him for blessing! I know that every Sunday can't be our best day of worship or our largest attendance or whatever, but I love the fact that he keeps giving us something to praise him for each and every week. He is truly my deliverer. I am ecstatic about the work that we get to be a part of here.”

Bartlesville First Church is growing the church the old fashioned way – with a Baby Boom this year. And the pastoral staff is leading the way! Children’s pastor, Josh Turner and his wife, Rachelle, are proud parents of Hila Marie Turner, born August 18. And Levi Allen Rogers was born to Youth Pastor, Jade Rogers and his wife, Michelle, on August 21. I expect announcements any day from the Meltons and Schunemans! If we are going to “Strive for Five” with the Pastoral Staff, the Dennisons may need to join in.

As we welcome new life, we also say goodbye to those who have gone on to their eternal home. Rev. Harold Morgan passed away on Monday, August 24. His funeral will be on Friday, August 28, 2pm at Mercer/Adams Funeral Home in Bethany.

Holiness Today, a Publication of the Church of the Nazarene. September is subscription month. We encourage you to subscribe to our Denominational Magazine through your local church or call 1-800-877-0700.

Don Cowan told me this week that a new associate pastor will be coming to Sapulpa beginning October 4. Mark and Ashley Sanford and children Olivia Cooper (2 ½) and Emma Grace (1) will be moving from Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Lois Nichols has some fluid removed from her lungs last week and they found cancer in it. On the positive side, Don says that the medicine they are using to fight the cancer has been effective in the past with Lois, so they are hopeful again. Let’s continue to pray for Don and Lois as they serve the Tahlequah Church and battle cancer.

Otoneil Danneman reports a major breakthrough in the legal battle Gloria is going through in Argentina. There are still other battles to be fought, but we are hopeful for her release in a few months. Let’s continue to pray.

Background checks help uncover criminal history:
Some 450 churches have requested more than 5,000 background checks since LifeWay Christian Resources teamed up with last year to offer discounted background checks to ministries around the nation, reports As a result, 80 screenings uncovered serious felony offenses and more than 600 people were found to have had some type of criminal history that may have disqualified them from volunteering or working at a church.
That means around 13.6 percent, or roughly one in seven, of applicants were found to have a criminal history. "Good guys don't wear superhero capes, and bad guys don't always have shifty eyes and devious-sounding chuckles. In real life, discerning the heroes from the villains often requires more than a visual assessment," commented Brooklyn Noel Lowery, a spokesperson for LifeWay. "That means you can't know whether someone is 'good' or 'bad' by looking at them when they walk through the front door of your church and volunteer to serve," she added. []

Have a great week! You are loved!
Dave McKellips

Friday, August 14, 2009

Dear NEO family,

Rev. Dan Hazelton received a unanimous call to be the pastor at Pryor. Some modifications are being made in the parsonage and Dan, Dannel, Cassie, Austin, David and Emily will be moving there soon.

Rev. Cole Weston will be voted on by the Okmulgee Church this Sunday.

Rev. Jeff Wooten had a very positive review last Sunday at Wagoner and he and Christie will continue their service there.

Enjoy an evening of Fun, Fellowship and Friends at Naz Nite 2009! September 4, 2009, 6pm – midnight. Tickets are only $28.99 each + tax when purchased by August 20, 2009 ($49.99 each + tax if purchased at the park’s main gate.) One free return ticket valid any operating day in September 2009 will be automatically issued for every ticket pre-purchased. Every local church has been sent brochures with more details, or you can visit Promo code: SNUNAZNITE

I always find inspiration, insight and challenge in Holiness Today. I encourage you to subscribe to our Denominational Magazine through your local church or call 1-800-877-0700.

The Crisis Care Kits and School Pal-Paks from Northeast Oklahoma were delivered to the warehouse in Pennyslvania, Wednesday, July 8th, 2009. To the best of my knowledge these boxes are being sent to Ethopia. Churchs participating in this years shipment are: Bristow, Broken Arrow, Chelsea, Claremore, Cleveland, Collinsville, Grove, Mannford, Okmulgee, Pawhuska, Tahlequah, Tulsa Hills, and Tulsa Central. If you haven't sent your $10 per box shipping fee to Phyllis Mayberry yet please do so as soon as possible. For the calander year 2008 the warehouse made 14 shipments of 17,000 boxes with a value of $2,300,000.00 US dollars. The next delivery to the warehouse will be made after the next District Assembly unless we get an emergency appeal for kits. Thank you for all you do for Missions. Little is Much when GOD is in it. Troy Farmer

Kendra, member of Tulsa Central and a Junior at SNU, closed a recent letter with these words: And now I’m back in the U.S. where it’s much less humid, much easier to understand people, and a much different culture. I am beyond glad and grateful that I was able to have this experience and be a part of God’s global kingdom. I saw the beauty of God all around me in such an amazing landscape that is indescribable, and I saw the corruption and mismanagement of humans coming through in corrupt governments, disparity and poverty, but mostly and most lasting I saw God work through me and my teammates to minister to others and to be ministered to, in ways we never expected.

Lastly, thank you, thank you, and thank you. Thank you for your prayers, your support, for listening, for caring and for making a difference in my life. God always proves his faithfulness to me through the people in my life and this summer was no different. Thank you for investing in my summer and for sharing it with me. Kendra

“The reality of God's presence is not dependent on any place, but only dependent upon the determination to set the Lord always before us.” Oswald Chambers

"I have but one passion - it is He, it is He alone. The world is the field and the field is the world; and henceforth that country shall be my home where I can be most used in winning souls for Christ." Count Zinzindorf

Praise God from whom all blessing flow, Praise Him all creatures here below! The Martin family is rejoicing today! We serve a mighty God. We serve a God of tender mercy, love and grace. We serve a God of miracles! We spent the majority of today at the pulmonologist office. Johnathan was retested to see how effective the infusion treatments he has received the past two months have been. ALL HIS BREATHING TEST WERE IN THE NORMAL RANGE! PRAISE GOD!!! The doctors were amazed at the results of his treatments. I'm always amazed to see what God does when His children call on the name of Jesus and stand of God's word. God is faithful! We were told that the progression of lung disease has been stopped at this time, and Johnathan can begin to taper off his oxygen during the day and only required to use the oxygen at night. He will continue to need the treatments for the rest of his life. We stand on Jeremiah 29:11 " For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Thank you for your prayer support and words of encouragement. We will continue to pray for complete healing and trust God in all things.
Debbie and Phil Martin

(From The Pastor's Pen, a publication of Muskogee 1st Nazarene)
This past Sunday morning I took a Nazarene vow. Not a Nazarite vow. That is something entirely different. (You can google it.) No, the Nazarene vow that I took was that if we have 200 or more for worship on August 16, I will shave my head. The last time I had a crew cut was in early elementary school, but I vowed to go further than a crew cut.
In my Sunday evening message entitled, "What Kind of Fool Am I?" I suggested that we are all a fool of some type: an unbelieving fool, and unprepared fool, or an unashamed fool for Christ. I am actually looking forward to the witnessing opportunities that it brings my way when people ask why I did it. I will simply tell them that I did it not because of the August heat, but because I wanted more people to learn how they can escape the eternal heat of hell.
I am really not looking forward to being bald, but I hope that you will plan to be here and contact as many absentees as you can and invite as many people as possible to church that day. I am willing to shave my head. Are you willing to take a risk and invite someone to church? Are you willing to be an unashamed fool for Christ?

What a great team we have in NEO! It is a joy to serve alongside you!

Dave McKellips
NEO District Superintendent

Friday, July 31, 2009

Dear NEO family,

What an absolutely wonderful week this has been weather wise! Whenever we have rain and temperatures in the 80’s during the last week of July, we feel blessed in Oklahoma. I hope the week has also brought showers of blessing to your life, your family and your church.

Some have asked about pictures of that beautiful girl born in Dallas on July 19. I just happen to have a few pictures of Elliana Nicole Mitchell that I can share:

At one of the workshops I attended at General Assembly, Merritt Nielson spoke of the need for small group gatherings (Sunday School, home groups, etc) that compliment the large congregational assemblies. In the smaller groups people make friends (otherwise they make tracks…out the door); in the smaller group, people’s input is valued; the smaller group- Sunday School in most of our churches – is the church organized to carry out the Great Commission in tangible and practical ways.

Whatever you call these small gatherings, they need to…
Provide opportunity to study God’s word
Encourage life change
Cultivate relationships
Promote participation
Reproduce leaders
Provide care
Multiply and divide

District Boards meeting this month: Your input needed. Our District Sunday School/Discipleship Board, our District Nazarene Youth International Council and our District Nazarene Missions International Council will all be meeting in the next three weeks. How can these District teams resource ministry in your church? How can they serve as catalysts for growth at the local level? We welcome your input.

I want to celebrate… (from Pastor's monthly reports)

Stephen Hundley, Cleveland...we had a great Baptismal Service, this month. Having Spirit-filled services every week. Praise God!

David Stevens, Vinita… “There are no little people, no little places.” Francis Schaefer. There are so many wonderful things about serving as Pastor in the smaller group. We really enjoy the closeness and fellowship of Vinita Nazarene. During July we had the usual Sundays with low attendance because of vacations. On those Sundays there is a strong sense of closeness and fellowship. We also had a couple of Sundays with higher than average attendance, and so our average increased over last year. We have every indication that the growth trend will continue with new people attending, and everyone saying they love this church.

Alan McBroom, Davenport...8 kids going to Kids Kamp and having an eternal impact on their lives! Vacation is good! We served dozens of people this month with our clothes ministry, the “Clothes Closet.

Jim Wilson, Barnsdall…Many of those suffering physical ailments in the church are making full recoveries.

Jim Wilson, Pawhuska…Attendance has been up, a new order of service is helping us connect in worship, and Pastor Jim received an encouraging review.

Jim Thornton, Tulsa Hills…Dedicated two more children.

Dwain Young, Horton Chapel… Horton Chapel provided a Sponsor for Children's Camp and we sent and paid the way for eight girls to attend. Next week, August 5,6 and 7 we will be having VBS.

John Whitsett, Tulsa Central… Harold McKellips is feeling remarkably better in the wake of getting the injection in his back! And---although numbers have been down with people on vacation, we’ve had really good services marked by a sense of God’s presence. The Sunday of our VBS program had a number of guests present.

J.J. James, Claremore…On July 19th we dedicated our new Family Center and Parking Lot. We are all glad to be at the end of this project and look forward to using these tools to reach out to others in our community.

Casey Hollingsworth, Miami New Life…The church overwhelmingly voted to accept the building committee’s 3 phase building plan. This has helped to create much excitement and unity around a central purpose in our church. We can’t wait to get things going!

Angela Bentley, Bristow… a great hunger for God, a burden for the lost, and persevering spirits in our people, even in the midst of many trials. The Holy Spirit has been present in mighty ways in our services with the entire family gathering at the altar for anointed times of prayer. We are anticipating great things from God in our future. God miraculously provided funds for 11 teens to go to camp. Only one of these teens had ever been to camp before. He continues to do amazing things in our youth. Our commitment to reaching the lost and ministering to the “least of these” provided us an opportunity to minister to a segment of people we might not have interacted with before through the tragic death of a young man connected to our youth outreach. We are hearing reports in the community that we are becoming known as the church where people can go when they have nowhere else to turn. Praise the Lord!

H. Gordon Smith, III, Dewey…The Wilson family joined our church this month, and have been ongoing faithful attenders, and it is great to have them committed to our church. I would especially like to celebrate a man who 2 months ago was so far from the Lord, and his marriage, family, and life was falling apart. He re-committed his life to the Lord this last month, and he is on fire for the Lord, and his marriage is being restored! The transformation has been tremendous! Praise the Lord!

Don Cowan, Sapulpa… New Children’s program – Boomerang Kids; Decisions for salvation made at Kidz Kamp; New families coming to the church .

Wayde Normandin, Chelsea… This past month we had four teenage young ladies make a commitment to God, themselves, their friends and their future mate to a lifetime of purity including sexual abstinence until the day they enter a biblical marriage relationship.

NEO TOP LEADERS (in attendance gain over last year's averages)
Sunday School/Discipleship
Tulsa Family +251
Fe y Esperanza (new start) +25
Sapulpa +17
Sand Springs +13
Bristow +12
Hominy +7
Skiatook +7
Davenport +1
Tulsa Hills +1

BA Connection (new start) +96
Fe y Esperanza (new start) +30
Bristow +16
Wagoner +6
Pawhuska +5
Tulsa Central +5
Cleveland +3
Miami New Life +3
Vinita +3
Collinsville +2
Sapulpa +2
Tulsa Living Hope +2

Grace and peace,

Dave McKellips

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Dear NEO family,

Last evening I had the privilege to attend Kids Kamp II. I was refreshed immediately after arriving at the camp with a second baptism (ask the campers for details). I enjoyed watching our kids do Bible Quizzing, ate dinner and took a walk to “Inspiration Point”. But the hi-light of any camp for me is the worship service.

It was interesting how last night’s worship touched me. As the speaker challenged us to find ourselves in God’s story and to offer ourselves and our future in surrender to God, I encountered God in a fresh way and offered myself anew to him. It brought me back to many camp experiences, especially a youth camp at Roaring River State Park in 1969, where my encounter with God was life changing.

Let’s pray that encounters with God by our children and youth at camps the past two weeks will continue to bear fruit. And let’s renew our own commitments, offering ourselves and our futures to God. Last night Monty Nichols led the kids in singing the following song. Why don’t you pray it right now?

Lifesong ------Casting Crowns
Empty Hands held high
Such Small sacrifice
If not joined with my life
I sing in vain tonight

May the words I say
And the things I do
Make my lifesong sing
Bring a smile to you

Chorus:Let my lifesong sing to You
Let my lifesong sing to You
I want to sign your name
to the end of this day
Knowing that my heart was true
Let my lifesong sing to You

LORD, I give my life
A Living sacrifice
To reach a world in need
To be your hands and feet
So may the words I say
And the things I do
Make my lifesong sing
Bring a smile to You

We are a part of a great team! Youth and Kids Kamps remind us of the joys of being a part of a district team. We need each other. We are better together.

This morning two checks came in the mail from churches that were not able to pay all of their budgets in 2008-09. I opened the envelopes with thanksgiving for churches who work so diligently to pay their fair share of our team budget. It is a joy to serve alongside you.

New grandbaby. Gloria and I are the proud grandparents of little Elliana Nicole Mitchell; 6 lbs., 4 oz.; 18 1/2 inches long. All is well...everyone is fine even though she came two days prior to a scheduled C Section. Keri was in labor all day and they delivered her via a c section around 7 pm Sunday evening (19th). Keri, Damien and Elliana went home on Thursday and Gloria is there helping. Thanks for your prayers and support. Let me know if you want to see pictures.

Church News: Brady Wisehart has arrived to be lead pastor at Tulsa Family. The Okmulgee Board has interviewed Cole Weston and are recommending him to the congregation for a vote on August 16. Pryor is interviewing Dan Hazelton this coming Wednesday. Tulsa Southwest has asked Nick Vernier to serve as Interim Pastor, anticipating around a six month interim.

Praying that my lifesong will bring a smile to His face!
Dave McKellips